Fall 2024 Undergraduate Peer Tutors 

Afton (A.B.)


Pronouns: She/Her 

Major: Sustainable Food Systems 

Minor: Sustainability and Environmental Stewardship 

Some Subjects/Courses taken: Texts and Critics, SOCI 101, CHMY 151, Soils 

Strengths as a Tutor:  

  1. Fine editing and grammar 
  2. Brainstorming and idea flow 
  3. Problem-solving and re-framing

A Little About Me: I grew up in Twin Falls, Idaho, so I have spent all my life in and around the mountains. I have been studying sustainable food systems at MSU for two years now and am passionate about promoting sustainability and keeping the earth happy. In my free time, I love to be outside hiking, climbing, and camping, and I also have a passion for travel. Books and music are close to my heart as well. As a tutor, I believe that writing is a collaborative process and I am excited to help you on your journey! 

Annie (A.J.)


Pronouns: She/Her 

Major:  Mechanical Engineering 

Some Subjects/Courses Taken:  CLS 101US, SOCI 101IS/201D, CHMY 141/142, EMEC 100 

Strengths as a Tutor:  

  • Lab reports 
  • Brainstorming, organizing, and refining 
  • Comfort with STEM topics 

A Little About Me:  My hometown is Houston, Texas. My free time is spent cooking new recipes (or making new variations of fried rice), skiing, and exploring Montana. When writing I enjoy researching different perspectives on subjects and analyzing common threads. I am good at prompt interpretation and adherence to class rubrics. I’m excited to work with you and hear about new topics across many disciplines! 

Aidan (A.P.)


Pronouns: He/Him 

Major: Microbiology/Environmental Health 

Minors: Genetics, English Literature 

Some Subjects/Courses taken: SOCI110, ARTH200, Texts & Critics, and CHMY courses 

Strengths as a Tutor:

  • Fine detail editing and revision 
  • Applications, personal statements, and proposal writing 
  • Brainstorming (with visual aid) 
  • Argumentative writing

A Little About Me: Hey, I’m Aidan and this is my second semester at the Writing Center. I’m from Laurel, Montana - just a hop, skip, and a jump down I-90. As a STEM major, I don’t get to take writing courses often, so having this job is very special to me. Outside of school and the Writing Center, I enjoy spending time outdoors with a good book; currently, I am reading Letters to a Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke! I’m very excited to help you in the writing process! 

Ben (B.C.)


Pronouns: He/Him

Major: Environmental Biology 

Minor: English Writing  

Some Subjects/Courses Taken: Natural sciences, CRWR240, WRIT372 

Strengths as a Tutor

  • Brainstorming 
  • Conventions and grammar 
  • Blending evidence into argument 

A Little About Me: As an aspiring science communications author, I enjoy finding common ground in both informational and creative disciplines. Writing, after all, is an eclectic process! I believe good storytelling is one of the most effective means of communication. With that in mind, I’m more than happy to work with anything from lab reports to fictional prose.

Cecilia (C.F.)


Pronouns:  She/Her 

Major:  Geology 

Minor:  Anthropology 

Some Subjects/Courses Taken:  Texts & Critics, SOCI 101IS, Political Theory 

Strengths as a Tutor: 

  • Organizing ideas 
  • Creating clarity throughout pieces of writing 
  • Using evidence to support arguments 

A Little About Me: I’m from Homer, Alaska. I enjoy hiking, knitting, camping, drinking tea and pretty much anything that involves crafts or the outdoors. I also have always enjoyed reading (lately I have been going through a memoir phase) but when I was younger, I did not like writing much because I really struggled with my spelling. Don’t let roadblocks like those stop you; come visit me in the Writing Center and we can work through it together! 

Carly (C.J.)


Pronouns: She/Her  

Major: Microbiology/ Pre-Med 

Minor: German Studies  

Courses taken: Texts & Critics, German 201/202, CHMY 141 & 143, BIOB 260 

Strengths as a tutor:  

  • Brainstorming ideas 
  • Word choice and coherency 
  • Outlining and organizing thoughts 
  • Proofreading  

A Little About Me: I was born and raised in Billings, Montana's “big city.” Science and English courses are generally my favorites, but specifically, I love chemistry! Outside of school, I enjoy crafts and drawing; currently, I am learning embroidery. I also enjoy hiking, hammocking, and playing pickle-ball. As a tutor, I want to help you with your points of need. That may be thinking of essay concepts together or heavy proofreading - whatever you would like to work on. I’m looking forward to working with y’all and hopefully making the writing process a little more fun! 

Carly (C.M.)


Pronouns: She/Her  

Major: English Literature  

Minor: Math, Philosophy, Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies 

Some Subjects/Courses Taken: Texts & Critics, WRIT 201, Memoir Writing, LIT and PHL electives, Swedish, Structure & Function of Language  

Strengths as a Tutor: 

  • Organizing/re-organizing thoughts and ideas, often through lists and outlines 
  • Detail-oriented read-throughs, especially focusing on grammar and commas  
  • Working with academic argumentative essays (I have written and read A LOT of them) 

A Little About Me: I grew up in Minnesota, but I live in Bozeman almost year-round (much to the chagrin of my cat Nilla, who remains in MN). During the semester, I spend a lot of my time tutoring at both the Writing Center and Math and Stats Center. When I’m not working (or doing homework in either Miller or the Library), I am often going on long walks, crocheting, listening to music, and cross-country skiing to destress. I love learning new things, and I love tutoring because of how much I am able to learn with and from everyone I work with; I look forward to meeting you!  

Evie (E.E.S.)


Pronouns: She/Her 

Major: Photography 

Minor: English Writing 

Some Subjects/Courses Taken: Texts and Critics, Film & Photo History, Research writing, Creative Writing 

Strengths as a Tutor: 

  • Creative brainstorming 
  • Format, Flow & Crafting 
  • Analysis 

A Little About Me: Hey there! I am a senior majoring in photography and minoring in writing! Although I am now studying the arts and humanities, I started as a stem major, so I really love writing and working across different forms and genres!  On campus, I’m involved with Alpha Omicron Pi (sorority) and Fuerza Latinx (cultural club). Outside of the writing center, I love hiking, kayaking, and sitting down with a good book!

Evelyn (E.G.)


Pronouns:  She/Her 

Major:  Microbiology 

Minor:  Psychology  

Some Subjects/Courses Taken:  Texts & Critics, CHMY 141/142, Contemporary Issues in Human Sexuality, BIOB170 

Strengths as a Tutor: 

  • Fine detail editing 
  • Writing Lab Reports 
  • Grammar and Conventions 

A Little About Me: Hi! I’m from a small town in eastern South Dakota. In my free time, you can find me spending time with friends, going for walks, reading, and doing anything and everything outdoors. When tutoring, I am more than willing to brainstorm ideas and answer questions. I highly encourage you to visit the writing center at any time!  

Esther (E.N.M.)


Pronouns: She/Her 

Major: Environmental Science 

Some Subjects/Courses Taken: WRIT 201, CHMY 143, NRSM 430, BIOE Courses 

Strengths as a Tutor: 

  • ACS and IEEE Citation Styles, lab reports, and technical briefs 
  •  Grammar, syntax, and sentence structure 
  •  Organization  

A Little About Me: I speak multiple languages, and therefore work well with multilingual writers. I am an avid bookworm and enjoy listening and dancing to music. I firmly believe in the growth mindset, and I welcome all of you to write with me regardless of where you are in your writing process. 

Grace (G.E.)


Pronouns: She/Her 

Major: Global and & Multicultural Studies 

Some Subjects/Courses taken: Texts&Critics, LING238, SPNS201, SOC415 

Strengths as a Tutor:

  • Grammar and Fine Editing 
  • Creative wWriting 
  • Outlining 

A Little About Me: I am a first-generation Alaska Native student who grew up in Washington. In my free time you can find me hiking, rock climbing, or with a good book! Growing up, writing was a struggle for me; I often got hung up on grammar, spelling, and formatting. Writing isn’t easy, but through collaboration and practice I have become more confident. I’m eager to help you with all stages of your writing! 

Gabbi (G.H.)


Pronouns:  She/Her 

Major:  Business Marketing 

Some Subjects/Courses Taken:  Business Communications, Modern Asia, Micro/Macro Economics, Art of World Civilization I, and Business Fundamentals. 

Strengths as a Tutor:

  • Creative Brainstorming 
  • Business Writing 
  • Writing in different mediums (emails, memos, social media, etc.) 

A Little About Me: I have been at the Writing Center for 6 semesters and will graduate in the Spring. I am from Western North Dakota, a place that I hold very close to my heart. When I am not tutoring, you may still see me in the Writing Center working as the Outreach Intern (ask me about it, I love my job!).  When I am not on campus, I love to hike, paint, read, and binge movies late at night with an extra buttery bowl of popcorn! I cannot wait to work with and meet all of you. 

Georgia (G.S.)


Pronouns: She/Her  

Major: English Writing 

Minor: Spanish and History 

Subjects/Courses taken: T&C, history, creative writing, Spanish, and literature  

Strengths as a tutor: 

  • Paper organization, outlining strategies, brainstorming  
  • Creative writing, literary & historical analysis  
  • Chill and adaptable to different energy levels 😊 

About Me: In my free time, I love reading, rock climbing, and listening to music. I have a passion for travelling and exploring, which I plan to write about in the future! As a tutor, I enjoy acting as a sounding board for any and all writing ideas. I’ve learned so much about writing while working at the WC, and I can’t wait to collaborate with you! 

Joelle (J.S.)


Pronouns: She/Her  

Major: Psychology  


Some Subjects/Courses Taken:CRWR 240RA, HSTR 210IH, EDU101US 

Strengths as a Tutor: 

  • Organizing ideas and outlines 
  • Brainstorming 
  • Argumentative essays 

A Little About Me: I cannot standbeing bored, have an insatiable need for answers, and love creative intellectual challenges. When I get a free moment I love baking, reading, drawing, and photography. I am passionate about studying psychology but am a science nerd at heart. Writing has always been my hobby and secret weapon. My hope as a tutor is to help each student excel in and be proud of their writing. I believe we all have something to learn from each other and look forward to supporting my peers in their education. 

Kyla (K.S.)


Pronouns: She/Her 

Major: Environmental Engineering 

Some Subjects/Courses Taken: HONR201/202, SOCI110, EENV489 (Capstone) 

Strengths as a Tutor:  

  • Engineering Capstones, Med School Applications, Texts and Critics papers, and WRIT 101/201 essays 
  • Brainstorming (w/ a whiteboard—it can be a little chaotic) and putting an outline on paper. 
  • How you want your session to go is decided by you! Tell me what you need from me and I can meet you there :)  

A Little About Me: Hey, I’m Kyla! I’m from Big Lake — a small town in central Minnesota surrounded by potato fields. This is my last semester at MSU as an Environmental Engineering major and my sixth semester as a writing tutor. When I’m not at the Writing Center you can find me making croissants (a skill I learned last summer and now I’m obsessed), looking for the duck pond ducks, or taking a nap in unconventional spaces. I love working with any type of writing at any stage, and I’m so excited to work together!  

Lukas (L.K.)


Pronouns: He/him 

Majors: English: Writing, History 

Some Subjects/Courses Taken: Rhetorical Theory in Writing Studies, Structure and Function of Language, Studies in Shakespeare, Intermediate Tech Writing, Intro to Creative Writing… 

Strengths as a Tutor:   

  • Content structure and organization 
  • Sentence structure 
  • Creative writing and nonfiction in the humanities 

About Me: I enjoy learning about all genres of writing, fiction, nonfiction, or otherwise. It may sound trite, but that doesn’t make it any less true! Beyond writing, my interests run the gamut from research and volleyball to boxing and Dungeons and Dragons. When it comes to food, I’ll try anything twice, regardless of how strange. One of the most exciting parts of tutoring is the exposure to so many different types of writing. I love helping other people with their writing, and I find it genuinely exciting when people come to me with pieces that they are passionate about! 

Lauren (L.R.)


Pronouns: She/Her  

Major:  Psychology 

Minor:  Human Development 

Some Subjects/Courses Taken: Psychological Research and Design, Psychology electives, Religion and Gender, SOCI 401 Animals and Society 

Strengths as a Tutor: 

  • Writing for research papers 
  • Flow and grammar editing 
  • Text analysis 

A Little About Me: I was born and raised in Montana and have always had a love of learning new things and organizing that information for others to enjoy. I have found that taking a blend of humanities and STEM courses over my three years at MSU has helped me develop my writing skills in multiple different contexts. I’ve also seen the tremendous value people bring into the learning environment with their writing. I want to work towards your vision. I can help you brainstorm, format an essay, or go over your paper for a last read-through. I am here to help! Whether you have questions or concerns, or if you just want to talk about your writing, I am here for you. 

Liv (L.U.)


Pronouns:  She/Her 

Major:  Liberal Studies - Quaternity 

Some Subjects/Courses Taken:  Texts and Critics 1 & 2, WRIT101, BIOB170, SOCI334 Gender Crime & Justice  

Strengths as a Tutor:

  • Conversational tutoring style 
  • Argumentative writing 
  • Sentence structure 

A Little About Me: As a Liberal Studies major, I have a passion for seeking connection between different disciplines. In my free time I enjoy cooking, backpacking, and reading historical fiction novels. I have a habit of using homemade baked goods as a way to make friends. I love the mountains, but the ocean feels like home since I was born and raised in Eugene, Oregon. I have used the Writing Center dozens of times as a student, so I understand the discomfort that can come with the territory of learning to write effectively. 

Mahpara (M.T.)


Pronouns: She/Her  

Major: Physics (Astronomy and Astrophysics concentration)  

Minor: Mathematics and French  

Some Subjects/Courses Taken: Texts and Critics 1 & 2, Introduction to Psychology, Advanced French Phonetics and Conversation, French: From Reflection to Revolution 

Strengths as a Tutor:  

  •  Collaborative tutoring style  
  •  Creative writing and editing  
  •  STEM Research writing  

A Little About Me: Hi, I’m Mahpara! I am an international student from Dhaka, Bangladesh. I am a fourth-year undergraduate at MSU studying Physics. A fun fact about me is that I speak four languages, and so I am constantly translating everything in my head to express myself! I love to read and write fiction and poetry, and I am really excited about working in the Writing Center! When I am not working, I spend my time doing Astronomy research, watching movies, and listening to music. As a non-native English speaker, I understand the struggle one faces when it comes to academic writing in English, and so I hope to bring with me the passion that I share for writing to make the process a little less daunting! 

Nate (N.M.)


Pronouns:  He/Him 

Major:  Rhetoric and Composition 

Minor: Philosophy 

Some Subjects/Courses Taken:  Mythologies, Plant and Animal Rhetoric, Philosophy of Feminism, Public Rhetorics, Intro to Creative Writing, Researched Writing  

Strengths as a Tutor:  

  • Creative writing and editing  
  • Argumentation and persuasion 
  • Thesis construction 

A Little About Me: Hi, I’m Nate! I am a fourth-year undergraduate student here at MSU studying writing and philosophy. Before I started going to university, I spent five years in the Marine Corps maintaining and flying on helicopters. Now, when I’m not busy with school, I enjoy spending time with my wife, reading, and being outdoors. I love writing and hope to share my passion for it with people while also making their schoolwork (and lives) a little bit easier! 

Olivia (O.W.)


Pronouns:  She/Her 

Major:  Chemical Engineering 

Some Subjects/Courses Taken:  Lit as Pop Culture, Mythologies, CHMY 141/143, CHMY 211 

Strengths as a Tutor: 

  • Proofreading for grammar and clarity 
  • Analyzing evidence to create strong arguments 
  • Lab reports and scientific writing 

A Little About Me:  I am a senior from Beaverton, OR, and enjoy crafting in my down time. It’s hard to find me without a crochet or knitting project in my bag, in case of an emergency. This year, you can also find me on the board of the Society of Women Engineers as the Treasurer. I have a very clear and concise writing style and enjoy working with writers hoping to grow in their writing. I look forward to writing with you! 

Quinn (Q.S.)


Pronouns: She/her 

Major: Economics, English Literature 

Minors: Political Science, Global Studies 

Some Subjects/Courses taken: Texts & Critics, ECNS and LIT electives, research writing 

Strengths as a Tutor:  

  • Research/Capstone papers  
  • Personal statements 
  • Sentence-level edits 

A Little About Me: During my junior year, I lived in London and attended the London School of Economics! (Unfortunately, I did not develop a British accent). I’m super hyped about interdisciplinary research and public policy analysis and, besides working at the Writing Center, I work as a senior research assistant in the Econ department’s Initiative for Regulation and Applied Economic Analysis. Some things I love are traveling, creative writing, Bobcat Football, and helping you feel confident about your writing!  

Tim (T.C.)


Pronouns:  He/Him 

Major:  Economics, Political Science  

Some Subjects/Courses Taken:  Texts & Critics, Political Science, ECNS 432 

Strengths as a Tutor: 

  • Research  
  • Argumentative Writing 
  • Applying Evidence 

A Little About Me:  I'm a senior from East Helena, Montana. I constantly read history, fantasy, and science fiction books and play board games whenever I can. For the past three years, I have been working on research in economics about monopsony power in academia. I plan to continue doing research as a focus of my career, and hope to pursue a Ph.D. in Economics after leaving MSU. As a Tutor, I particularly like to develop arguments and evidence (I run the debate club on campus) and work on papers for social science.  

Zoe (Z.J.)


 Pronouns: She/Her   

Major: Writing, Cell Biology and Neuroscience  

Minor: French  

Some Subjects/Courses Taken: Studies in Shakespeare, Advanced Fiction Workshop, Biochemistry, Rhetorical Theory, Texts and Critics 

Strengths as a Tutor:  

  • Creative writing, academic essays, lab reports  
  • Grammar and sentence-level concerns   
  • Bringing a quiet/calm energy to sessions  

A Little About Me: Having grown up with a speech impediment, I greatly appreciate writing as a communication tool. I also enjoy drawing and like to visualize information; I’m happy to sketch out ideas during a session. My favorite part of tutoring is puzzling out how to restructure sentences to most effectively convey an idea. Outside of the WC, I love to watch black and white movies, play violin and guitar, and read—anything from mysteries to magical realism.  

Meet our Spring 2024 Graduate Peer Tutors on our graduate tutor page.
Read about the experiences of some of our tutors in our Tutor Spotlights.