2024-2025 Residence Hall Contract

Montana State University [“University”] and the undersigned student [“Student”] enter into this Residence Hall Contract upon the following terms and conditions:

  1. Premises: Subject to the terms contained herein, the University agrees to provide the Student a residence in a campus residence hall, except where temporary reassignment may be necessary.
  2. Eligibility and Priority: To be eligible to reside in the residence hall, the student must be enrolled as a student of the University or enrolled in a Gallatin College Workforce Development Program. A student may live in the residence halls while taking at least 12 undergraduate or 9 graduate credits and during each semester of occupancy and making timely progress towards a degree in a university approved program. Students must pre-register for classes or demonstrate intent to register (orientation registration; note from an advisor), no later than June 1 for fall semester, and November 30, for spring semester, of each calendar year, in order to maintain student status for purposes of housing eligibility.
    1. Any student taking 7 to 11 credits must request permission from the Director of University Student Housing or their designee to live in the residence hall and if approved will be placed on University Student Housing probation. If a student is taking less than 7 credits or is no longer enrolled in the University, this contract may be terminated, and the student will be required to vacate the residence hall.
    2. WWAMI students may reside in University Student Housing, provided program and class registration can be verified, and program participation continues to require student presence in Bozeman, MT.
    3. Tenants must have a primary role of student. Students meeting all other criteria, who are also an MSU employee at .75 FTE or greater are not eligible to reside in student housing.
    4. The parameters below apply to the duration of tenancy in all University Student Housing options. You may continue to live in University Student Housing if you progress to the next degree level, provided it is your first of that type of degree.
      1. Undergraduate students should be in their first undergraduate degree and not exceed six years (72 months) living on campus.
      2. Master degree students should be in their first master degree program and not exceed three years (36 months) living on campus.
      3. Doctoral students should be in their first doctoral program and not exceed six years (72 months) living on campus.
      4. The maximum cumulative time that any student may live in student housing (all degrees and all housing options) is nine years (108 months).
    5. Any student that has been given housing restrictions from the MSU Campus Safety & Welfare Committee, or as a result of any student conduct process, is not eligible to live in on-campus housing.
  3. Application Prepayment & Cancellation:
    1. The application prepayment is $300.00 and will be applied towards the student’s Room & Board fees.
    2. If a student wishes to cancel the application and contract for the 2024-2025 academic year and does so before 11:59pm on March 1, 2024, with the  University Student Housing Office in person, in writing, or via phone they will receive $100.00 refund and be charged a $200.00 cancellation fee. Any cancellation of the housing application and contract that is submitted after 11:59pm on March 1, 2024, will not be refunded and the student will be charged a $300.00 cancellation fee.
    3. Students who live in the residence halls during the spring 2024 semester and wish to return to the residence halls for the fall 2024 semester will not make an application prepayment. If a returning student application is cancelled after Friday, May 10, 2024, at 5:00pm MDT, they will incur a $300 cancellation charge applied to their student account.
  4. Assignment: The University will assign new students a room after the student has submitted a completed Residence Hall application, agreed to the 2024-2025 Residence Hall Contract, and made a nonrefundable $300 application prepayment. Students currently residing in the residence halls who submit an application before the advertised priority application deadline will be given first choice in room assignments. Assignment according to student preferences is not guaranteed. The student must reside in the room assigned and may not reassign or sublet the room. The University reserves the right to change room assignments as needed.
  5. Contract Period: The Term of the Contract is for the 2024-2025 Academic Year, defined as the first official day of housing, or upon Occupancy, whichever comes first, through 12:00 PM the first Saturday after spring finals. All residence halls will be open during Thanksgiving and Spring Break at no additional charge.  Services at residence hall front desks and dining hours may be reduced during Thanksgiving and Spring Break. Housing is not covered under this Contract during the University Winter Break between the fall and spring semesters and separate reservation and payment arrangements are required. Students housed during vacation periods may be required to temporarily occupy a room other than their regularly assigned room during such vacations.
  6. Check In: Fall Semester, all students’ rooms will be held until 8 o’clock a.m. of the first day of class and then will be reassigned. If a student must take occupancy after the first day of class, they must submit notice to the University Student Housing Office and specify the date the student will check in. Rooms will be held no longer than one week in such cases.
  7. Room Changes:
    1. Students with approved room changes must vacate the old room and move into the new room within 72 hours of picking up the room key to the new room.
    2. Students holding two spaces (occupying space in two rooms while transitioning from one to the other) past 72 hours may be subject to the charges associated for both spaces.
    3. Unauthorized room changes will result in an improper checkout fee ($100.00), and Students may be required to move back to the original assignments. Students who make unauthorized room changes may be charged the room rate for both rooms until either the room change has been approved and the Student has completed vacating the originally assigned room, or the Student has moved back to the originally assigned room.
    4. University Student Housing reserves the right to make or restrict room changes at any time.
  8. Room Vacancies: If a vacancy occurs in a double or triple room, the remaining Student(s) must keep the room ready for another Student to move into the room at any time. If a vacancy occurs in a location with a shared common space such as an apartment or suite, the common space must be clean and in an acceptable state.
    1. If a space is available in a room, University Student Housing may assign a roommate at any time without prior notification to the remaining Student(s). University Student Housing staff will make an effort to contact Students in advance that they are receiving a roommate.
    2. The room must have half of all the furnishings and space available for a new Student to move in at any time. In suites or apartments, all common room furniture must be in the common room and all shared space must be ready for use by any newly assigned Student.
    3. Students agree to not engage in actions with the intent to drive out a roommate. This will be seen as a disciplinary issue resulting in possible behavioral sanctions as well as financial responsibility for any Cancellation Fees.
    4. Students that are approved for a Double-as-Single room may keep the room and assume the additional cost if space is available.
    5. When vacancies occur in a suite/apartment, the remaining student(s) must accept a new roommate(s) and/or move to another suite/apartment.
  9. Payment of Room and Board Charges: The student agrees to pay all room and board fees for each semester by the deadline for payment of University student fees.
    1. Room and board rates for this contract will be those rates approved by the Montana Board of Regents.
    2. Room and board charges begin the first day the residence halls open, regardless of the date of occupancy.
    3. The $300 application prepayment will be applied toward the room and board charges of students who take occupancy of the room assigned to them. If students do not take occupancy of their room, they will forfeit their $300 application prepayment.
    4. Pro-rated Room & Board Refunds will be processed according to the following schedule:

      Date the Resident Moves Out*
      % of Room & Board Refunded

      On or before the 7th day

      Fall Semester - August 24, 2024

      Spring Semester – January 18, 2025


      On or before the 14th day

      Fall Semester – August 31, 2024

      Spring Semester – January 25, 2025


      On or before the 21st day

      Fall Semester - September 7, 2024

      Spring Semester – February 1, 2025


      On or before the 28th day

      Fall Semester - September 14, 2024

      Spring Semester – February 8, 2025


      On or before the 35th day

      Fall Semester - September 21, 2024

      Spring Semester – February 15, 2025


      On or before the 42nd day

      Fall Semester - September 28, 2024

      Spring Semester – February 22, 2025


      On or after the 43rd day

      Fall Semester – September 29, 2024

      Spring Semester – February 23, 2025


      Social Fees:
      All residence halls have a Social Fee established by the Residence Hall Association, which is assessed in conjunction with room and board payments each semester. The Social Fee is assessed to every student living in the residence halls and is nonrefundable.
  10. Culinary Services: All students living in the residence halls must contract for a meal plan and comply with the rules and regulations set forth in the Culinary Services Policies & Expectations. In the absence of a selection, the student will be assigned to the Bobcat Anytime Silver Meal Plan. Meal plans are not transferable.
  11. University Regulations: The Student agrees to observe all University policies and University Student Housing Community Standards. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action, including removal from the residence halls and/or suspension/expulsion from the University. All University policies and regulations published in the Montana State University Catalog, the Code of Student Conduct, the University Student Housing Community Standards, and the Culinary Services Policies & Expectations are specifically made a part of this contract by this reference. Please note that changes to university policies, the Montana State University Code of Student Conduct, and MSU Housing Community Standards may be made at any time and for any reason through the authorized processes and personnel. Please review the latest version of these documents periodically to ensure that you remain in compliance.
  12. Community Membership: University-wide programs and events as a part of their community membership. The residence hall activities include all semester opening, closing, and any other floor meetings; University Convocation; orientation and MSU Debut events; occasional one-on-one conversations with their Resident Assistant.
  13. Commercial Use: Commercial use of any part of the room or facilities, and commercial solicitation and promotion in the residence halls is prohibited. Students may not conduct commercial activity or promote commercial activity using the room, room address, or university computer address ( domain).
  14. University Authority: The University has the right to:
    1. Move students from a specific room, floor, hall, or the residence hall system, if necessary. Examples of circumstances requiring reassignments include, but are not limited to:  consolidating space, conserving energy, protecting the welfare of Residents, reassignment based on a violation of University policies, closing part of a residence hall, utilizing and ADA designated space for an ADA room accommodation, or other maintenance, economic, or safety reason, or other legitimate reasons as determined at the discretion of the University.
    2. Inspect all rooms, with notice in writing, for purposes of inventory, fire protection, sanitation, safety, and maintenance. Students may not block or restrict a University official from access to their rooms.
    3. Enter any unit without notice in cases of emergency or when attempts to provide notice by phone or in person fail.
  15. University Responsibility for Student’s Personal Property:
    1. The University assumes no responsibility for the theft, destruction, or loss of money, valuables or other personal property belonging to or in the custody of the Student, no matter the cause or location of the property.
    2. Montana State University assumes no responsibility for loss or damage to personal property or for any injury to a Resident or a guest of the Resident in MSU Housing facilities due to acts outside of its control, such as fire, theft, water, interruption of water, heat, or utility problems. Residents are strongly encouraged to carry personal property or renter’s insurance. Residents are also strongly encouraged to remove all valuable items from the room during break periods. Any claims regarding property loss or injury will be referred to the office of Environmental Health and Risk Management.
  16. Student’s Responsibility for Damage and Loss of University Property:
    1. The Student’s signature on the room condition card is the Student’s acceptance of the condition of the room and its contents at occupancy. The form is the standard for determining the condition of the room and contents at the termination of occupancy.
    2. The Student is responsible for any damage or loss caused to the building, room, furniture, and equipment. Damage or loss within student rooms will be charged to the assigned students. The Student agrees to pay the University for damages.
  17. Termination:
    1. Students who want to be released from this contract for any reason before the end of the contract period must file a Request for Residence Hall Contract Release via the Housing Portal.
      1. The Student will be released from the contract only if they meet the criteria for release stated on the request form and provide all required documentation. The Associate VP of Administration and Finance will make the final decision regarding Contract Release Requests.
      2. If the student is released from this contract prior to the expiration of the term, a $300 contract cancellation charge and pro-rated room and board charges will be assessed as of the date of final check out. Refunds of housing payments will not be processed until final checkout is completed, cleaning and/or damages are assessed, keys are accounted for, and any outstanding debt to Montana State University has been resolved.
      3. A student must pay the full amount of the room and board charges for the full contract period unless the student is granted a contract release by University Student Housing.
    2. This contract may be terminated by University Student Housing at any time for violation of the terms and conditions of this contract. If the contract is terminated, the University may assess a $300 contract cancellation charge, retain all payments made under the contract and may seek any other remedy in law or If this contract is terminated, the Student agrees to vacate the residence hall within 72 hours, unless the student requests and is granted an extension by the Director of University Student Housing.
    3. Until all sums owed to University Student Housing are paid in full, the Student may not register for future courses, receive transcripts, diplomas, or degrees.
    4. If collection is required, the Student agrees to pay all additional collection fees, including but not limited to collection agency fees of up to 33% and reasonable attorney fees made or incurred by the University in enforcing this contract.
  18. Check-Out: The student must use the established check-out procedures upon termination of this contract. Students who fail to return a key will be charged for a lock change. Students who fail to clean the room and/or cause damage to the room and its contents will be charged the actual costs for University personnel to clean and repair the premises.
    1. In the event the University determines that a reassignment/relocation or move out on a temporary basis must occur on an urgent basis due to health and/or safety reasons, including without limitation, a Pandemic or Emergency Declaration by any governing authority, the Student may not have the opportunity to retrieve his or her personal property left by Student in their residence hall room. In such an event, the University shall have the right to pack, store and/or ship the Student’s belongings to the address designated by the Student, exercising reasonable care including the engagement of professional moving services selected by the University.
  19. Abandoned Property: If the Student leaves property in the room or on University property after termination of occupancy, the property shall be deemed abandoned. The University will dispose of the property if not removed by the Student after notice is sent to the Student’s last known address. Any charges incurred to remove, store, or dispose of the property will be assessed to the Student.
  20. Personal Property: By signing/electronically confirming this Contract, the Student acknowledges that all personal property of the Students kept, placed, or stored in the residence halls shall be at the Student’s sole risk, and the University does not accept liability, other than as provided by Montana law, for loss or damage to personal property. This provision shall apply with equal force to any personal property that the Student leaves in or about the residence halls following the Student’s check‐out from the residence halls or due to an emergency relocation or emergency move‐out. If the Student desires protection for any personal property, the Student must obtain personal property loss insurance from an independent insurance carrier at the Student’s sole cost and expense.
  21. Dispute of Charges and Cancellation Fees:
    1. If a Student disagrees with a housing charge, damage charge or cancellation fee that has been assessed to the Student Account pursuant to this Contract, the Student may submit an appeal in writing to University Student Housing. This does not include charges associated with student conduct proceedings. 
    2. Appeals can only be made after a charge has been assessed to the Student Account and must be submitted within 30 days of the date of the invoice for the charges.
    3. All appeals will be initially heard by the Director of University Student Housing or their designee. If the Student disagrees with the original decision, the Student may request, in writing, a review by the University Student Housing Contract Review Committee. If the Student disagrees with the Committee, the Student may request a final appeal in writing to the Associate Vice-President of Auxiliary Services.
  22. Exceptions to Contract Terms and Conditions: Only the Director of University Student Housing, or their designee, is authorized to modify the Terms and Conditions of the Contract. Program Coordinators (PCs), Community Directors (CDs), Resident Assistants (RAs) and Area Coordinators (ACs) are not authorized to modify these Terms and Conditions.
  23. Applicable Law: This Contract is governed by and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Montana, without resort to any other jurisdiction’s conflict of law rules or doctrines. Any claim, action, or suit between Montana State University and the Student that arises out of or relates to this Contract must be brought and conducted solely and exclusively within the district court for Gallatin County, for the State of Montana.
  24. Severability: The invalidity, illegality, or enforceability of any provision of this Contract shall not affect the validity, legality, or enforceability of any other provision of this Contract, which shall remain in full force and effect and shall be liberally construed in order to effectuate the purpose and intent of this Contract.
  25. Effect of Signature: By entering this Contract, you certify that you have read all the terms and conditions of the MSU University Student Housing Residence Hall 2024-2025 Contract and agree to the terms stated therein.

Room Entry Notice

Montana State University is required by law to provide you with written notice that University employees will enter your residence hall room. Notice is hereby given that University employees will enter your residence hall room(s) in the following circumstances:

  1. When there is an emergency that requires entry, such as:
    1. An imminent threat of damage to the room, building and/or its occupants, including but not limited to fire, smoke, firebombs, flooding, steam leaks, smoke detector alarm, lack of heat, too much heat, electrical malfunction, unauthorized entry by trespasser;
    2. A credible report from a roommate, friend, family member or university official that the occupant is missing under circumstances that create reasonable cause to believe the student may be in danger or require assistance;
    3. A call for help from the people in the room.
  2. To check the facilities for safety and maintenance and to assure security of the rooms during Thanksgiving Break, Winter Break, and Spring Break.
  3. In response to building evacuations (including fire and other safety drills), to determine that the residents have exited the building. Failure to exit during a building evacuation, including drills, will result in disciplinary action.
  4. When an alarm, radio or stereo or other sound emitting device is left on creating disturbance and/or concern that the occupant may need help.
  5. A weapon, explosives or combustibles have been reported in the room.
  6. At such other times, a specific prior written notice is provided.

Before any entry, except in emergencies or fire evacuation, the staff member will knock on the door and identify themselves before entry. Students may not physically or visually obstruct, block, restrict or deny a University Student Housing staff member or other University official from entering their room. Failure to respond to a staff member’s reasonable request to open the door may result in disciplinary action.

This form constitutes written notice of room entry under the circumstances described. I have read and understand this notice and that University Student Housing staff members or their designee will enter my room as outlined in this notice.