What is Sympa?

Sympa is a mailing list manager and server for sending email messages to multiple recipients on a list. Lists can have recipients both inside and outside of MSU.

Who can request a list?

Lists can be requested by faculty, staff, and students (of officially recognized MSU Clubs).   

List types

There are 3 different list types:

  • User-managed lists that are populated by list owners (available upon request)
  • Auto-generated lists that are populated by querying Banner (available upon request)

  • Class enrollment and advisor/advisee lists that are automatically created and populated each semester* 

*A class enrollment list is created for every section of every class. An advisor/advisee list is created for each advisor and made up of advisees who have been listed as their Primary Advisor as defined in Banner.  

List modifications

Only the owner of a list can modify or request that a modification be made to their list.    Modifications include:

  • changing list membership (add/deleting members)
  • changing list owners 
  • changing list configuration such as sending privileges 
  • changing reply to address 

Owners can request list modifications by contacting the Service Desk at listservrequest@montana.edu or 994-1777.  Requests for modifications are required to come from a list's owner and will not be made without their explicit approval. 

Request a list

To request a new list complete the New List Request form.

  • When requesting a new user-managed list, you will be asked to choose:
    • who can send messages to the list
    • who can add members to the list
    • who will receive replies to messages sent to the list
    Such choices will determine if the list operates like a newsletter or a discussion group. All of these settings can also be adjusted after the list is created.
  • When requesting an auto-populated list from Banner you will be asked to provide the Banner codes needed to select the recipients of the list. Auto-populated lists are updated nightly.

Lists can be managed either through the Sympa web interface or using commands sent via email.  

More information

Please see the List Service FAQ.