Description of Request

Submitted By: Stephanie Gray, Dean of Gallatin College

Gallatin College previously utilized Hamilton 102 as a Developmental Math Lab, but that function has recently been relocated into Romney Hall. Therefore, Gallatin College requests to continue using Hamilton 102 for below activities:
1. Overflow student space for Hamilton 101. Currently, the main office only has room to accommodate two students at a time while they wait for their advising appointments. During busy registration times it would be helpful to have an additional 3-4 extra chairs for students to wait, as well as accommodate families and students during MSU Fridays and Orientation.
2. Student study space in the interior of the room equipped with printer and Cat Card reader
3. Two cubicles spaces in the back of the room for .50FTE new administrative hire and a “landing desk” for Non-Tenure Track faculty. Private conversations can be taken into advising spaces across the hall or the conference room on the second floor.
No renovations are required to the space and Gallatin College already has the necessary furniture and can order more as needed.


Date: March 4, 2022

The Space Management Committee approved the change in use of Hamilton 102 from an open lab to a shared office/student study space to be utilized by Gallatin College and their students.