Description of Request

Submitted By: Planning, Design, & Construction

University Facilities Management is preparing for upcoming development along 7th Avenue for future academic facilities to support the University's mission. The entire Facilities operation, including Work Control and campus trades functions, will be relocated and consolidated to make way for new building construction. Faculty Court is being considered as the new location for these operations, therefore some of the first steps of this process has included inventorying space within Faculty Court modulars and Faculty Court houses. Campus Planning has been working this fall with each Faculty Court occupant to identify relocation opportunities.
The Resources and Community Research Group focuses on discovery and engagement on important natural resource and rural economic development issues (tribal, community partnerships). The Space Management Committee allocated Faculty Court 25 to the group in 2019. The program has anywhere from 6-7 students, post docs, and undergraduates at any one time. Julia Haggerty, the program’s director, gave up her faculty office in Traphagen Hall to accommodate new faculty within her department and to be co-located with her research group for supervision purposes. The needs of the program include the use of one private office, 2 shared office spaces and access to a conference room/meeting space. Leon Johnson Hall suite 319 was previously occupied by the Ivan Doig Center and American Studies, which has since been relocated into the space vacated by Native American Studies in Wilson Hall. The Wheeler Center occupies the office in 319B, but is scheduled to be relocated into a vacant office space in Wilson 2190 over the winter break.
Given the program’s mission and synergies that exist with other programs and faculty within Leon Johnson Hall, staff proposes the allocation of Leon Johnson Hall suite 319 (319, 319A, 319B, 319D) and shared use of the conference room in 319C to the Resources and Community Research Group as an alternative to their space in Faculty Court 25. The College of Letters and Science (CLS) is in support of this use as there were significant improvements made to the space by the previous CLS occupants.


Date: December 2, 2022

Space Management Committee has approved the relocation of the Resources and Community Research Group into Leon Johnson Hall suite 319.

Space Planning & Management
Sixth Avenue and Grant Street
Montana State University
Bozeman, MT 59717

Planning Manager:
Richard Rudnicki
Tel: (406)994-5560

Space Planner:
Alisha Downs
Tel: (406)994-4105