
Prof. Robert C. Maher


529 Cobleigh Hall (southwest corner of 5th floor)


Office:  994-7759
Lab: 994-6575 (Unit 21 Faculty Court)
Home:  587-5925 (but please do not call me at home)


Class Page:


Office hours:

Monday: 11AM-noon,
Thursday: 10-11AM,
Friday:  11AM-noon,     or by appointment.
Drop-in questions at other times are always OK if my office door is open.


"Discrete-Time Signal Processing, 2nd Edition" by Oppenheim, Schafer, and Buck, Prentice Hall, 1999 (ISBN: 0-13-754920-2).

Class Objectives

Students learn the essential advanced topics in digital signal processing that are necessary for successful graduate-level research.  The course includes a review of the linear constant-coefficient system properties covered in an undergraduate DSP course, and then examines a variety of multirate filter structures, time-varying and adaptive systems, fast algorithms, and other topics relevant to the research areas of the students.

Class Outline (subject to change)

  • Review of discrete-time signals and systems concepts; z-transform properties (3 weeks)
  • Sampling, multirate processing, and oversampling (1 week)
  • Frequency response and transform analysis (1 week)
  • Filter structures and filter design (2 weeks)
  • DFT and DCT (1 week)
  • FFT and short-time Fourier transform (STFT) applications (2 weeks)
  • Introduction to parametric and adaptive signal processing (2 weeks)
  • Array processing (1 week)
  • Introduction to data compression (1 week)




→ Homework will be required periodically (approximately 5 assignments)

Exam #1


→ (late February) Written exam given during class time (50 minutes)

Exam #2


→ (late April) Written exam given during class time (50 minutes)

Final Project:


→ A final written project will be assigned during the latter portion of the semester.





  • You are responsible for all material covered in class and in the textbook reading assignments.
  • Homework, exams, and projects must be prepared individually. Submitting collaborative assignments or presenting the work of others as your own without express permission in advance from the instructor is dishonest and grounds for filing an academic misconduct form and/or dismissal from the course. Let there be NO MISUNDERSTANDING regarding the academic dishonesty policy for this course.
  • Late submissions of assignments will not be accepted. Plan ahead and notify the instructor prior to justifiable absences, or if a bona fide emergency prevented you from attending class.