Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Montana State University

EE492:  Electrical Engineering Design II

Fall Semester 2005
Section 1 (CRN 20538), Thursday 8:00-8:50AM, RobH 208

Topics and Notes Summary (12/5/2005; updated frequently):


Dec. 8 Th

DESIGN FAIR (8-9AM setup, 9-noon design reviews, noon-6PM public open house)

Here are the Design Review Grading Standards.


Dec. 1 Th

Course wrap-up:  go over the end-of-semester requirements.  Fill out course/instructor evaluations.


Nov. 24 Th

NO CLASS THIS DAY (Thanksgiving Holiday).

Here is some information about the history of Thanksgiving in the U.S.


Nov. 17 Th

Starting your own business:  lecture and discussion (notes)


Nov. 10 Th


Design journals due (box outside my office) by 5PM.


Nov. 3 Th

Professional Lecture Presentations (guest lecture:  Carolyn Plumb, College of Engineering).  NOTE that the class will meet again this week in Roberts 218 (with the EE391 class).

Updated Project Web Pages due.

Oct. 27 Th

Professional Poster Presentations (guest lecture:  Carolyn Plumb, College of Engineering)

NOTE:  we will meet in Roberts Hall 218.

Your self and peer review grade sheets will be collected at class time.  Please download and print the form.  If you have more than two team partners, please duplicate the response sheet as needed.

Oct. 20 Th

Intellectual Property Issues (guest lecture:  Marti Elder,


Oct. 13 Th

Design journals due (box outside my office) by 5PM.

Printed Circuit Boards, Part 2 (guest lecture:  Andy Olson)


Oct. 6 Th


Work on your web pages (draft pages should be online today).

Reminder:  I will collect and evaluate your design journals next week (10/13/05).

Sept. 29 Th

Printed Circuit Boards (guest lecture:  Andy Olson)

REVISIONS DUE:  The Engineering standards and constraints paper revisions are due on Monday, October 3, 2005.

Reminder:  the draft project web pages are due by October 6.  Here are the file storage instructions.

Sept. 22 Th

Prototype methods.

DUE:  The Engineering standards and constraints paper is due (one report per group).

Assignments:  the draft project web pages are due by October 6.  Here are the file storage instructions.

Sept. 15 Th

Written documentation and writing papers.

DUE:  Design journals (turn in for evaluation).  NOTE(9/16/2006):  the design journals are ready to pick up:  see box outside my office (529 Cobleigh).


The Engineering standards and constraints paper is due next week (9/22/2005).

Sept. 8 Th

Engineering design considerations.

DUE:  Milestone specifications and dates (each student) memo report.


Try out the project file folders and web page folders (instructions).  The first draft web pages are due 10/6/2005.

Sept. 1 Th

First class meeting:  Course overview; discussion of project procedures and management guidelines.


  1. Check in with your sponsor and/or faculty advisor.

  2. Obtain the 521 Cobleigh lab door combination from Sharon in the ECE Office.

  3. Sign up for a locker (if necessary).  One per project.

  4. Each student must decide upon two Milestone Demonstrations.  On or before Sept. 8, you must submit a memo report to giving the subsystem to be demonstrated and the due date for each of the two Milestones.