Description of Request

Submitted By: Christy Sofianek, Director of LIFE Scholars

In October 2021, the Space Management Committee allocated three office spaces on the 4th floor of Reid Hall to the LIFE Scholars program to accommodate two full-time staff members and student interns. In April of this year, the program received a portion of a $6 million grant from Terry and Pat Payne, which will support the program’s growth allowing for the hiring of an additional staff member (.75 FTE) and a graduate assistant. Therefore, the LIFE Scholars program has requested the allocation of two additional offices to help accommodate this growth.
The Troops to Teachers program swapped offices with the Science and Math Resource Center on the 4th floor of Reid Hall, and has since been awaiting grant funding to hire a program liaison. Since then, the program’s needs have changed and they are currently hiring one employee for the next academic year, with potential for grant funding for additional hires in the summer of 2023. The immediate need is for one office instead of the three offices initially allocated in October of 2021.
Bill Ruff, professor in Educational Leadership and current contact for the Troops to Teachers program, occupies a faculty office in Reid 457A. This room adjoins 457, currently utilized by LIFE Scholars interns. In an effort to increase efficiency and accommodate the request submitted by LIFE Scholars, Bill Ruff has agreed to relocate his office to Reid 137 in order to be co-located with his Educational Leadership colleagues; room 137 is currently vacant. Therefore, staff proposes the allocation of Reid 442 and 457A to the LIFE Scholars program to support their program growth and the allocation of faculty office room 137 to Bill Ruff. Room 427 would also be utilized by the Troops to Teachers program. Per the space standards, this space can serve as a shared space and could accommodate an additional Troops for Teachers hire in the future. These allocations result in two vacancies that can be considered for allocation when an appropriate space request has been submitted.


Date: November 11, 2022

Space Management Committee has approved the office swaps as described above.

Space Planning & Management
Sixth Avenue and Grant Street
Montana State University
Bozeman, MT 59717

Planning Manager:
Richard Rudnicki
Tel: (406)994-5560

Space Planner:
Alisha Downs
Tel: (406)994-4105