Master Resource Outline


Course Title: NRSG 333 Concepts in Health Promotion and Psychosocial Nursing

Credits: 4 (lecture)

Semesters Offered: Fall

Corequisites: NRSG 327, NRSG 328, and NRSG 329


Course Description:

The focus of this course is on evidence-based information to assess and promote the health of racially, ethnically, and culturally diverse individuals, families, and communities in local, state, national and global arenas. Primary, secondary, and tertiary preventive care measures across the lifespan will be presented. Strategies for meeting the needs of vulnerable populations through the lens of social determinants of health will be examined. Interventions such as lifestyle choices, nutrition, exercise, stress management, social support, mindfulness, complementary and alternative therapies will be explored. Personal self-care practices for the nurse will be introduced. The course also explores selected psychosocial concepts and theories relevant to nursing practice with clients across the lifespan in a variety of settings.

Catalog Course Description:

Assess and promote health of diverse individuals, families, and communities in a variety of arenas. Psychosocial concepts and theories, preventive care measures, strategies for vulnerable populations and select interventions for the planning of nursing care with clients across the lifespan.


Course Objectives:

  1. Examine the concepts of health and theoretical models of health promotion
  2. Explore psychosocial nursing applications in health assessment, health promotion and disease prevention for diverse individuals, families, and communities.
  3. Analyze the determinants of health that affect vulnerable populations.
  4. Examine health promotion interventions such as lifestyle choices, nutrition, physical activity, stress management, social support, mindfulness, complementary and alternative therapies.
  5. Explore effective communication and behaviors related to the nurse-client relationship.
  6. Identify nursing interventions for clients experiencing crisis.
  7. Explain patterns in family violence, addictive behaviors, and psychophysiological distress.

Course Learning Outcomes: Upon completing this course the student will be able to:

  1. Define health, the determinants of health, and theoretical models of health promotion.
  2. Incorporate health assessment, health promotion and disease prevention methods for diverse individuals, families, and communities.
  3. Identify impact of trauma on physical and emotional development and lifelong health outcomes.
  4. Describe therapeutic communication techniques in nurse-client interactions.
  5. Apply knowledge of the process of grief and loss.
  6. Demonstrate effective crisis intervention skills.
  7. Develop a self-care plan that incorporates health promotion interventions.


AACN Competencies

The course will develop:

1.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the discipline of nursing’s distinctive perspective and where shared perspectives exist with other disciplines.

1.2 Apply theory and research-based knowledge from the arts, humanities, and sciences.

2.1 Engage with the individual in establishing a caring relationship.

2.2 Communicate effectively with patients (individuals, families, and groups).

2.8 Promote self-management.

3.3 Consider the economic impact of the delivery of care.

4.2 Integrate best evidence into nursing practice.

8.1 Describe information and communication technology tools used in the care of patients,

    communities, and populations.

10.1. Demonstrate a commitment to personal health and wellbeing.


AACN Threads:

  • Equity and Inclusion
  • Diversity
  • Cultural Sensitivity
  • Social Determinants of Health
  • Communication
  • Ethics
  • Clinical Judgement
  • Mental Health


Required Content and Concepts:

  1. Definitions of health
    1. Individual 
    2. Families
    3. Communities
  2. Theoretical Models for Health Promotion
    1. Health belief model

    2. Health promotion model
    3. Theory of reasoned action and theory of planned behavior
    4. Social cognitive theory and self-efficacy theory
    5. Transtheoretical Model
    6.  Change Theory
  3. Community Health Models 
  4. Social determinants of health and vulnerable populations
    1. Health disparities and inequities
    2. Methods to promote health equities
    3. Health literacies
    4. Cultural competencies
    5. Global health
    6. Healthy People 2030
    7. Effects of culture, beliefs, and values on the health seeking behavior of individuals, families, and groups across the lifespan
  5. Primary, secondary, and tertiary levels of preventive care

  6. Individual, family, and community health assessments

  7. Methods to develop health promotion/prevention plan

  8. Interventions to promote health and prevent disease

    1. Lifestyle choices

    2. Nutrition
    3. Physical activity
    4. Stress management
    5. Social support
    6. Complementary and alternative therapies
  9. Self-Care Interventions
    1. Resiliency
    2. Mindfulness
  10. Primary Care Concepts and Skills
  11. Therapeutic Communication and Psychosocial Skills
    1. Therapeutic use of self, therapeutic communication
  12. Family roles, functions, structure

    1. Developmental stages of the family

    2. Review of family theories

    3. Clinical strategies for working with families

      1. Crisis theory and intervention – Suicide prevention training
      2. Loss and grief theory
      3. Anxiety, stress, and trauma to include trauma informed care models (such as but not limited to ACEs)
      4. Stigma and biases as barriers to seeking and obtaining healthcare.


Suggested Student Learning Activities:

  • papers and reports
  • tests and quizzes           
  • patient interviews
  • teaching plans
  • literature review
  • Internet searches
  • workshops
  • discussion
  • videos
  • reading
  • study guides
  • case studies
  • student presentations
  • guest speakers
  • cooperative learning
  • small groups
  • role playing


Approved by UAAC: 1/23/2023