Updated: January, 2024


Our goal is to make CIM available to all faculty so that any faculty member can propose a new course. If you find that CIM does not allow access using your MSU NetID, Keely Holmes in the Provost's Office, keely.holmes@montana.edu, can help with access issues in CIM. 

If you need training on the Curriculum Inventory Management (CIM) system, please reach out to Keely Holmes, keely.holmes@montana.edu.

If you need training on the Catalog (CAT) system, please reach out to Richard Bishop, richard.bishop@montana.edu


If you want to edit information on a catalog page, please go to your catalog page and edit from there. 


MSU's Curriculum Approval Handbook


Explanation and Directions:

Program Creation Process

Program Proposal/Program Change Process 

Course Proposal/Course Change Process 

Special Topics Course Proposal Process

Course Inactivation Process

Course and Program Submission Deadlines


Course and Program Submission Deadlines

Explanations of Minor Changes, vs. Major Changes 

Accessing the Curriculum Inventory Management (CIM) System


How to Access the Curriculum Inventory Management (CIM) system.


Approving a New Course or Program Using CIM


What to do when you receive a notification that there is a course waiting for your approval.

FYI Notifications


When you should expect to receive an FYI notification from the Curriculum Inventory Management (CIM) system.

Course Development Resources



Course development resource documents.


For questions or access, please contact:

Keely Holmes, Program Manager

Office of the Provost

