Description of Request

Submitted By: Michael Mock, Department of Chemistry Biochemistry

Mock Research Group requires additional laboratory space for students to conduct research activities that are critical to maintaining National Science Foundation (NSF) research funding and acquiring new funding, and to accommodate new equipment that is needed to perform air-sensitive synthetic chemistry.
The Mock Research Lab currently consists of seven people; Michael Mock (PI), four graduate students and two undergraduate students. The group occupies one lab module in the Chemistry and Biochemistry Building (CBB 352), as well as the adjoining student office space (CBB 350). The lab space contains four fume hoods that are required for synthetic chemistry. The student office can accommodate six people comfortably.
When considering research growth and the limited amount of space currently occupied by Mock and his research group, Mock has determined that additional fume hoods, and eventually office space, is needed to accommodate incoming graduate students, undergraduates, or post-doctoral researchers for the current semester and beyond. All chemical research activities performed in Mock’s lab require fume hoods and specialized glovebox equipment to conduct chemical reactions under an inert atmosphere. While room 352 already holds three gloveboxes, it cannot accommodate the additional glovebox equipment that is needed for research. Additional laboratory space must contain fume hoods, and be located on the third floor of CBB in order to utilize equipment, gases, chemicals, and supplies, and so that Mock can effectively provide training/supervision of students for their safety.
Mary Cloninger and her research group currently occupies the lab space in CBB 344, as well as 3 out of the 4 hoods available in room 346; Nick Stadie is using the 4th hood. The Cloninger Group also occupies graduate student offices in rooms 342 and 348. The Chemistry & Biochemistry department proposes that Mary Cloninger vacate her portion of room 346 and move her tissue culture work into room 313, which is a smaller room that would be isolated from her synthesis work. A sink is a desired addition to the space, therefore the College and Space Planning & Management have agreed to cost-share the expense of installation. This arrangement would allow Mock to assume 3 out of the 4 hoods available in room 346, which is immediately adjacent to and accessible from his current lab in 352.
Mary Cloninger is in agreement with this move and separation of these functions will not impact her work.


Date: April 1, 2022

Space Management Committee approved the lab allocations as described above.