Course Description

This seminar will draw from literature, history, and ecology  as we examine how Americans understand parks, national monuments, wilderness areas, and other public lands. We’ll read selections from a wonderful book that informs us of various aspects of our national parks, another volume introducing us to Ed Abbey and Wallace Stegner’s views of the American West, and a stimulating investigation of Europeans’ “right to roam” with a comparison to the U.S.  Students will have an opportunity to investigate a place of their own choosing. 

Meeting Place and Times



Dr Teresa Greenwood Email for details

Tuition and Fees

If you are accepted into a qualified online program, see the appropriate MSU Online Only Tuition and Fee table.

If you are also taking a face-to-face course, please refer to the MSU Fee Schedules

Required Books/Materials

  • Manning, Diamant, eds. A Thinking Person's Guide to America's National Parks. George Braziller, Inc., 2016.

ISBN: 978-0807600191

  • Ilgunas, Ken. This Land is Our Land: How We Lost the Right to Roam and How to Take it Back. New York: Plume/Penguin Random House, 2018

                ISBN: 978-0735217843   

  • Gessner, David. All the Wild That Remains: Edward Abbey, Wallace Stegner, and the American West. W.W. Norton & Company, 2016.

ISBN: 978-0393352375

  • All other required reading: as assigned, on D2L 

Recommended Texts: 

  • Dombeck, Michael P., Cristopher A. Wood, and Jack E. Williams, From Conquest to Conservation: Our Public Lands Legacy (Washington, DC: Island Press, 2003).    ISBN 1-55963-956-3 pbk. 
  • Pritchard, James A.  Preserving Yellowstone's Natural Conditions: Science and the Perception of Nature.  Lincoln:  University of Nebraska Press, 1999.  ISBN 0-8032-3722-7
  • Scott, Doug.  The Enduring Wilderness.  Golden: Fulcrum Publishing, 2004.  ISBN: 1-55591-527-2

Computer Requirements

  • Internet access
  • A device and browser that pass the system check for Brightspace LE, MSU's learning management system.
  • Skype is recommended for one-on-one questions with your instructor


This course uses a learning management system. You will learn more closer to the course start date.

For More Information

For more information, please contact the instructor, Teresa Greenwood

How to Register

You must be accepted as a student to Montana State University to take this course.

Learn how to apply.

After your application has been accepted, you will register via MSU's online registration system, MyInfo.

Registration requires a PIN number. Learn how to find your PIN.

Once you have your PIN, learn how to register through MyInfo.