About the Program

Montana State University's American Studies program draws on a distinguished cohort of full-time and associated faculty with research and teaching expertise in the disciplines of Anthropology, Architectural History, Art History, English, History, Film and Photography, Native American Studies, Political Science, and Sociology to provide rich interdisciplinary curriculum that involves challenging and diverse opportunities to study the history, people, cultures, and institutions of the United States. It immerses students in comparative perspectives of the American experience, engages them in the diversity of American life, and prepares them to confront, with historical awareness, the pressing problems that face our nation and society.

The program prepares students for careers in academic research and teaching, business, journalism, cultural resource management, museums, or government service, especially in the U.S. Department of State (primarily its information and cultural services), and agencies like the National Park Service. American Studies has long been one of the primary training grounds for American Foreign Service officers as well as journalists and business leaders who are charged with making sense of the American cultural mosaic for international audiences. Additionally, the program positions graduate students to think and work in a globalized political economy, preparing them for multiple career options where depth and breadth of knowledge about American culture is essential.



Students who successfully complete a degree in the American Studies Program will have demonstrated critical and analytical thinking skills; analytical writing skills; knowledge and understanding of cultural diversity, globalization, and visual cultures; problem analysis through an integrated approach; responsible citizenship; and applicable research skills.

We are glad you are interested in the American Studies Program. If you have any questions, please call our main office at 406-994-4288 or email amerstudies@montana.edu.