Welcome to University Student Housing!

First, thank you for choosing University Student Housing as your home – we are so excited to meet you!

The regulations and policies of the Residence Hall Community Standards supplement the MSU Code of Student Conduct. The Code of Student Conduct applies to all students on and off campus, inclusive of all on campus communities as well as dining facilities. In University Student Housing, student conduct and/or Community Standards violations can be handled by University Student Housing staff, or Dean of Students as outlined in MSU Code of Student Conduct.

A student who violates any policies in the Residence Hall Community Standards and/or Code of Student Conduct may be accountable to civil and criminal authorities, as well as to the university. 

Disciplinary action at the university may proceed even while a criminal investigation is in progress.

These Community Standards are subject to change and students will be notified of any changes through their preferred email address indicated in MyInfo.

Overview of On Campus Housing

This Community Standards guide is a supplement to the University Student Housing Residence Hall Contract. Residents are responsible for knowing and adhering to both the information in this guide, the Code of Student Conduct, and the information in the contract. If there are any questions, residents can ask their Resident Advisor (RA) or Community Director (CD) for clarification.

Office Hours and After-Hours Assistance

Location: 31 Hedges Complex, underneath Miller Dining Commons
Hours: M-F 8am-5pm
Phone: 406-994-2661
Email: housing@montana.edu

After Hours Assistance

RAs are available after-hours to assist with concerns around safety and security, lockouts, and immediate maintenance issues.  You can contact our after hours staff by visiting the front desk of your community or using the after hours number provided to you at check in.

Community Support

  • A Resident Advisor (RA) is assigned to each living area within the Residence Halls. You will be given your RA’s contact information upon arrival, and you will most likely first meet your RA at your first floor meeting. Your RA serves as a resource to answer questions, mediate roommate, or neighbor concerns, follow up on policy violations, plan and facilitate community events, and more.
  • The Community Director (CD) is a full-time professional employees who has at least a Bachelor's Degree or equivalent experience and who have extensive experience in the field of Student Housing. This live-in position is responsible for the total administration and operation of the Apartments community.
  • We work hard to connect Students with campus and community resources so watch for great opportunities to engage with a variety of resources via newsletter, Facebook, email, etc.

Helpful Information & Processes

Code of Student Conduct

The Code of Student Conduct is applied in University Student Housing and Dining Halls. Students at Montana State University are responsible for reading and adhering to the Code of Student Conduct.https://www.montana.edu/knowyourcode/

Internet & Wireless Connectivity

MSU ResNet is a campus network that provides a dedicated network connection for students living in the residence halls and University Student Apartments. ResNet provides high-speed wired and wireless connectivity for students across campus. ResNet is managed by MSU’s Auxiliary Services IT Division, and they support the university's academic mission by providing students with a range of essential technologies and services.

You can expect reliable networks designed for your success. Our wired and wireless networks are built on a 10GB fiber-optic backbone, which keeps students connected at speeds comparable to, if not better than, high-speed home DSL/cable service. Students benefit from reliable, 24-7 connectivity, and our dedicated technical staff are always on call to keep the networks up and running.

ResNet also provides a free, full-service helpdesk to support your computing needs. For more information, please contact ResNet at 406-994-1929 or email auxithelp@montana.edu.

ResNet Wired and Wireless Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)

If you are experiencing issues with your internet connection, please submit a help ticket by emailing auxithelp@montana.edu or by calling 406-994-1929.  

Hall Contract

All newly admitted first-year students and transfer students with fewer than 30 post-high school credits must live in the residence halls for the first two consecutive terms of their attendance. Credits taken concurrent with high school and/or credits attained through Advanced Placement (AP) do not apply towards living experience. First-year students wishing to reside off-campus in the Bozeman area with their parents or for reasons other than those listed above may request a special exemption by filling out the Application for Contract Release via the Housing Portal. The University Student Housing Contract is a legally binding document for the entire academic year. Violations of the Housing Contract may result in disciplinary action including removal from hall and/or cancellation charges.

Academic Year 2024-2025

University Student Housing-Residence Halls Contract

Housing Refund Schedule

For any questions regarding the University Student Housing contract, please contact housing@montana.edu or call 406-994-2661.


All residence halls except Hyalite, Yellowstone, and Gallatin are heated via steam heat. Heat is turned on around October 1 and is turned off around June 1 – dates are weather dependent. 

Leaving your windows open when temperatures are below zero will result in pipes freezing.  If you believe your pipes may be frozen, do not attempt to thaw on your own.  Contact your front desk or hall staff immediately for assistance.  

If your heat is not working, inform University Student Housing as soon as possible to avoid freeze-ups. Students will be responsible for any damage from leaving windows open and/or not reporting heating issues. 

Housing Accommodations for Students with Disabilities 

Modified apartments for students with disabilities are available on a first come, first-serve basis. Students must request these accommodations through the Office of Disability Services at 994-2824. If you anticipate or encounter disability-related barriers , you must clearly indicate your request for a modified apartment on the application. 

University Student Housing can accommodate students with disabilities who require a live-in personal care attendant once a recommendation is provided by the Office of Disability Services. We will accommodate a student when they become eligible for assignment. At that time, the non-disabled Student of a modified apartment will receive 30-day’s notice to move to another unit. When non-disabled students are assigned to modified units, they are advised of this policy and the possibility of moving.

Laundry Facilities

Students in University Student Housing are offered washer/dryer facilities within their apartment area or community at no additional cost. These are shared facilities and students should be respectful to not leave clothes in machines after laundry cycle is complete. 

Students are responsible for reporting any unauthorized usage by non-Students. 

Please help us maintain the laundry rooms - dispose of your garbage, clean up messes, clean out lint traps in dryers, etc.

When a washer or dryer is out of order in the laundry room, please complete the following steps:

  • Put an “Out of Order” sign on the machine not working so other Students do not attempt to use it.
  • Report the problem by utilizing the posted QR code and indicate which machine is out of order and what you believe is wrong with it.

Moving Out 

All students living in the residence halls are subject to a year-long contract.  If a student wishes to move out before the end of the contract, they must submit a Contract Release Request Application in the Housing Portal.  

Whether you are moving to another room, another hall, or are vacating the University Student Housing system completely, several forms and many tasks must be completed to properly accomplish your move. Failure to submit the required forms or to complete the proper procedures when vacating a residence hall room could result in charges to your student account.


Single stream recycling bins are in lobbies and most floor communities. Most plastics, aluminum, carboard, newspapers, magazines, etc. are acceptable in these bins. Prohibited items include glass, light bulbs, plastic bags, and pizza boxes – please note the prohibited items on the bins. We appreciate your help in helping us move forward with sustainability efforts.

Repair and Service Procedure 

If an item in your room, suite, or apartment needs repair, call our main office (406-994-2661) or contact your front desk. Do not make your own repairs to any item within or outside unit. Your request will be logged, and an appropriate maintenance person will come to your room, suite, or apartment to correct the problem, usually within seven working days. The maintenance person will always knock before entering and will leave a note on your door to let you know what action was taken if you are not home. If you have an assistive animal, you will be asked to make an appointment.  

Some maintenance problems may not occur during normal working hours. If the repair requires immediate attention (i.e. broken water pipe, broken window, etc.), contact your front desk or hall staff immediately.

Room Condition Card (RCC)

The Room Condition Card (RCC) is used to document the condition of your room, suite, or apartment at the time of check-in. It is very important that you thoroughly review the inventory and note any discrepancies in the condition of the unit from what is written on the RCC. Any significant or notable differences must be submitted to your Resident Advisor. The RCC will be kept on file for the duration of your occupancy. Unless noted on the RCC, damages assessed upon check-out will be billed to your student account.

Roommate Agreements

Students within our community play an integral role in caring for the well-being of the people around them and the overall health of the community. As such, students will engage in dialogue with their roommate(s) and fellow community members to create shared expectations and guidelines for healthy and safe behaviors within the community. These dialogues are formalized through the roommate agreement process, community living agreement, as well as informally by participating in ongoing floor and community meetings.

Roommate Agreements

Residents within our community play an integral role in caring for the well-being of the people around them and the overall health of the community. As such, residents will engage in dialogue with their roommate(s) and fellow community members in order to create shared expectations and guidelines for healthy and safe behaviors within the community. These dialogues are formalized through the roommate agreement process, community living agreement, as well as informally by participating in ongoing floor and community meetings.

If students cannot come to an agreement about shared expectations and guidelines, whether as roommates or community members, students may be asked to participate in a mediation.

Vehicles & Personal Transportation Devices


All bicycles not parked in bicycle racks are subject to be impounded without notice. There are only two places where Students’ bikes are allowed to be parked: in their room and in the bike racks provided for their community. 

Bikes should not be locked to trees, railings, signs, lampposts, or anywhere else they pose a safety hazard or property damage. Bicycles improperly stored in buildings are also subject to impound.

Bicycles may not be parked, stored, or ridden in the public areas of the hall. No motorized personalized transportation devices can be stored inside University Student Housing facilities or at the bike racks. There is parking available in designated areas in the parking lots. The university is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged bikes.

Abandoned bikes will be removed. Students’ failure to remove bikes will result in locks being cut (at student’s expense) and bikes being impounded and stored at University Police Department.


Always keep bikes locked with a secure lock when they are not in use. The University Police Department recommends students register their bike with them; this will increase chances for recovery if a student’s bike is stolen. It is free to register a bike on campus.

See Campus Personal Transportation Device Policy.

Vehicles/Personal Transportation Devices

Students, dependents, and guests must observe all MSU Parking Regulations and the University Personal Transportation Device Policy. Motorized Vehicles and Motorcycles in University Student Apartment owned parking lots that do not have an FH permit or FH Guest Pass, or are violating parking regulations, are subject to citation. Motorized vehicles or motorcycles may be towed and impounded depending on the frequency or severity of violations. Bicycles and other non-motorized Personal Transportation Devices should be parked and locked appropriately in bicycle racks.  Bicycles and Personal Transportation Devices should not be stored on, in, or to anything other than a bicycle rack (e.g. patios, under stairwells, chained to gas meters, stairway railings, light posts).

Community Standards

These Community Standards are subject to change and students will be notified of any changes through their preferred email address indicated in MyInfo.

Abandoned Property

Any individual item left in an assigned resident space with an estimated value of less than $200 will be donated or disposed 48 hours after the Student has vacated unless the resident has contacted University Student Apartments to provide notification that they mistakenly left something in their space and to make other arrangements. Due to health and pest concerns, mattresses and fabric couches or chairs will be disposed of regardless of value. The Student will be charged an hourly rate for the labor associated with removing these items from their assigned space and disposing of them.

Property with an estimated value of $200 or greater will be temporarily stored and the Student will be charged for the hourly labor of removal of the item from their assigned space and charged a daily rate for the storage of the items. 

University Student Housing will attempt to contact the residents via their preferred email address indicated in MyInfo to notify them of the items being stored. Items that are deemed valuable and left in a resident’s assigned space will be held in storage for 10 days after notification of the property found in the unit. 

Failure to retrieve these belongings by the deadline will result in items becoming the property of Montana State University.

If an assigned Student space is left in an unreasonable dirty or unsanitary state that poses a threat to the health, safety, sanitation, or structure of the University Student Housing facilities or other residents, University Student Housing reserves the right to immediately dispose of all abandoned property regardless of value. The resident will be charged an hourly rate for the labor associated with removing these items from the apartment and disposing of them as well as charges resulting from any other cleaning, mitigation, or facilities work related to the state of the unit.

Any personal items left in a public area (hallway, lounge, pod, laundry facilities, etc.) can be removed by community staff and placed in a locked space without prior notification. Montana State University does not take responsibility for lost, damaged, or stolen items left in public areas.

Advertising, Solicitation, and Sales

University Student Housing facilities are to be completely free of commercial enterprise and/or personal gain. Students are not permitted to operate any form of business/for profit activities in the residence halls.  All forms of door-to-door canvassing and soliciting, whether for commercial, political, or informational purposes, are prohibited. This includes a prohibition against placing promotional materials under or on resident room doors.  

Door-to-door solicitation or distribution of materials or information is only permitted by Hall Councils, Facilities Services, and University Student Housing staff within the parameters of their official duties.

Solicitation of information like surveys, polls, etc. are only permitted by the Hall Council or University Student Housing staff in the performance of their duties. 

Any concerns regarding unauthorized door knocking should be directed to your Community Director.

University Student Housing does not permit Registered Student Organizations or MSU Departments (except University Student Housing) to display physical posters in on-campus communities.

For any campaigning, digital displays, donations, information tables, or other advertising opportunities the following guidelines apply:

Digital and Public Posting Display Guidelines

  • Be in compliance with all University Student Housing, Code of Student Conduct and other University policies.
  • Can only promote/advertisement registered student organization events, on-campus student resources, on-campus job/internship opportunities, RHA and/or ASMSU elections, or ASMSU/RHA ballot initiatives.
  • Advertisements making any mention of illegal use of alcohol or drugs, either implied or explicit, will not be approved.


University Student Housing does not permit hanging banners on the outside of residence halls. Any banner displayed will be considered a violation of the policy and will be removed and disposed of. The sponsoring organization or individual will be charged a removal/disposal fee.

ASMSU and RHA Campaigning

Candidates for ASMSU and RHA elections and/or for sponsored ASMSU or RHA ballot issues may request to have an information table in Residence Halls.  Requests should be made at least five (5) business days prior to the date of activity to the Associate Director of University Student Housing.  

  • Information table locations have been predetermined for each residence hall.
  • The maximum time limit for each tabling activity is two hours and must take place between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.  
  • Tabling for candidates cannot occur more than two times per week and no more than a total of six times per semester.  
  • Candidates must be accompanied by a resident of the residence hall the entire time at the table. 
  • As designated by each individual hall council, all candidates for ASMSU and RHA elections must be allowed opportunity for equal time and publicity when speaking, if any candidate is allowed to speak. 
  • To speak to the hall council of a residence hall, a candidate must contact the Hall Council President at least five (5) days in advance of the time wishing to speak to seek approval. 
  • A candidate will not be allowed to arrive at a meeting and speak to a group without the hall president’s prior approval.

ASMSU Candidates are expected to abide by the ASMSU Election Policy.

Digital Displays

Only registered MSU student organizations or candidates for elected office, and MSU Offices and Departments may submit a posting for the digital displays in the living areas of residence halls at MSU. Organizations or candidates submitting an advertisement for the residence hall digital displays submit the advertisement for review by University Student Housing to assure it complies with university policies.

Digital Display Format
  • JPEG File
  • 1920x1080 pixels
  • 16:9 Aspect Ratio
  • 11x17 Landscape
Digital Display Submission & Approval Process
  • Advertisements must be submitted to University Student Housing via the online solicitation form at least five (5) business days prior to requested start date of advertisement.
  • If approved, the submissions will be displayed on digital displays in University Student Housing facilities.
  • Advertisements will remain on the digital displays for a maximum of seven (7) days (MSU Departments may request an exception).

Registered Student Organizations collecting items on behalf of an outside organization for a service opportunity must request permission prior to setting up a collection site. Please submit the request two weeks in advance.

Information Tables

MSU University Student Housing and Culinary Services allow Registered Student Organizations and University departments to request a table in the entrances to Miller Dining Commons for the purpose of presenting information to students.

  1. Registered MSU student organizations and University departments must request an information table with University Student Housing Life at least five (5) business days prior to the first day of tabling. University Student Housing reserves the right to deny information table requests that have not been submitted at least five (5) business days prior to the requested tabling date.
  2. A solicitation form must be submitted for all requests by student organizations and university departments.
  3. Because of the popularity of tabling, and the possibility of multiple organizations wishing to table for the same reasons, tabling for one organization/department cannot occur more than two times per week and no more than a total of six times per semester. University Student Housing and Culinary Services reserves their right to restrict tabling to certain dates during the year.
  4. All requests are subject to approval and scheduled on a “first come, first serve” basis.
  5. Tabling will only be allowed at Miller Dining Hall (North and South entrances) 
Day of Tabling
  1. All Registered Student Organizations and MSU Department must present the signed request form they received via email to the University Student Housing main office (located underneath Miller Dining Hall) M-F 7:45 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
  2. Registered groups are expected to provide their own table and chairs. University Student Housing or Culinary Services staff will advise groups on the designated tabling locations.
  3. The registered group’s name and purpose must be clearly stated and visible to students approaching that table.
  4. Approved groups or individuals are allowed to table no more than four hours per tabling opportunity. Tabling may not start before 8 a.m. and must be completed by 7 p.m.
  5. Registered Student Organizations and/or MSU Departments are expected to remove any items including trash from the tabling location prior to leave. Items may not be stored overnight.
The Registered Student Organization/University Department approved for an information table may not:
  1. Require students to stop at their table or physically attempt to stop them.
  2. Require students to give their room, hall or telephone number to receive information or qualify for raffles, drawings, etc. If students willingly give this information, the registered student organization or university department may not provide this information to any other party.
  3. Advertise or discuss illegal use of alcohol or drugs with students.
  4. Any approved individual or group must abide by all University policies including University Student Housing community standards and Code of Student Conduct.
  5. Leave their table and approach students in other areas of the dining hall.
  6. Call out to or harass students as they pass the table.
  7. Impede foot traffic through the lobby or create any safety hazard or blocked exit.
  8. Registered student organizations or departments that violate any University policy, and/or submit false information or misrepresentations in their requests and communications with any University personnel or resident, will be prohibited from future activities in any University Housing & Culinary Services areas and any permissions previously granted may be withdrawn.

The University will not provide access to student mailboxes or mailing labels to outside groups or organizations for mass mail or flyer distribution. In addition, the University will not provide access to student email addresses for the purpose of mass email distribution. Student to student communication should be through official mailing process; students may not request for an item or letter to be placed in someone’s mailbox.

Delivering flyers via mailboxes and sending building, area or campus-wide emails are restricted to University Student Housing staff and staff members must have advance approval from the Communications Team.

Posted Information/Advertising/Community Display Area

University Student Housing staff and the Resident Hall Association groups are permitted to advertise events in their halls. The sponsor and posting date must be indicated clearly on materials to be displayed on bulletin boards. The individual planning the program should remove any postings within 48 hours of the event’s completion. Any posters approved should be consistent with University policies and meet the guidelines for Digital and Public Postings detailed above. 

University Student Housing does not permit physical posters from non-University Student Housing groups to be displayed or distributed in University Student Housing.

Non-University Student Housing groups are not allowed to display any commercial advertisement or promotions within University Student Housing.

Violations of the University Student Housing Posting Guidelines will subject the sponsoring organization, individual, or department to cover the cost of removal and repair costs for damages resulting from the unauthorized posting.



In addition to section 330.70 of the Code of Student Conduct the following offenses constitute violations and can lead to serious disciplinary action, removal from the residence halls, suspension, or expulsion from the university.

For all Residents, regardless of age:

  • If a resident or their roommate does not wish to have alcoholic beverages in the apartment, that wish should be observed. Any violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action as outlined in the Code of Student Conduct.
  • Possession of Methods of Rapid Consumption: To help students develop responsible, safe, and healthy habits, the possession of any apparatus used for the rapid consumption of alcohol (such as funnels, pong tables, shot skis, other simulated drinking games, etc.) is not permitted in University Student Housing facilities. 
  • For Residents under the age of 21:
  • Residents and their guests who are under the age of 21 may not possess or consume alcohol. Based on Montana State Law, being intoxicated by alcohol is considered possession of alcohol.
  • Residents cannot possess empty or full alcoholic beverage containers (cans, bottles, kegs, beer cases, etc.) whether from original use, as decorations, “trophy bottles,” or for any other purpose in their room.

For Residents over the age of 21:

  • The possession and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages is permitted by residents of legal age in private student rooms. 
  • University regulations limit the amount of alcohol permitted in a private room. Kegs of beer and mini-kegs are prohibited.
  • It is a violation of housing policy to be visibly intoxicated in/around University Student Apartments. Students who are 21 or over who are disruptive because of the use of alcohol may be considered in violation of this policy.
  • Consuming alcohol or carrying an open container in any other areas outside of the Student’s assigned unit is prohibited. An open container is defined as any container of alcohol with a broken seal.

Students who are of legal age may consume alcohol within their residence. Students wishing to hold outdoor events that will involve the use of alcohol must obtain approval to serve alcoholic beverages through the MSU Conference Services Office. 

Any damage, repairs, or remediation as a result of the use, possession, manufacturing, distribution, or sale of narcotics or illegal drugs, will be billed in accordance to University Facility, Maintenance, and third-party contractor standard rates.

It is a violation of housing policy to be visibly intoxicated in the residence halls. Students who are 21 or over who are disruptive because of the use of alcohol may be considered in violation of this policy.

Consuming alcohol or carrying an open container in any other areas of the residence halls is prohibited. An open container is defined as any container of alcohol with a broken seal.

Appliance Use & Prohibited Appliances

Preventing fire and electrical hazards is a very important shared responsibility of each community member and is necessary to maintain a safe environment. The list of items and appliances is not meant to be exhaustive.  Items that may compromise the safety and security of community living environments and/or residents are prohibited. 

Air Filtration and Purification Unit Guide

Air conditioners do not filter or purify air. Students may purchase an air filtration/purification unit if desired. It is recommended to keep doors and windows closed to provide the maximum benefit. Medical documentation is not required to operate an air filtration/purification unit. Unit must be free standing, operatable within room, and cannot have a window exhaust.

Prohibited Appliances

Residents must not use or possess the appliances/items listed below.

  • Air Conditioners
  • Appliances containing exposed heating elements (space heaters, toasters, etc.)
  • Air Fryers
  • Crock Pot/ Instant Pot
  • Dishwashers (except those installed by the university)
  • Electric frying pans
  • Extension cords without internal circuit breaker
  • Griddles
  • Halogen lamps
  • Hot plates
  • Immersion coils for cups and mugs
  • Indoor/outdoor grills of any kind including electric, gas or coal
  • Large refrigerators (capacity greater than 4.5 cubic feet) and more than one refrigerator per room are not permitted
  • Lava Lamps
  • Microwaves that exceed 900 watts
  • Portable or free-standing air conditioning or dehumidifier units
  • Hot plates
  • Toaster Ovens
  • 3D Printers (3D printers may only be used in academic spaces
  • Additionally, it is imperative that students utilize permitted appliances to the guidelines provided below.

Refrigerator and Microwave Use Guide

  • Appliances must carry the approval label of Underwriters' Laboratories and be connected directly into a wall socket or power strip with an internal circuit breaker. Microwaves cannot exceed 900 watts.
  • Energy Star units are not required, but we ask that if you are bringing your own refrigerator to consider using one that is energy efficient to assist in Montana State University’s commitment to reducing its carbon footprint.
  • Refrigerators, microwaves, or combination microwave/refrigerator units should be positioned to allow ventilation and should never be placed in closets.
  • Wiring on refrigerators and microwaves cannot be covered and refrigerators should be kept free of excessive frost, mold, and mildew. Food should be kept in airtight containers.

Power Strip Use Guide

Possession of extension cords (without internal circuit breakers) is considered a fire safety hazard and is prohibited. When you need more outlets than you have, power strips with multi- plugs may be used. They must contain an internal circuit breaker and have the approval label of Underwriters' Laboratories. Power strips that have cracked or exposed wires, burn marks, loose connections, or other damage present a safety hazard and may not be used. If your power strip doesn't meet these requirements, it could be hazardous, and the will be instructed to remove it.

  • Unplug power strips when leaving the room for five or more days
  • Do not connect power strips together
  • Do not use power strips in bathrooms
  • Do not staple, tack, or tape power strips to the floor, walls, or ceiling
  • Do not cover power strips or cord with carpet, furniture, clothing, or other objects that could prevent air circulation


All residential rooms have university-issued beds. Students are responsible for any damage or loss to the beds and/or to the room. There is no storage for bed frames or mattresses available on campus and residents will be charged for loss or removal of these items. A minimum charge of $70.00 to check safety and construction will be assessed to residents who take apart their bed frames (regardless of condition at time of vacancy). Work orders can be submitted for lofting/de-lofting of the beds. 

*Residents may loft/deloft their bedframe but should not dismantle the hardware or remove any railings from lofted beds.

If the provided bed does not have lofting capability, residents are not permitted to construct a loft/make modification to the provided furniture. 

Storage and work space under lofted beds should be maintained in a safe manner. Lamps/lights under the loft must have a shade/covering to protect the bulb and heat generating appliances (e.g. refrigerators and microwaves) should be kept to a minimum. Residents must be cautious to maintain at least six inches between the bottom of the loft and any furniture below. Failure to do so will damage the furniture. Mattresses must be at least 18 inches from the ceiling.

Personal Transportation Devices

Storage: All bicycles not parked in bicycle racks are subject to be impounded without notice. There are only two places where Students’ bikes are allowed to be parked: in their apartment and in the bike racks provided for their community. 

Bikes should not be locked to trees, railings, signs, lampposts, or anywhere else they pose a safety hazard or property damage. Bicycles improperly stored in buildings are also subject to impound.

Bicycles may not be parked, stored, or ridden in the public areas of the hall. No motorized personalized transportation devices can be stored inside University Student Housing facilities or at the bike racks. There is parking available in designated areas in the parking lots. The university is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged bikes.

Abandoned bikes will be removed. Students’ failure to remove bikes will result in locks being cut (at student’s expense) and bikes being impounded and stored at University Police Department.

Safety: Always keep bikes locked with a secure lock when they are not in use. The University Police Department recommends students register their bike with them; this will increase chances for recovery if a student’s bike is stolen. It is free to register a bike on campus.

See Campus Personal Transportation Device Policy.

Vehicles/Personal Transportation Devices: Students, dependents, and guests must observe all MSU Parking Regulations and the University Personal Transportation Device Policy. Motorized Vehicles and Motorcycles in University Student Apartment owned parking lots that do not have an FH permit or FH Guest Pass, or are violating parking regulations, are subject to citation. Motorized vehicles or motorcycles may be towed and impounded depending on the frequency or severity of violations. Bicycles and other non-motorized Personal Transportation Devices should be parked and locked appropriately in bicycle racks.  Bicycles and Personal Transportation Devices should not be stored on, in, or to anything other than a bicycle rack (e.g. patios, under stairwells, chained to gas meters, stairway railings, light posts).

Building Access & Safety

Those students who violate security policies could face eviction from the University Student Housing system, which may result in suspension from Montana State University.

Montana State University is committed to providing a safe living environment for all residents. Personal security in and around campus residence halls has been approached proactively, and personal security in a student’s living space has the highest priority. Residents should feel safe and secure in their rooms. For emergencies on campus call 911.

University Student Housing has taken many steps to improve the safety of its residents:

  • All residence halls are locked 24 hours a day. Residents can access their individual hall with their Cat Card.
  • Fire sprinkler systems in each residence hall.
  • Smoke and fire detection systems in all halls.
  • Crash bars on all exit doors.
  • All exterior doors in the University Student Housing system are monitored for proper closure and alarmed to alert staff when not secured. The success of our hall security system depends on everyone who resides in our communities thinking “safety first.”
  • Students are responsible for the keys and/or keyless entry device (CatCard) issued to them by the university. Students are not permitted to give their university keys, CatCard, or mailbox key to any individual except for a university representative acting in the scope of their responsibility.

Building Access

  • If a resident is hosting a guest, the resident and their guest(s) must enter through the main lobby entrance and check-in at the hall front desk or with a University Student Housing Staff Member between 10pm and 7am. Guests are prohibited during early arrival, late stay, or break periods (Fall, Winter, and Spring).
  • Assisting others’ entry into a building or space they would not otherwise have access to is prohibited and will lead to serious disciplinary action including potential eviction from the residence halls. Entry or exit through windows is considered unauthorized entry and is prohibited.
  • Do not prop or otherwise obstruct the normal operation of any security door in the residence halls. Propped doors put the residents’ safety, privacy, and property at risk. A door is considered propped when any student provides entry without a key or proper access or uses an object to prevent the closing of the door. This includes exterior doors and doors on your residence hall floor or throughout your hall.
  • Students are also prohibited from accessing the residence halls prior to the official published date for Hall Opening, after the date for Hall Closing, or during winter break without specific authorization.
  • Students are prohibited from entering restricted access areas in non-emergency situations without prior permission from a university staff member. Restricted access areas may include, but are not limited to: front desk areas, offices, any/all entrance way overhangs, residence hall roofs, Roskie Hall 2nd floor ledge, Roskie Hall and Headwaters Complex basements, storage rooms, and Quads’ fire escapes.

Building Safety

  • Under no circumstances are students to sit on windowsills, climb/lean out of windows, or be on exterior window ledges. Students also are not permitted to climb on residence hall buildings, hand rails, ledges, or roofs.
  • Students are prohibited from throwing any object out of room windows, or the window of any public area or lounge in the building.
  • Students are prohibited from removing window screens, whether in a student room or public area. Removal of the window screen is a safety violation, and a charge will be assessed for its replacement/maintenance. Disciplinary action may be taken. Report any lost, damaged, or stolen screens immediately to your hall’s front desk, Resident Advisor, or Community Director.

Electronic Monitoring

To aid in the protection of public safety and university property, Montana State University uses security cameras on university property, including in University Student Housing. All outside doors and certain public access areas within the residence halls are monitored using electronic devices such as video cameras and door access readers. This monitoring is for the protection and safety of the residents and University Student Housing property. 

Violations of university policy recorded on camera may be considered for administrative action through the conduct system and/or legal action through the University Police Department. Tampering with security cameras may result in disciplinary action including temporary or permanent removal from University Student Housing, suspension from Montana State University, and/or criminal action through the University Police Department. For more information regarding the use of security cameras at Montana State University, review the Procedures. Security cameras on university property are not intended to serve to request or attract police assistance. 

Hall Security

Security procedures such as desk staffing, security patrols, and restricted-access plans are regularly reviewed and open to changes and improvements. Students are expected to observe restricted access protocols and cooperate with programs designed to maintain the security of residents. Propping of entrance doors is prohibited. The Montana State University Police Department (911) is on duty 24 hours per day, seven days a week.

Keys and Room Access

  • Students living in the residence halls receive up to three keys: a room key, mailbox key, and a building exterior key.
    • Students are not permitted to give their university keys or CatCard (exterior door key, room key, mailbox key) to any individual except for a university representative acting in the scope of their responsibility.
    • Students may not possess or use any unauthorized duplicate university key to a room, mailbox, and/or building entrance.
  • If keys/cards are misplaced, it is possible, with proper identification, to check out a spare key/temp access card from the hall front desk while attempting to retrieve the missing key(s). If the spare key/temp access card is not checked back into the front desk within 24 hours of check out, a lock change may be ordered, and appropriate charges applied to the student’s account.
    • When returning the spare key/temp access card, students will be asked to produce their assigned key(s) to demonstrate that they have been located and are in their possession. If the student cannot produce their assigned key(s), a lock change may be ordered and appropriate charges applied to the student’s account.
    • Students are permitted up to five free spare keys/temp access cards each semester. Once a student has used their five free spare keys, educational and/or disciplinary action(s) may be applied including but not limited to fines, community service, and/or referral through the Dean of Students Office.
      • Excessive key checkouts may result in conduct charges. 
  • Keys may be checked out at the main desk for other areas by showing a picture ID. Some of the areas include study rooms, TV room, student kitchen, and/or music rooms.
    • Keys for these areas must be checked out by a hall resident. (Check with your hall’s front desk, Resident Advisor, or Community Director to find out what resources are available in your hall.)
    • Students are responsible for any damage that takes place in any hall area while they have the key checked out or are otherwise making use of the space. Students must report any pre-existing room damage to hall staff to avoid being charged for damages. Additionally, the student will be responsible for the cost of replacement and/or lock change if a key is not returned.
  • Students must return all keys/temp access cards at the end of their residence and/or contract. Students will be charged for any key(s) not returned at the time of check out.

University Safety Equipment

Tampering with university safety equipment in the residence halls is not tolerated. Students caught altering their room or hall safety equipment may be held financially responsible for replacement and/or disciplinary action will be taken.


The university requires students to carry their CatCard identification with them at all times.

The CatCard is used for culinary services, campus purchases, entrance to residence halls, and to participate in activities such as Bobcat athletic events and check cashing at the MSU Bookstore. Be familiar with the CatCard Terms & Conditions and carry the ID at all times in the event that it is requested by a university official.

In accordance with the Code of Student Conduct, persons are expected to provide appropriate identification (university identification card or driver’s license) when requested by a university representative or employee—including University Student Housing staff.

All students are to abide by the CatCard Terms & Conditions found at www.montana.edu/catcard/terms-conditions.html.

  • Misuse of a university identification card will not be tolerated. Use of another person’s ID is prohibited.
  • If residents lose their ID, they must have a new ID issued at the CatCard Office located on the ground floor of Miller Dining Commons inside the University Student Housing Office (x2273).The replacement cost for an ID is $20. It is the cardholder’s responsibility to report their CatCard lost or stolen.
  • It is important to report your card lost or stolen as that will suspend activity on your account until either a new card is issued or you let us know your card has been found.
  • The cardholder is responsible for all transactions until the CatCard is reported lost or stolen.
  • You can report your card lost 24 hours a day by logging in to your online account or the CatCard GET Mobile app, or by calling 406-994-2273. (Please leave a voicemail if it’s after office hours.)
  • If you find your card after reporting it lost, for your protection you must log in to your online account or the CatCard GET Mobile app, or come to the CatCard office under Miller Dining Hall, to report your card as found.
  • Misuse of CatCard in the Dining Hall will be addressed through the University Student Housing Conduct process.

Within the Residence Halls, CatCards may be used for the following:

  • Access to your residence hall
  • Various vending machines
  • Can be used as identification for all front desk transactions.
  • CatCard funds can be used in the food areas and printing stations located in the residence 


Ceiling tiles may not be removed or altered in residential spaces. This includes but is not limited to hanging tapestries, decorative lights, LED strips, storage, or hanging any items from the ceiling. Wedging of any item between the ceiling and floor tiles and/or hanging form metal supports between ceiling tiles, is also prohibited. Residents are responsible for any/all damage caused to ceiling tiles and supporting structures. Excessive damage to the ceiling structure may result in University Police Department involvement. Removing ceiling tiles and storing personal items above ceiling tiles is prohibited and will result in disciplinary action. 

In South Hedges, asbestos is in isolated areas above ceiling tiles. If the asbestos is disturbed, it could cause a health risk to residents. If the asbestos is left undisturbed, there is no danger to the residents.

Chemicals and Explosives

Chemicals and explosives (including but not limited to, firecrackers, spray-paint, explosive devices, smoke bombs, combustion engines, flammable and explosive liquids/gases, ammunition, bear spray, and fireworks) are not permitted in the residence halls. This includes materials and devices which by themselves, or when combined, could be explosive, toxic, flammable, or dangerous (such as camping fuel). Spray painting is not allowed in the residence hall rooms or common areas. Spray adhesive can be used unless it is disrupting other residents in the building or causing damage to the building. If residents are unsure about a substance, check with a Resident Advisor/Community Director. 

Culinary Services & Dining Hall Behavior

All residents must contract for a meal plan to live in the residence halls. Students are expected to abide by the rules and regulations set forth by University Student Housing and the Code of Student Conduct while in the Dining Halls.

Health Code

Students are expected to abide by Gallatin County Health Code rules and regulations

Meal Plan Privileges

Valid meal plan holders may take one bagel, one piece of fruit, one ice cream novelty, or one dessert to go. Sandwiches, pizza, burgers, and all other food items are not allowed to be taken out of the dining commons without a dining hall provided to-go box. At times when take-away or grab n’ go options are available, students must abide by posted guidelines and direction from staff.

Theft or Destruction of property

Meal plans are non-transferrable. Students who attempt to share their meal plan, or share their CatCard or student identification number will face disciplinary action. Students may use their CatCard cash to purchase meals for non-meal plan holders.

Unauthorized removal of any dining hall property out of the dining commons (i.e. dishes, cups, silverware, napkin dispensers, salt/pepper shakers, condiments, chairs etc.) is not allowed.

Decorations & Room Displays

While we realize you want to make your space your “new home,” University Student Housing does not permit major modifications to individual rooms, suites, or apartments. 

Students are free to display posters and other decorations inside their room. The exterior of the door may not have any decorations or other displays. University Student Housing staff may place nametags for students on the outside of the door. Students will be given the option to post their nametag with their preferred name or blank or not at all.

Painting: Students cannot paint. Students who paint without approval of University Student Housing will be responsible for repainting, for damages resulting from use of unauthorized paint, and/or charges for a professional painter to restore the original paint color.

Wall Hangings: A reasonable number of pictures and other hangings may be hung on walls. 

  • Contact paper or wallpaper may not be used on the walls of your room, suite, or apartment. 
  • Nothing is permitted to be hung from the ceiling, within two feet of the ceiling, or on sprinkler piping or sprinkler heads. Damage to the sprinkler heads or lines may cause the sprinkler to discharge resulting in significant water damage to the unit. Damage to the sprinkler heads, lines, or the unit as a result of such an action will be the responsibility of the Student.
  • The following are NOT PERMITTED: tape, adhesives, glue, paste, nails, tacks, staples, and screws on walls, furniture, doors, or other woodwork or glass.
  • Except in Hyalite and Yellowstone, a student may utilize products, such as Command brand items, “blue” painter’s tape, and poster putty, on walls, but will be responsible for any costs to repair damages that may result from use. 

o In Yellowstone and Hyalite Halls, Students should use thumbtacks to hang decorations instead of adhesives or tape.  

Due to potential safety concerns and fire hazards, posters and/or decorations cannot be placed on the window. Hanging blankets, sheets, tapestries, or other items (e.g. plants, decorations, window clings, stickers, or paint, etc.) that physically or visually restricts or blocks access to the room is prohibited. Window obstruction of any kind is considered a hindrance to egress. University-provided window shades are approved by campus Fire Safety personnel. Shades and shade hardware should not be tampered with or removed.

No additional message boards, white boards, or bulletin boards may be hung on the exterior of University Student Housing doors or in the hallways. In communities where whiteboards/message boards are already present, any posting, messages, or other displays must conform to the public postings policy listed below.

Digital and Public Posting Display Guidelines:

  • Abide by all University Student Housing, Code of Student Conduct and other university policies.
  • Can only promote/advertise registered student organization events, on-campus student resources, on-campus job/internship opportunities, RHA and/or ASMSU elections, or ASMSU/RHA ballot initiatives. All advertisements must be approved by University Student Housing through the only Solicitation Request.
  • Please remember that students will be accountable for any and all damage to their room and its furnishings. 

Check with a University Student Housing Staff member if there are any questions.

Disruptive Behavior

Any act that poses a danger to health, safety, or property within housing facilities is prohibited. 

Students shall not obstruct or disrupt the University living environment. Disruptive behavior is behavior that interferes with the University living and learning environment, or that interferes with the other students’ rights to socialize, study, or sleep. 

Disruptive behavior may include, but is not limited to the following: 

  • Excessive noise or nuisance
  • The odor of marijuana is disruptive to the community and is cause enough for disciplinary action.
  • Failure to cooperate with the reasonable directive of a University official (including all members of University Student Housing), acting in the performance of their duties
  • A student’s failure to obtain express consent from the resident(s) of another room prior to entrance. 

Any unauthorized use of electronic or other devices to make an audio or video recording of any person without that person’s prior knowledge, or without effective consent when such a recording is likely to cause injury or distress, is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, surreptitiously taking pictures of another person in a restroom or other location where a person would expect privacy. 

Residents who assist anyone in a policy violation or a crime may be in violation of housing policy themselves. Hall staff reserve the right to require items that cause an ongoing disruption to the living environment be removed from the residence halls immediately.


Drugs - Illegal Use

Use, possession, manufacture, distribution, or sale of narcotics or drugs as defined by city, state, or federal laws is prohibited in Residence Hall communities. This includes mind-altering drugs, designer drugs, or synthetic substances used as a substitute for a controlled substance, except as expressly permitted by law or university policy. This also includes the abuse, distribution, or improper use of prescription drugs.

The odor of marijuana is disruptive to the community and is cause enough for disciplinary action.

Medical and Recreational Marijuana

Although Montana state law permits the use of medical marijuana, i.e., use by persons possessing lawfully issued medical marijuana cards, federal laws prohibit marijuana use, possession and/or cultivation at educational institutions and on the premises of other recipients of federal funds. The use, possession or cultivation of marijuana for medical purposes is therefore not allowed in any Montana State University housing or any other Montana State University property; nor is it allowed at any University-sponsored event or activity off campus.

The possession of a medical marijuana permit does not allow for the possession or use of marijuana in University Student Housing. Marijuana obtained for medicinal purposes cannot be stored or used in the University Student Housing. 

Recreational marijuana use, possession, and distribution is also a violation of University Student Housing policy, the Code of Student Conduct, and federal law. 

Use, possession and distribution of marijuana is illegal under Montana law for persons under 21; for those 21 and older, these activities cannot occur on any university property pursuant to university policy and federal law. See University Guidelines regarding decriminalization of marijuana.


Some halls are equipped with passenger elevators. To prioritize elevators for residents who need assistance or are travelling more than three floors, please use the stairs if you are going up or down one, two, or three floors. Freight elevators are available for use with approval to move items. Freight elevators should not be used in a passenger capacity unless approved by hall staff. 

Elevator Capacity restrictions are posted in each elevator and should always be adhered to.

Inappropriate use of the elevators (i.e. jumping, pressing multiple buttons at once, prying doors open, bouncing in elevators, riding within the elevator for extended periods of time without the purpose of moving to another floor, etc.) or instigating any other inappropriate actions in the elevator that would cause it to break or initiate a staff response or emergency alarms and stops may result in disciplinary action and the liability for the cost to repair the damage to the elevator.

Entry into Gender-Specific Common Bathrooms

Common bathrooms are designated for use by a specific gender. A resident should only use the bathroom designated for their self-identified gender to respect the personal rights of others. Residents should direct/escort their guests to the restroom facilities designated for the guest’s gender, or to a gender-neutral private guest bathroom (where applicable).

Emergency Procedures

Evacuation Locations

  • Hannon – Herrick Hall Drive Space
  • Hapner – JABS Parking Lot
  • Headwaters Complex – Headwaters Oval
  • Hyalite Hall – Bison Lot
  • Johnstone Center – Jabs Parking Lot
  • Langford – Across Harrison St. in the Linfield Parking Lot
  • North Hedges – East of Miller Dining Hall
  • Quads – Courtyard
  • Julia Martin Apartments –
  • 101-111 East Julia Martin Parking Lot.
  • 112-119 West Julia Martin Parking Lot
  • Roskie – Roskie Parking Lot
  • South Hedges – Roskie Parking Lot or East Lawn
  • Yellowstone – South of Building in Green Space Next to Outdoor Rec.


Fire evacuation plans have been established to ensure resident safety. A fire drill is conducted multiple times a year, where alarms will sound in each hall so that residents are practiced in the proper evacuation procedures and university staff may test fire emergency equipment.

RAs will explain the evacuation procedures at the first floor meeting and an evacuation plan will be posted at each floor exit door. Residents need to be familiar with these procedures. The use of fire escapes during a “non-emergency” is prohibited.

Some guidelines for evacuation:

  • Evacuate quickly and safely. Residents may endanger the lives of both themselves and others if they do not exit the building as quickly and carefully as possible.
  • Do not use elevators during evacuation. Use the stairwells to evacuate.
  • If residents smell smoke while in their room, first feel the door and door knob to determine if heat is present. If it is not, place a towel over one’s mouth and open the door. If residents see smoke, crawl to the nearest exit (heat and smoke rise, and residents are safer closer to the floor).
  • When residents feel the door, if heat is present, do not open the door. Put a towel over one’s mouth and under the door, open the window and hang a piece of white cloth out the window, and then close the window. The cloth will let fire fighters know where to find residents. Unless residents live on the first floor, they should not jump out of the window. Never break the window, as this will draw smoke into the room. If a resident is still in the room, then they should call the hall front desk.
  • It is wise to wear shoes and warm clothing when evacuating since residents may have to remain outside for an extended period of time.
  • If a student should need assistance during a fire alarm, they should speak with University Student Housing staff as soon as possible to setup arrangements for emergency personnel.
  • If a student intentionally disregards the fire emergency process, they may face disciplinary action through conduct.
  • For resident’s with approved Assistive Animals are responsible for the evacuation of their animal during an emergency evacuation. *See Assistive Animal Agreement. 

Excessive Housekeeping

  • Community members should make every effort to keep their shared spaces (lounges, community bathrooms, hallways, lobbies, etc.) clean, so all residents feel comfortable and safe and so custodial staff can maintain their daily routine.
  • When things like fire extinguisher powder, clumps of mud, food, bodily fluids, trash, etc. are in public, designated areas, responsible individuals will be held accountable. This may result in a conduct meeting and/or associated charges.
  • Activities that require excessive clean-up by the custodial staff will be charged to the individuals responsible.

Filming and Photography

Filming and photography in University Student Housing may be allowed for class projects only. In order to do so, a filming request must be completed no less than one week prior to the requested date of filming. Failure to receive permission may result in your request being denied and future filming restrictions.

Fire Safety

As stated in section 330.110 of the Code of Student Conduct, violations of local, state, federal or campus fire policies including, but not limited to:

  • Intentionally or recklessly causing a fire which damages university or personal property or which causes injury;
  • Failure to evacuate a university building during a fire alarm
  • Improper use of university fire safety equipment; or
  • Tampering with or improperly engaging a fire alarm or fire detection/control equipment (including fire extinguishers and AED units) while on university property. Such action may result in a local fine in addition to university sanctions.


Burning candles is prohibited. One of the most common causes of fire in residential settings is from the use of candles. Because of the threat this poses to persons and property, burning candles is prohibited. 

Decorative candles are allowed but cannot be burned. Evidence that candles have been burned may result in disciplinary action and/or confiscation of candle(s). It is encouraged to trim the wicks of all candles in the living environment and to use electric candle warmers if they wish to enjoy the smell of scented candles.  

*See Religious Practice section for directions on exemption process.

Items Blocking Hallways, Stairways, or Egress

In the event of an emergency, or just everyday transit, residents need to be able to move freely through our hallways, stairways, and entrances/exits. Additionally, facilities and fixtures must remain available for frequent cleaning and disinfection. Therefore, no personal items should be stored outside of a student’s room. This includes the hallways, bathrooms, lounges, laundry facilities, kitchen facilities, and any other space shared with other residents. Doormats in hallway are prohibited.


Burning of incense in the University Student Housing is strictly prohibited. The evidence of burned incense is enough for disciplinary action and/or confiscation.

*See Religious Practice section for directions on exemption process.

Objects Producing Smoke or Vapor

Use of objects that produce smoke or vapor including, but not limited to: smoke machines, smoke bombs, chemical de-foggers, fog machines, signal smoke makers (flares), dry ice smoke or fog, smoking paraphernalia or materials, electronic cigarettes, and vape pens are prohibited in University Student Housing. 

As noted in Montana State University’s Tobacco Free Campus policy, smoking of any kind (cigarettes, marijuana, e-cigarettes, vaping, etc.) is prohibited in residential areas or on campus.  

Sprinkler Pipes & Window Coverings

Due to potential safety concerns and fire hazards, posters and/or decorations cannot be placed on the window(s). Only university provided window treatments (blinds or curtains) may be used. Hanging blankets, sheets, tapestries, etc., that physically or visually restrict or block access to the room is prohibited. 

Hanging items from sprinkler pipes or sprinkler heads is prohibited as this may interfere with fire suppression systems.  

* See also: Decorations and Displays

Furniture and Furnishings

Residents are not permitted to remove or alter any furniture, fixtures, or bedding in their room, or public areas to assist University Student Housing in maintaining an accurate inventory of hall furnishings and prevent possible damage. This includes lofting beds that are not approved to be lofted.

Due to limited space, room furnishings cannot be stored elsewhere in the hall. Roommates are expected to work together to define the use of their shared space, this includes additional furniture.  

In a shared community space, all residents need to have equal opportunity to use the lounge furniture at all times. Lounge furniture is intended for the public use of all residents and must remain in its designated spaces at all times.

Moving university furniture from assigned areas to other areas of the building, including student rooms, is prohibited.

Prosecution for criminal theft will result if furniture or other university property is removed from the hall. Damage to public area furniture will be billed to the responsible party/parties and disciplinary action may be taken.


In accordance with state law, any form of gambling must have a permit/license.

Guests and Visitation


A “guest” is defined as any individual who has not been granted contractual access to a space. This includes but is not limited to, University Student Housing residents, non-resident students, and family members. Your Community Director (CD) and Resident Advisor (RA) are available to assist residents who may require support or guidance in working with a roommate about the presence of guests in their shared accommodations, and especially in cases where a roommate displays lack of consideration for others or abuses the privilege of hosting guests.

Hosting Guests

The host resident is responsible for the actions and behaviors of their guest and must be present at all times when the guest is in a University Student Housing facility. If the guest has a contract with University Student Housing and/or is a student of Montana State University they will be held accountable for their actions.

  • Residents may have no more than 6 individuals total in their contracted room space. 
  • Residents hosting a guest are expected to meet them at the entrance of their building when they arrive and walk them to an exit when they leave. Guests must not be left unattended or alone in the residence halls. Guests should be escorted in all areas in the residence hall while visiting.
  • Guests in University Student Housing facilities should always be escorted by a host resident. Any guest in University Student Housing facilities who is not escorted by their host resident will be asked to leave the facility.
  • Keys (for unit entry) and/or CatCards may not be given to a guest for any reason.
  • University Student Housing staff may require a guest to leave if their behavior is not in accordance with Montana State University policies and University Student Housing Community Standards.
  • University Student Housing reserves the right to determine if the number of guests hosted by a resident is disruptive and may ask all or some guests to vacate.
  • Guests are prohibited during early arrival, late stay, or break periods (Fall/Thanksgiving, Winter, and Spring).

Roommate Approval of Guests

  • Students may have guests at any time, providing that all other University Student Housing Community Standards and Code of Student Conduct policies are observed, however all guests must be approved by all roommates in advance of a visit.
  • Right to sleep, study, and feel comfortable in one’s own environment take precedence over social desires of a roommate.
  • Roommates should establish norms ahead of any guest’s visit. Established guest norms between roommates may include, but are not limited to, standards for advanced roommate notification, preferred communication methods, and defining block-out dates for guests. These norms should be agreed upon and may be reflected in the roommate agreement.
  • Should a conflict between roommates arise, RAs and CDs are available to help roommates revisit their roommate agreement and make changes. 

Overnight Guests

  • Residents may host one overnight guest at a time in their room.
  • Hosted guests staying in a space after midnight on weeknights and after 2 a.m. on weekends are defined as overnight guests.
  • An overnight guest must reside in the hosting resident's contracted space for sleep and may not reside in common spaces.
  • A resident may not host an overnight guest for more than three (3) consecutive nights. A resident may not host an overnight guest for more than ten (10) nights a semester. This refers to the total number of nights for ALL approved guests. Hosting overnight guests in excess of the length and/or frequency in the policy stated above, will be considered a violation of contract to the space.
  • All overnight guests must register as a guest with University Student Housing by 10 p.m. on the evening their visit begins, though an agreement with roommates may require earlier confirmation.
  • Even guests who enter the building prior to 10pm must register as a guest by 10pm.
  • Guests will need to provide photo ID (state issued, federal ID or CatCard) to register. 
  • Roommate approval of any overnight guest is required prior to pre-registration.
  • For the safety of our community, registered sex offenders are not eligible as overnight guests.
  • Pre-Registration for Overnight Guests under the age of 18 – For overnight guests under the age of 18 years old, parental/guardian notification is included as part of the pre-registration process. Minors will need a photo ID to register as an overnight guest. 
  • We will continually evaluate the guest and visitation policy in order to promote healthy and positive communities. The university may impose further restrictions on guest visitation pursuant to federal, state, and local directives arising from any emergency situations.

Maintenance & Cleanliness

University Student Housing Responsibility

  • University Student Housing would like to keep the halls and rooms in good condition and will do their best to remedy any problems brought to their attention.
  • An RA will perform a facility check of each room up to three times per semester to determine and report to University Student Housing if any maintenance, cleanliness, or safety issues exist. Residents will be notified in writing, in advance, of the facilities check.
  • The public areas of the floor are checked nightly with rounds and thoroughly checked weekly by the assigned RA.
  • University Student Housing staff will conduct room checks during Thanksgiving, Winter, and Spring breaks to ensure windows are closed, room temperature is appropriate, and no facilities issues will occur during break times.
  • University Student Housing staff are expected to document any policy violations that they find during a facility check which may lead to the student(s) being held accountable for those policy violations.

Student Responsibility

  • It is the responsibility of both roommates to help keep their assigned room, suite, or apartment clean. 
  • When removing your personal room trash and recycling, please use the designated receptacles or outside dumpster of your residence hall. Please do not place personal bagged trash or recycling in stairwells, bathrooms, or public trash cans within your hall.
  • Trash rooms are provided in most halls
  • Please do not overflow in-hall trash receptacles
  • Students are expected to practice appropriate personal hygiene and maintain a sanitary environment within their assigned space and community.
  • It is every student’s responsibility to help maintain cleanliness in public areas. Students are responsible for the cleanliness of the area outside their room. Vandalism and messes requiring extra clean-up will be charged to those responsible.

University Student Housing is a non-profit enterprise. Rental rates are set at a level that cover expenses and do not include a “damages factor.” For this reason, we are assertive about recovering damages that occur in and around University Student Housing facilities. Residents must use the premises and furnishings of the university in a careful and proper manner.

If residents are aware of any needed repairs or safety problems, they should let an RA know as soon as possible. If after a reasonable time the problem has not been resolved, check back with the RA.

Students are responsible for damage and loss of university property.


All halls will have kitchen facilities available for student use. Check with the hall desk concerning usage access or availability. Residents must clean up and disinfect when finished. Food storage is not allowed in public kitchens. Access may be restricted if the kitchen is not kept up properly. Cooking equipment must be provided by the student. Microfridge rentals are available through a contracted service with the university.


Washers and dryers are located in laundry rooms found in central locations or on individual floors of the hall, depending on the building. Laundry facilities are designated for on-campus residents only. Providing access to laundry facilities to unauthorized individuals is not permitted.

Ironing boards may be available in the laundry rooms or on floors throughout the building and many hall front desks have irons available for use at no charge.

If the machine fails to work, submit a Laundry Issue Work Order through the University Student Housing website. Students may also contact a University Student Housing staff member to file an issue with a laundry machine.

Students found jamming, forcing, overloading, or otherwise vandalizing machines will face disciplinary action.

We encourage students to do their laundry in their own hall so as not to burden other hall facilities.

The university is not responsible for damages, loss, or theft of clothing left in the machines or in the laundry rooms. It is suggested that students develop the habit of checking their clothing frequently while it is in the machines. Clothing left in the laundry areas will be removed by custodial staff to help maintain a clean and sanitary environment. *See also Abandoned Property. 

Maintenance Requests (Work Orders)

Students should notify University Student Housing staff if there is a maintenance need for their room or a public space. Students will not be charged to remedy damages due to expected use. Resident Advisors, Community Directors, or Program Coordinators all assist in submitting a maintenance request.  If students have questions about the status of their maintenance request, please follow up with your Community Director or the University Student Housing.

Community Bathrooms

Community bathrooms areas are monitored daily and deep-cleaned multiple times per week.

Students may not leave personal items in community style restrooms.

If Custodial or University Facility Services staff have closed a community restroom for cleaning or maintenance, residents are not permitted to enter that restroom until staff have completed their work and reopened the restroom.

Semi-Private Bathrooms

Students that live in University Student Apartments (Julia Martin), Headwaters Complex, or Yellowstone semi-suite rooms, will be provided with cleaning supplies and cleaning instructions, and will be responsible for performing regular cleanings of their private bathroom spaces.

  • Semi-private bathrooms may be deep cleaned during break times. Residents will be notified in advance of the cleaning schedule and must remove their personal items from the bathrooms prior to leaving for break. 
  • Repeated disruption of cleaning or maintenance processes may result in referral to the Student Conduct process.

Noise & Disruption

MSU is committed to providing an atmosphere conducive to academic success. Noise of any kind is the most common obstacle to providing this environment.

Students should comply with each other’s requests for quiet whenever their behavior or the behavior of their guests is such that it creates a disturbance. Students must realize that they are obligated to extend this courtesy whenever requested to do so.

General Noise

  • Yelling between buildings and placing speakers in windows facing outward is prohibited. Megaphones are not allowed.
  • Noise amplifying equipment must be used responsibly, including but not limited to: speakers, video game equipment, car sound systems, and guitar amps. Stereos should not be played through open windows to be heard outside. Subwoofers are not allowed to be utilized in the halls.
  • Pianos are available in most halls for resident enjoyment but should not be played during quiet hours and use may be restricted to accommodate for classes or other business functions. Playing of any other instruments/singing in public areas is prohibited unless specifically authorized in advance by the Community Director. Howard Hall has practice rooms available for use outside of the residence halls.
  • Due to the nature and sound produced, drums cannot be played in University Student Housing. Electric drums that can be played through headphones, and do not disrupt the community, can be played as there is no auditable sound. Other instruments may be played quietly in residents’ rooms or practice rooms except during quiet hours. If at any time such activity results in a complaint, residents must stop playing.
  • Residents may have stereos and other audio equipment in their room or suite. Please be respectful and courteous when using such equipment so that it will not interfere with other residents’ study or sleep. Any audio equipment played outside must remain at a reasonable level.

Quiet Hours

Quiet hours are predetermined periods when sound, including stereos, televisions, and voices must be at a volume low enough to be inaudible in adjoining rooms or hallways (except in a 24- hour quiet community). Quiet hours are set as follows:

Weeknights (Sunday-Thursday): 10 p.m. to 8 a.m. Weekend (Friday & Saturday): Midnight-10 a.m.

Courtesy Hours

Courtesy hours are in effect at all times. Courtesy hours allow all residents to sleep, study, and relax or host visitors without distracting noises from neighbors. If any student makes a reasonable request that another student reduce the volume of their music, talking, and TV, they must comply with the request. Residents must comply with staff requests to reduce noise. For more information see the Disruptive Behavior policy. Retaliation against the person making such a request may result in further conduct action.

24-hour Quiet Hours 

During finals week, all communities are required to adhere to 24-hour quiet hours. Violation of 24-hour quiet hours can lead to immediate dismissal from University Student Housing for the remainder of finals week.

Recreation Facilities

The use of University Student Housing recreation facilities will be evaluated on an on-going basis in order to continue to maintain healthy communities. Students are expected to abide by all posted signage in regards to the use of facilities.

Outdoor facilities are available on campus and intramural fields are located near the Outdoor Recreation building. To prevent broken windows, please do not play athletic games close to the residence halls. Most Hall Councils have equipment available for check-out at the hall front desks. For organized outdoor events, please check with an RA or CD for information on how to reserve a space.

Religious Practices

Any person wishing to smudge within University Student Housing must make their request by contacting their Community Director.  All requests will be reviewed and then the student will receive an official email regarding their request. No resident may smudge on University Student Housing premises until they receive that email from the University Student Housing office acknowledging their request.   

For those students that have a religious practice that is in conflict with the outlined University Student Housing Community Standards or Contract, please contact your Community Director to see if an accommodation or exception can be made.


Certain sports-related activity is strictly prohibited in all University Student Housing facilities and properties on campus. This includes but is not limited to: using sports equipment (i.e. Frisbees, rackets, darts, etc.), ball playing, tag/running, rollerblading/in-line skating, bicycling, skateboarding, and water/food fighting. Utilizing any outdoor modes of transportation such as bicycles, skateboards, scooters, hoverboards, etc. are not permitted inside any University Student Housing facility or property on campus.

Dart Boards

Because of the potential for bodily harm and physical damage to University Student Housing rooms, hard tip darts and dart boards will not be allowed. Any damage resulting from the use of a dart board in a room will be the financial responsibility of the residents of the room. Soft tip darts and boards are acceptable.

Passive Involvement

As a community member, you are responsible for your behavior, your choices, and your guests' behavior. One community role is to ensure that University Student Housing Community Standards are upheld. If you are in the presence of a violation you have a few options:

  • You may attempt to stop the violation
  • You may contact residence hall staff through the hall front desk
  • You may remove yourself from the situation
  • If you choose to remain at the scene of a policy violation, you will be included on the incident report and may be held accountable for a policy violation. The conduct process will give passively involved students the opportunity to explain their involvement before charges are found responsible or not responsible.

Pets & Assistive Animals

Only fish, other totally aquatic species (snails, etc.), service animals, and approved assistive animals are allowed in University Student Housing. Aquariums must be less than 10 gallons. Residents should clean their aquarium in a cleaning room, not in the bathroom. University Student Housing will not be responsible for the care of animals during school breaks (Semester, Spring, etc.), and residents will need to plan accordingly. University Student Housing will not be responsible for the evacuation of animals during an evacuation.

Service and Assistive Animals

Service animals are permitted in University Student Housing. Assistive animals may be permitted in University Student Housing for residents, subject to approval by  the Office of Disability Services and University Student Housing. Owners of service and approved assistive animals must adhere to the Guidelines for Emotional Support/Service Animals to ensure their animal does not violate their obligation to the University Student Housing contract.

  • Specifically, owners should be mindful of the animal’s potential influence on another resident’s peaceful enjoyment and the property of Montana State University. Please note that failure to adhere to the Guidelines for Emotional Support/Service Animals may result in the animal and/or resident being removed from University Student Housing.
  • Any pet violation or violation of the assistive animal contract may result in the resident being charged for disinfecting the room or other damages incurred.

Property Damage, Vandalism & Theft

Students are responsible for the furniture and fixtures in their rooms and for university property within the hall. Any room damages (including nail holes, tape residue, etc.) determined to be above normal wear and tear (at the discretion of the University Student Housing staff), will be billed to the resident(s) and may result in disciplinary action.

Students who, because of their actions, are responsible for damage to University Student Housing facility (such as leaving a window open during the winter that results in a burst heater pipe), will be held financially responsible for any/all damages caused as a result.

University Student Housing may refuse, revoke, suspend, or reassign housing for a student or group of students based on behavior that violates Code of Student Conduct and/or Community Standards or damages. If students are found responsible for malicious or careless damage to University property they will be sanctioned through the conduct process.

If students are found responsible for malicious or careless damage to University property they will be sanctioned through the conduct process. If no responsible individuals can be identified, common area privileges may be restricted. 


It is the responsibility of all assigned students to help keep their room, suite, or apartment clean. Roommates should keep their respective sides of the room in a fashion that suits their tastes without infringing upon the roommate’s rights. One’s personal hygiene should be maintained and not create an unsanitary condition or an offense to others. It is every student’s responsibility to help maintain cleanliness in public areas. Students are responsible for the cleanliness of the area outside their room. Vandalism and messes requiring extra clean-up will be charged to those responsible.

Damage Charges

In order to help keep University Student Housing costs as low as possible, anyone who steals, loses, destroys or damages Montana State University property will be charged accordingly, required to pay the charges immediately, and will be subject to disciplinary action. If the damage exceeds $50 or is malicious in nature, it may result in arrest for damage to state property. If heat pipes freeze and burst in your room due to an open window, the resident(s) may be held accountable to all charges and replacement costs that are incurred from the damage.

Windows & Screens

Removal of screens is prohibited. Submit a maintenance request (work order) immediately if your screen is damaged, removed, or missing. If found to have been purposefully removed, the resident may be charged for the screen replacement and/or reinstallation.

Throwing objects from or at windows is strictly prohibited. Items should not be attached to the window in order to maintain the condition of the window.


In University Student Housing, vandalism is defined as any damage to property, furnishings, furniture, elevators, bulletin boards, flyers, or any additional/unnecessary messes beyond what is expected with normal use of the facilities (i.e., smashed fruit in the hallway, spilled drink in the stairwell, etc.).

Activities that require excessive clean-up by the custodial staff will be charged to the individuals responsible.

Room Changes

When a space (bed, closet, etc.) in a room becomes vacant after a student moves out, residents still in the room must keep that space unoccupied should another resident(s) be assigned to that space.

Residents still in the room are encouraged to keep the space reasonably clean to help create a positive roommate dynamic with the new resident(s).

Residents can only move into a vacant space in a room after being granted permission by their Community Director, Program Coordinator, or the University Student Housing Office. Moving into a room/suite/apartment or changing rooms/suites/apartments without the written approval and direction of University Student Housing is a violation of this standard that may result in conduct action and/or applicable fees.

Room Vacancies

  • University housing is in high demand and we strive to provide as many students as possible with the opportunity to live on-campus. The university routinely identifies vacancies that can be offered to continuing students on waiting lists or new students preparing to join our campus. However, in order to make the best use of space, we first provide current residents with the opportunity to participate in the Room Consolidation process. See the University Student Housing Contract for more information.
  • If a space is available in a room, University Student Housing may assign a roommate at any time without prior notification to the remaining student(s). University Student Housing staff will make an effort to contact Students in advance that they are receiving a roommate.
  • The room must have half of all the furnishings and space available for a new Student to move in at any time. In suites or apartments, all common room furniture must be in the common room and all shared space must be ready for use by any newly assigned Student.
  • Students agree to not create or maintain an unwelcoming, hostile, or intimidating environment with the intent to drive out a roommate. This will be seen as a disciplinary issue resulting in possible behavioral sanctions as well as financial responsibility for any Cancellation Fees.
  • Students that are approved for a Double-as-Single room may keep the room and assume the additional cost if space is available. When vacancies occur in a suite, the remaining student(s) must accept a new roommate(s) and/or move to another suite. The university will not change room assignments if the vacancy occurs within two weeks of the end of the semester.


Residence Halls do not have student storage available for students. A limited number of ski/snowboard lockers are available to residents of Hapner, Hyalite, and Yellowstone Halls and secure bike storage available to residents of Hyalite and Yellowstone to rent for a minimal charge. These lockers and secure bike storage spots are rented on a first-come, first-serve basis starting in July.

Smoking & Tobacco Use

No Smoking

Smoking is not allowed inside any University Student Housing facilities. This includes cigars, cigarettes, pipes, hookah, e-cigarettes/vape, or any other smoking device. Hookah pipes or bongs are prohibited inside of any University Student Housing facilities. Any smoking paraphernalia known to be associated with or suspected of use with drugs may be confiscated by University Police Department and is a violation of the drug policy.

Tobacco Free Campus

As of August 1, 2012, Montana State University is a Tobacco Free Campus.

The use of tobacco (including cigarettes, cigars, pipes, smokeless tobacco, and all other tobacco products) by students, faculty, staff, guests, visitors, and contractors is prohibited on all properties owned or leased by MSU, including:

  • All interior space on the MSU campus and property leased by MSU, including the agricultural research centers and other remote sites;
  • All outside property or grounds on MSU's campuses, including areas such as walkways, breezeways, parking lots, and patios;
  • All outside property leased by MSU;
  • All vehicles leased or owned by MSU;
  • All indoor and outdoor athletic facilities.
  • Advertising, sale, or distribution of tobacco is prohibited on MSU's campus.
  • Tobacco industry and related company sponsorship of campus groups, events, individuals, and departments is prohibited. This includes scholarships, sponsorship of faculty positions, and recruiting for employment. Tobacco industry and related company sponsorship of MSU athletic events and MSU athletes is prohibited.
  • Littering on any university property, whether owned or leased, with the remains of tobacco products is prohibited.
  • Organizers and attendees at public events, such as conferences, meetings, public lectures, social events, cultural events, and sporting events using MSU facilities are required to abide by MSU's tobacco-free policy. Organizers of such events are responsible for communicating the policy to attendees and for enforcing this policy.

Space Reservations

A Space Reservation Request must be made via the University Student Housing Main Office in order to reserve an available space in the hall for sponsored events.

Sponsors must be recognized as a University-affiliated group. Additional rules & regulations for events and reservations may be provided during the reservation request process.


Signs which are the property of the federal, state, or local government, or which belong to the university, may not be posted in student rooms. Sign theft is illegal. If residents are found possessing such a sign, they will be reported to the proper authorities for disposition of their case. If students are found to be in possession of a local business sign, they will be reported to the business concerned and/or the local police.

University and Community Information

It is expected that residents attend community meetings with their Resident Advisors, and/or Community Director where students receive important information regarding their housing and the campus community. To ensure that this information is received, students are strongly encouraged to check their preferred email. Preferred email may be edited through MyInfo.

Students are strongly encouraged to check their university email for important communications. Email communication constitutes official notification from the university. Failure to check this university-issued email accounts does not negate a student’s’ responsibility to respond to the provided information.

Video Policy

Showing videos (VHS, DVD, film, etc.) in University Student Housing must comply with federal copyright protections. Please adhere to the following guidelines:

  • The university and its staff cannot rent videos without paying additional price for copyright privileges.
  • It is against copyright law to have a public showing of videos, e.g. to a large group of individuals outside of an individual room, apartment or floor lounge. 
  • Money may not be charged for video showings. 
  • The showing of adult videos is prohibited in public areas.

Weapons – (University Weapons Policy)


For purposes of this policy, “Weapon” means an instrument, article or substance that is designed, used or likely to be used to cause bodily harm or property damage. Weapons include the following items: firearms, including rifles, shotguns, handguns; bowie, dirks and knives (other than kitchen knives) with blades four (4) inches or longer, explosives, swords, nun chucks, throwing stars and other martial arts weapons, crossbows, compound bows, recurve bows, long bows, pepper spray (except for small, personal protection dispensers), BB guns, paintball guns, ammunition, and non-functioning replicas that could be confused with actual firearms/weapons. “University Premises” means the facilities and land owned, leased by, or under the primary control of Montana State University-Bozeman and passenger vehicles owned, leased, or otherwise under the control of the university.


No person may carry or possess a weapon, regardless of whether the person has a permit to carry a concealed weapon, on university premises except as authorized by this policy.

  • Residents of University Student Housing may store rifles, shotguns, crossbows, compound bows, recurve bows and long bows with field or broadhead points, and bear spray at the University Police Department.
  • Licensed Peace Officers and Security Personnel. Licensed Peace Officers working in the course and scope of their employment as law enforcement officers and employees of a contracted private security company, registered to carry firearms pursuant to Title 37, Chapter 60, MCA, working in the course and scope of their employment, are authorized to carry loaded firearms on campus.
  • The transportation of unloaded firearms directly between a parking area on campus and the location authorized for its use, or transportation of a firearm to be stored in the university storage facility as outlined in this policy is permitted under this policy.
  • The use of starting pistols at athletic events, replicas in connection with authorized military drills by ROTC, or theatrical productions sponsored by the university is permitted.
  • The display of unloaded firearms in connection with university events or events contracted under the Facility Use Policy by third parties is permitted, if the advance written permission from the University Police Chief or designee is obtained. The Chief of Police shall provide notice to university administrators or employees who, in his or her discretion, should be advised of the granted exception.


Students and employees who violate the provisions of this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion or termination of employment. The University Police Department shall be responsible for appropriate enforcement of the policy for visitors and others on campus which may include removal from the campus, restriction of access to campus under section 1200.00 of the Facilities Use Manual, criminal, and/or civil proceedings.

Discharging a weapon in University Student Housing will be cause for immediate contract termination and removal from University Student Housing.

In all cases of weapons violations, students will face disciplinary action and law enforcement will be involved. Students could face contract termination and removal from University Student Housing and suspension from the university.

In addition to our Student Code Conduct Weapons Policy. University Student Housing also prohibits the following items:

  • Axes
  • Hatchets
  • Ice picks