Management Development-I Certificate

Employees wanting to receive a Montana State University Management Development-I certificate will have 36 months to attend and complete each of the nine required courses. In addition, to receive a certificate employees will need to complete a required Safety & Risk Management session, which you can register for by going to the Safety & Risk Management site. In total a commitment of approximately 50 hours of course training will be required. After the successful completion of all course work a Management Development-I certificate will be issued.  

Employees may take the courses in any order and may also sign up for individual courses and choose not to work towards a certificate.

To help in planning your personal Professional Development for the upcoming academic calendar year, the following course schedule is being provided for the Management Development-I certificate program. Please be aware that select dates could change due to scheduling conflicts. 


Course Title




*Please register for all workshops using the following link: MSU Registration

For more information, please contact Terry Bishop: 


 Management Development - I Course Descriptions


MD201 Boot Camp: MSU’s Strategic Plan

Overview: In this course we will learn about MSU’s organizational structure. We will learn about MSU’s strategic direction, called “Choosing Promise”, including; the Mission, Vision, and Values and the different components that make up the Strategic Plan. We will learn more about the overall Finance and Administration functions and how they operate at MSU.   

Why should you Attend: This course will provide valuable knowledge and information intended for all individuals on campus who would like to learn more about the organization they work for, MSU’s strategic plan, and a high-level view of how Administration and Finance operate.  

Areas Covered in the Session:

  • MSU Organizational Chart - Executive Level
  • MSU Strategic Plan – “Choosing Promise”
  • MSU Strategic Plan – Mission, Vision, and Values
  • MSU Strategic Plan – Transformational Learning
  • MSU Strategic Plan – Scholarship that Improves Lives
  • MSU Strategic Plan – Expanding Engagement
  • MSU Administration and Finance – Executive Level
  • MSU Resources available to managers
  • The MSU "alphabet"

MD301 EEO, Title IX, Sexual Harassment, Public Employees and Employee Relations 

Overview: In this course we will learn about policy guidance to managers, supervisors, and employees within regulatory parameters. You will learn what is public and what is confidential, FERPA, HIPAA, and hear a brief employment law overview. Everyone on our campus has a right to access an education, employment and/or MSU’s programs and services free from protected class discrimination and harassment. We will take a deeper dive into this subject with the intent of providing a greater understanding of the Federal/State Laws and University Policy surrounding discrimination and harassment.



Why should you Attend: This course will provide information on union contracts, bargaining, and status of non-union employees. You will be provided information on Federal and State laws and what that means being public employees. This course will provide valuable knowledge, information, and tools that will help you to better perform as a mandatory reporter. 

Areas Covered in the Session:

  • Federal and State Civil Rights Compliance
  • Mandatory Reporter
  • Duty to Report
  • Importance of Reporting
  • Federal and State employment and labor laws
  • Board of Regents policies
  • MSU policies
  • Collective Bargaining Agreements

MD401 Coaching for Performance

  • The goal of this course is to provide participants with some valuable coaching skills, tools, and techniques that will help to develop individuals and teams.

MD501 Managing Conflict

Overview: In this course, you will learn about how you and others approach conflict and will gain practical tools for approaching the conflicts you will inevitably encounter in your professional (and personal) life.

Why should you Attend: This course will increase your comfort with conflict and provide concrete tools to approach conflicts more productively.

Areas Covered in the Session:

  • Sources of conflict
  • Conflict styles
  • Process for addressing conflict
  • Conflict scenarios

MD601 Leading Change

Overview: In this course we will look at the difference between management and leadership during change.  We will look critically at the conventional wisdom: managers manage, but we don't need leaders until there is a problem.  The course will include an investigation of the types of change organizations are addressing in the 21st century and an introduction and explanation of some change theories and how they might assist people who are in the midst of change (i.e., building the boat while at sea!).

We will present the adaptive leadership model, types of simple and complex problems as seen through the adaptive leadership model's lens, diagnosing types of problems, and ways to intervene during times of complex change.  Activities will be interspersed throughout the workshop.

Why should you Attend: This course will provide a look at normal responses to change;  how to be resilient and even generative during times of change; and an introduction into some tools that are helpful during change including some activities focusing on taking radical responsibility and being curious during change.

Areas Covered in the Session:

  •  What a leader can do to assist people moving through stages of change
  • An investigation of the types of change organizations are addressing in the 21st century
  • Explanation of some change theories and how to be resilient

MD701 Personality Inventories

  • Gain self-insight and improve interactions in the workplace among teams
  • Understand differences, improve communications and manage employees with varying styles
  • Develop a deeper understanding of self and behaviors and appreciate others by making constructive use of differences
  • Learn to approach problems in different ways which can be healthy and productive for the individual, the employee team, and for the University

MD801 Motivating and Engaging a Diverse Work Force

Overview: In today’s organizations there can be as many as four generations working in the same department, unit, or area. We will learn about the various generations who are still working and those now entering the job market; and  about the “eras of leadership theory” and how different generations of American workers believe leadership should be practiced based upon their experience living in these different eras. This 21st century finds workers who would historically be retired, continuing to work until they are in their 70s and, sometimes, even older. How do we conduct ourselves in the workplace with these many different values, beliefs, and attitudes?  We will look at how communication among the generations affects the workplace and discover ways to improve communication and relationships, reduce intergenerational workplace stress, and create innovative and healthy workplaces.

Why should you Attend: This course will provide new understandings of the various generations in the American workplace and will teach new skills regarding how to make the intergenerational workplace a place of safety, creativity, and innovation.  You should attend if you are going through continuous change in the workplace, or want to understand how other generations think.

Areas Covered in the Session:

  • Brief history of leadership theory in context with how organizations worked during each era
  • Descriptions of each generation still in the workforce
  • Descriptions of preferred communications styles of each generation 
  • Discussion of organizational channels of communication, when they are appropriate, and how to use them

MD901 Public Relations & Media

Overview:  In this course, we will look at how to work with and respond to members of the media, in coordination with University Communications at Montana State University. We will go over the functions of University Communications and how it can assist you, review the university’s media policy, and cover key tips on how to be successful in dealings with the press.

Why should you Attend:  Any employee of the university can encounter a reporter during the course of business. This course will empower you to help that reporter efficiently and know when and how to refer media to University Communications.

Areas Covered in the Session:

  • Working with the media
  • Media policy
  • Functions of University Communications

SRM0003 Supervisor Safety Orientation: Required training for supervisors

This course targets what supervisors must know regarding safety hazards, assessments, and safety requirements on MSU Campuses per SRM/MSU/State/Federal policies and regulations.

  • Know where to locate applicable policies and procedures
  • Know what requirements exist for supervisors in relation to training and safety duties
  • Know which trainings are required of your employees
  • Know how to report and investigate an accident
  • Know your emergency action plan and how to communicate this to your employees
  • Assess hazards in your area and identify appropriate PPE for your employees to use to be safe
  • Know how to create a chemical inventory and submit it appropriately
  • Dispose of various waste types appropriately
  • Understand the basics of Workers' Compensation and related programs