Subject: Student Success


Revised: December 2023

Effective date: Spring 2024

Review date: 2026

Responsible Party: Level I:  GAAC & UAAC; Level II:  Associate Dean for Academic Affairs


Introduction and Purpose: The MSU Faculty Handbook and the University Catalog provide for a scholastic committee for each college. The inclusion of such a committee in the college's administrative structure protects the rights of students to an impartial hearing, fosters an attitude of trust in the due process structure of the college, and enables faculty to participate in the administration of established standards. 

Form: Scholastic Appeal Form

Policy: The Scholastic Committee considers students' appeals for waivers and substitutions of courses, variances in progression or application policies, and reinstatement into the College of Nursing. 


  1. The Committee, appointed annually by the Dean, is composed of at least three faculty members, one of which has graduate teaching experience. The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs (non-voting) is the chair and convener of the The Committee meets at least four times each year, or as often as necessary, to provide a timely review of student appeals. The membership of this committee is confidential. 
  1. Students wishing to appeal to the Scholastic Committee will meet with their Academic Advisor and submit the online Scholastic Committee Appeal Form along with all transcripts, required documentation, and letters of support to the Office of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs according to the following timelines: 

Appeals Forms Must be Received by NO LATER THAN:

The 1st Monday in May

The 1st Monday in August

The 1st Monday in December

The 4th Monday in December


  1. College of Nursing students and applicants seeking placement in the program may appeal no more than 2 times on the same issue. 
  1. The decision of the committee may be appealed to the Dean of the College of Nursing. These appeals must be forwarded to the Dean within 5 working days after a response from the Committee has been received by the student. The decision of the MRJCON Dean is final. 
  1. Committee decisions will be based on information provided by the student in the appeal packet. In addition, the committee will consider other relevant information, including:
  1. Review of academic progress to date, including prerequisite nursing course work
  2. College of Nursing Policies
  3. Consideration of clinical agency requirements and clients safety
  4. The committee may request further information related to the appeal from the Campus Director


Internal control considerations, if applicable: N/A