Description of Request

Submitted By: Ryan Knutson, VP & CIO of Information Technology

University Information Technology (UIT) has submitted a request for a dedicated space that can accommodate both deliveries and secure storage, with sufficient room for a desk for the purchasing employee and racks for receiving products. Currently, UIT operates this function out of leased space within CFT5. However, due to space constraints in that location, various equipment, including computers, monitors, access points, and other palletized items, has been stored unsecured in the lobby. In addition to the issues at CFT5, UIT also receives various deliveries to the Renne Library basement. This arrangement is expected to be disrupted by the Grant Street project Phase 2, slated to begin next spring/summer, further necessitating the search for a suitable alternative space.

Molecular Biosciences Building (MBB) Room 166 has been identified as a potential solution, as it is currently vacant and unleased. The space is equipped with an accessible service drive and large double doors designed to facilitate deliveries. Campus Stores within the Facilities Yard will be utilized to support those few heavy deliveries where proximity to Renne is needed. Allocation of this space would be contingent upon maintaining a clear path through the area for large deliveries to other MBB occupants. Furthermore, the Research Space Committee has expressed the need to reserve the right to reclaim this space if a high-priority research use is identified in the future. This contingency underscores the need for flexibility in the space allocation, balancing UIT’s operational needs with the potential future demands of research activities in MBB.


Date: September 6, 2024

Space Management Committee has approved the allocation of MBB  166 for use by UIT Receiving department, as described above.