Nutrition Counseling / Coaching available                             at Student Health Services


Your relationship with food and your body has a big impact on your physical and mental health, academic achievement, and social life. 

Nutrition Philosophy: 

Optimal nutrition is unique for each individual. We can eat intuitively and with intent to satisfy our energy needs when we eat with balance, moderation, and variety, while also paying attention to the body's natural cues. 

  • We encourage non-restrictive, weight-neutral approaches to both nourishing our bodies and enjoying our food.
  • We embrace body diversity and encourage everybody to acknowledge their potential to thrive. 
  • We encourage fun activity and joyful movement that energizes your body and spirit. 

If you would like support to find ways to make peace with food and your body, consider an appointment with our Registered Dietitian Nutritionist. They help empower you to discover your unique path to well-being. 

If you are eligible to use Student Health Partners, you may see the dietitian/nutritionist for no additional charge. 


Nutrition Services:

An initial visit will last 45-60 minutes to create student-developed goals, and follow-ups are variable depending on need. 

Some areas of interest may be:

  • Eating or body concerns
  • Gut issues 
  • Medical concerns with significant nutrition implications such as diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol
  • Generalized well-being and how to move toward food and activity choices that support a thriving lifestyle
  • Discover meals and snacks that align with your lifestyle
  • Vegetarian or vegan diet concerns



To Schedule Your Appointment:

Call the front office at Student Health Services at 406-994-2311

Or schedule online through the Medical Services Patient Portal. 


Frequently Asked Questions:

Registered dietitians (RDNs) are experts in the fields of nutrition and food. They simplify the complex science of nutrition into practical, balanced solutions. RDNs must hold a bachelors degree, complete 1200 hours of supervised practice, pass a national exam to ensure knowledge and skill levels are sufficient. 

During your visit, expect us to take time to get to know you. By taking time to get to know you we can find better ways to meet your personal nutrition goals or needs. We are here to listen to you without passing judgment and without making assumptions. Then we'll meet you where you are and develop a plan that works for you.


Meet Your Dietitian

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Kaitlyn Schlangen, MS, RDN

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist 

Undergraduate Degree:

  • B.S. in Food and Nutrition - Dietetics, Montana State University

Advanced Degree:

  • Montana Dietetic Internship, Montana State University
  • MS-Dietetics Systems Leadership, Montana State University

Brief Highlights of Professional Career:

  • Registered Dietitian at Vail Health Hospital in Vail, Colorado 
  • Clinical Nutrition Manager at Vail Health Hospital in Vail, Colorado 

Special Interests

  • Eating Disorders 
  • Intuitive Eating & Health at Every Size
  • Gastrointestinal Disorders
  • Nutrition for Diabetes 
  • General Nutrition Education