As part of the Early Career Faculty Success Program, the Center provides an early career faculty success certificate to help faculty who participate in the program. The goal is to build a welcoming and inclusive culture that spreads into classroom, research, creative and community spaces, and to equip faculty with the knowledge of how to promote student success through achieving excellence in teaching, scholarship and service. 

Faculty earn the certificate after

  • completing the two (2) required workshops and four (4) workshop credits by attending some of the optional workshops below,
  • attending four (4) out of nine (9) Early Career Faculty Learning Community (FLC) sessions,
  • completing at least one (1) reflection activity following a FLC session, and
  • being in the first three years of employment at MSU. 

The certificates can be included in annual review and promotion and tenure materials as well as in applications for awards.


  • Most of the time 1 hour = 1 credit.
  • To receive credit for Center of Faculty Excellence sponsored activities, interested faculty should sign the Record of Attendance that will be distributed at these events.
  • Individuals can watch recordings of sessions  and submit the Outside Activity form to

Want to see what trainings you have attended? Log into the training reservation system and scroll down to "Your Completed Trainings."


Optional Workshops

  • Academic Advising

  • Active Learning Basics
  • Navigating the Unexpected in the Classrooms

  • Course Evaluations

  • Intro to Grants and Finding Funding

  • Recognizing & Referring Students with Mental Health

  • Researcher Visibility

  • Universal Design for Learning


Questions about the program can be directed to Nika Stoop at