Graduate Council Meeting - Minutes
February 28, 2005

Present: Chair Jenny Miller, Janice Bowman, Patty Holkup (via phone), Rich Howard, Robert Maher, Ben Meyer, Marc Giullian, Warren Jones, Becky Paye, Mary Kay West.

Meeting commenced at 3:00 p.m. in SUB 271.

GRADUATE COUNCIL AGENDA ITEMS: (Numbers refer to item numbers on the Agenda)

1. Approval of minutes from January 24, 2005 Graduate Council meeting

 Maher stated that he was not present on January 24 (Steve Shaw attended in his place). Bowman motioned and Howard seconded to approve the Minutes with the above correction; vote was unanimous.

2. Final discussion and vote on new CGS Transfer Credit Policy, effective Fall 2005 (attached)

Miller asked if there were any questions or changes on the new Transfer Credit policy. Holkup asked for a clarification of “correspondence” courses. Miller stated on-line courses from an accredited university will be accepted.

Transfer credits for EdD students will be reviewed on a case by case basis because the minimum number of credits required for the degree is greater than 30. Miller recommended that the Department of Education abide by the 9 credit policy when possible and work with the CGS when an exception may need to be made.

MOTION : To accept the “New Transfer Credit Policy Effective Fall 2005”. Maher motioned and Bowman seconded to accept the policy; vote was unanimous.

3. Discussion and vote on new Non-Degree credit policy (In conjunction with the new transfer credit policy)

Following a brief discussion, the motion was made:

MOTION: To direct CGS to eliminate the wording “6 to 9 credits depending on admissability” in their Non-Degree policy and to replace it with “9 credits”. Giullian motioned and Maher seconded the motion; vote was unanimous.

Miller informed Graduate Council that CGS will update their website and graduate forms.

4. Open discussion about ways to create effective communication between Graduate Council and colleges, departments, faculty, staff, and students

Suggestions included:

  • Email copies of approved Graduate Council Minutes to faculty and graduate coordinators
  • Email faculty and graduate coordinators when Graduate Council is considering an item and request input
  • Week before Graduate Council meeting, CGS could request from Graduate Council members any issues to be discussed at the meeting (Graduate Council helps establish the Agenda)
  • Possible future agenda items:
      • Update on growth and recruiting of graduate students, per 5 year Vision Plan
      • Upgrade on the future of CGS—any changes? restructure? (Jones reported that the Faculty Council will meet with the Task Force for CGS’ future on March 23).

Meeting adjourned at 3:50 p.m.

The next meeting of Graduate Council is scheduled for Monday, March 21. Please send any items you wish to be added to the Agenda to CGS ( by Wednesday, March 16. Please use this opportunity to solicit feedback from your constituents. Thank you.