Are you an exploring student? Moving from undecided to decided?

Let us help you image


Use the steps below to begin the major exploration process.

 You can complete the steps on your own or make an appointment to walk through them with you advisor




Self Assessment image

STEP 1- Self Assessment


For additional information:

  1. Visit the AYCSS Self-Assessment page
  2. Take the self-assessment through the NavMSU App
Major Exploration Image

STEP 2- Major and Minor Exploration

Use your Interest Profiler results to explore the O.Net Career Pages


For additional information:

  1. Explore the "What Can I do with a Major in" page
  2. Explore the Programs and Degrees offered at MSU and the Course Catalog
  3. Use the "What if" feature in DegreeWorks to explore major requirements
  4. Attend Major Madness Event
  5. Attend Lets Explore Workshop
  6. Enroll in US 102: Career Connections
Practical Experience Image

STEP 3- Gain Practical Experience

Gain practical experience through volunteering or working on campus


For additional information:

  1. Consider becoming a US Peer Mentor
  2. Search for a job on Hire a Bobcat, and sign up for the Gold Standard
  3. For research opportunities, Explore FYRE (First Year Research Experience) or USP (Undergraduate Scholars Program)
Major Declaration Image

STEP 4- Major Declaration

Make an Appointment with your advisor to complete the necessary paperwork and be connected with your new department


For additional information:

  1. Submit a Curriculum Change form with your advisor
  2. Explore your new department's webpage