Old, Black and white image of Mary Naegeli and two men holding the scholarship award.

$1,000 Scholarship - Deadline May 31, 2024

Each year Montana Tree Farm System (MTFS) recognizes a deserving college student with an interest in forestry, who is a resident of Montana, with an academic scholarship. At the 2017 Montana Annual Meeting, the members unanimously approved a recommendation to name the scholarship the ‘Mary Naegeli Memorial Scholarship’ after longtime Tree Farm member Mary Naegeli, former steering committee member and strong advocate for long-term land stewardship.


  • Resident of Montana
  • Enrolled in an accredited institution of higher education on a full-time basis. If you are a first-year student, you will need to submit documentation of registration.

  • GPA of 2.5 or higher
  • Must demonstrate an interest in forestry and/or natural resources
  • A Tree Farmer or a Tree Farm inspector as a reference. If the applicant is not acquainted with a Tree Farmer or inspector, contact Pat Mandzak at 208-859-5490 or mandzak@aol.com to get connected.

  • Application: www.treefarmsystem.org/montana-awards-and-scholarship or by request to Pat Mandzak 208-859-5490. 

Award notification: The MTFS Steering Committee will inform the successful applicant and the school’s financial aid office by August 1 with disbursement through the school.