The purpose of Program Assessment at Montana State University is to continually improve student learning. Assessment is undertaken annually for all undergraduate majors, minors and certificates and biennially for all graduate programs.   Assessment is part of the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) regional accreditation process (NWCCU 2020 Standard 1.C - Student Learning) and demonstrates continued quality improvement of the programs offered at Montana State University and the courses developed to support those programs. 

Annual Program Assessment Process

Annual Program Assessment Reports are due October 15.  The assessment process requires the participation of all instructional faculty members.  Department Heads and Program Chairs take the lead in organizing assessment endeavors in their respective units.  Undergraduate programs (majors, minor, and certificates) are assessed annually and graduate programs are assessed biennially for the previous two academic years. Faculty are directed to Program Assessment Help Pages for support in preparing and submitting their annual and biennial reports.

Course Assessment   Core Assessment   Program Assessment   Program Review

Department Assessment Plans & Reports Links 

Annual University Reports

The Assessment and Outcomes Committee (AOC) reviews all submitted assessment reports and provides feedback for quality assurance to Department Heads, Program Chairs, and Curriculum Committees in each Department/Unit using a rubric. The Assistant Provost meets with Department Heads, Program Chairs, and Faculty Curriculum Committee members to provide ongoing and direct support as needed. Comprehensive summaries of College assessment are provided to College Deans. Annual University Assessment Reports are provided to the Vice Provost of Curriculum, Assessment and Accreditation annually and can be reviewed below.



Questions or Suggestions?

Deb Blanchard, Assistant Provost