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2019 Open Science Grid User School

posted: 2019-04-08

When: July 15-19

Where: University of Wisconsin Madison

Link: https://opensciencegrid.org/user-school-2019/

Noteworthy: Deadline for applications in April 12.  “Students accepted to this program will receive financial support for basic travel and local costs associated with the School.”

The OSG School will give you the skills to identify, facilitate, and/or execute research computing tasks that could be scaled by orders of magnitude with execution strategies and infrastructure for high-throughput computing (HTC), including the Open Science Grid.

Linux Clusters Institute Workshop

posted: 2019-04-08

When: May 13 to 17

Where: University of Oklahoma, Norman OK

Link: http://linuxclustersinstitute.org/workshops/interm19/

Noteworthy: Registration is currently open.

The Linux Clusters Institute Workshop is a hands-on workshop targeted at those who would like to become more experienced in managing HPC systems.


posted: 2019-04-08

When: Supercomputing conference is November 17 through 22.  Registration opens July 11, and hotel reservations open May 1.

Where: Denver, CO

Link: https://sc19.supercomputing.org/program/studentssc/

Noteworthy: “Certain programs provide travel funding and support through 
the conference.”

The Students@SC program will offer ~250 domestic and international students the opportunity to participate in student-oriented as well as standard conference activities at the SC19 conference in  Denver, Colorado in November 2019. These activities include professional development workshops; technical talks, tutorials and panels by famous researchers and industry leaders; exploring the exhibits; and developing lasting peer connections.

SDSC's Annual High Performance Computing and Data Science Summer Institute

posted: 2019-04-08

When:  August 5 - 9

Where: San Diego Supercomputer Center

Link: SDSC's Annual High Performance Computing and Data Science Summer Institute

Noteworthy: Application due by May 5.  Scholarships are available.

SDSC's Annual High Performance Computing and Data Science Summer Institute
This annual week-long workshop focuses on a broad spectrum of introductory-to-intermediate topics in High-Performance Computing (HPC) and Data Science. The Institute welcomes researchers from academia and industry, especially in domains not traditionally engaged in supercomputing, or who have problems that cannot typically be solved using local computing resources. This year’s Summer Institute continues SDSC’s strategy of bringing HPC to the ‘long tail of science”, i.e. providing resources to a larger number of modest-sized computational research projects that represent, in aggregate, a tremendous amount of scientific research and discovery.  See applications details and scholarship support.  Application due by May 5

Wolfram Summer School

posted: 2019-04-08

When: June 23 to July 12

Where: Bentley University, Waltham, MA

Link: http://education.wolfram.com/summer/school.

Noteworthy: Applications due by May 25.

Wolfram will host its 17th Annual Wolfram Summer School for Students, Educators and Professionals at Bentley University.  This is a three-week, at-cost residential professional development program. Application and more details about the curriculum, mentors and costs can be found on their site.  They state:

We accept participants from every stage of their career, from undergrad through tenured faculty and from early to late career working professionals. Participants are paired with a Wolfram technology expert who serves as a personal mentor to help define and execute a completely individualized project with each participant.

There is also a Wolfram High School Summer Camp (http://education.wolfram.com/summer/camp) for high-school students who want to learn to code.

ESNet Cyberinfrastructure Brownbag webinar

posted: 2019-04-08

When: April 12, 12pm Mountain time.

Where: online webinar

Link: https://ESnet.zoom.us/j/804696793

Noteworthy: The CI Brownbag series is a simple way to participate in the CI community.

On April 12th, Frank Wuerthwein (UCSD and OSG) will be giving a webinar on “Supporting Science via the Open Science Grid (OSG)”.  This is part of the ongoing ESNet cyberinfrastructure brownbag series, which is an informal weekly webinar.  If you would like to receive notification of such webinars, you can sign up at this link: https://groups.google.com/a/lbl.gov/forum/#!contactowner/esnet-cybinf-engr.

Here is the abstract for the discussion:

We will explain how the Open Science Grid (OSG) advances Open Science across all domains via a variety of service offerings that target four different types of communities.  Individual Researchers from undergraduates to faculty may request accounts on our platform, and receive training to use the OSG Compute and Data Federations.  Campus Research Computing Support Organizations may use OSG services to maximize science done with their on-premise resources, while at the same time maximizing resources available to their researchers across academically funded as well as commercially purchasable resources. OSG offers to train the trainers at campuses nationwide. Multi-institutional science teams, often international in nature, may use OSG services to integrate compute and data resources operated by their global collaborators. The 4 Big Science communities at the LHC (ATLAS & CMS), gravitational wave detection (LIGO-Virgo-Kagra), and cosmic neutrino detection (IceCube).

Zoom connection details:

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Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing

posted: 2019-04-08

When: July 28 – August 1

Where: Chicago, IL

Link: https://www.pearc19.pearc.org/student-program

Noteworthy: PEARC19 has substantial opportunites for students

PEARC19 will explore the current practice and experience in advanced research computing including modeling, simulation, and data-intensive computing. A primary focus will be on machine learning and artificial intelligence which are proving to be disruptive technologies in a diverse range of scientific fields from materials science to medicine. If you are interested in machine learning and many other areas in advanced research computing, this is the conference for you!

Nature, 11 ways to avert a data-storage disaster

posted: 2019-04-08

A recent article highlighted in the Nature Briefing newsletter discusses best practices for data storage in a research environment, with examples from researchers.  https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-019-01040-w?utm_source=Nature+Briefing

Webinar recording available: Chuck Benson, Mitigating Risk in the Internet-of-Things

posted: 2019-04-08

When: Concluded, materials available.

Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1EV05a9XWYpXgL92_8k5koEQX-VJ8a4cW.

Slides, recording, and additional notes are available from a recent presentation by Chuck Benson, “Mitigating Risk in the Internet-of-Things”: This presentation covers the following five areas:

  1. 6 differences between IoT and traditional enterprise systems
  2. Determining for IoT Systems implementation success
  3. Systems Manageability & resource-constrained environments
  4. Evolving mitigation approach @ UW
  5. Note on US-China Economic & Security Review Commission testimony

This presentation was part of the Cyberinfrastructure Brown Bag webinar series; sign up for notifications of future presentations at this site: https://groups.google.com/a/lbl.gov/forum/#!contactowner/esnet-cybinf-engr.

A practical crash course in containers and Kubernetes

posted: 2019-04-08

When: April 24, 12pm Mountain Time

Where: webinar

Link: https://zoom.us/j/2317230531

Presenter: Jeff Sica and Bob Killen – University of Michigan.

It's hard to cover all the nuance of containers and running production workloads at scale with only an hour of time. So, rather than lecture for almost an hour, Bob and Jeff will only present a brief overview on the technologies. Afterwards, they will take a demo application and move it through the container lifecycle from start to finish while explaining each steps. User questions will be encouraged during the demo, and there will be time left afterwards.


A container is a standard unit of software that packages up code and all its dependencies so the application runs quickly and reliably from one computing environment to another.

Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration system for automating application deployment, scaling, and management

Champion Coordinates:

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/2317230531

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   Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):

       US: +1 669 900 6833  or +1 646 876 9923

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   International numbers available: https://zoom.us/u/adEADYvEaf

Gallatin College, Cybersecurity Certificate of Applied Science

When: Fall 2019

Where: Gallatin College, Bozeman MT

This fall Gallatin College will be offering two pathways under the Cybersecurity Network Administration curriculum.  The first is the 30-credit IT Networking Pathway, aimed to jump start your career with several industry certification opportunities.  The second is a 15-credit certification under the Cybersecurity Pathway, aimed at providing the needed skills to succeed in Cybersecurity.  For more information, contact Program Director Ronda Black at ronda.black@montana.edu.

Navigating the NSF/DOE data management grant requirements

posted: 2019-04-08

Link: https://ask.cyberinfrastructure.org/t/navigating-the-nsf-doe-data-management-grant-requirements/838

This online discussion forum post was the weekly highlight from the Campus Champions group.  It concerns current data publication requirements from the NSF:

I’m applying for an NSF grant, which I haven’t done in some time. I’m aware that data management plans are now required by most funding agencies, and have found the relevant section of the PAPPG (PAPPG Chapter II.C.2.j) that outlines DMP policy and expected content. The program under which my work falls has additional requirements, stating in summary:

‘[The data] must be deposited in a national, public data repository that publishes its contents to a higher-level data aggregator that facilitates data discovery, which should be registered with an international body that promotes best practices in data archiving and curation.’ The description suggests www.re3data.org 6 as the international body, and also offers some specific repositories. It also gives www.dataone.org 2 as an aggregator.

While all of these inclusions are helpful, it’s not clear if any of them provide all mandated services and meet all mandated requirements. Does anyone have experience in a similar context? Does anyone know of a repository that meets all of the described demands?