Christina Fournier

Christina Fournier


   920 Technology Blvd (Nopper) 
   (406) 994-4338
Cassandra Balent Official Photo

Cassandra Balent

Associate Director

   920 Technology Blvd (Nopper) 
   (406) 994-2198

Centers & Institutes Team

  • Animal Resources Center (ARC)
  • Center for American Indian & Rural Health Equity (CAIRHE)
  • Center for Health & Safety Culture (CHSC)
  • Center for Mental Health Research & Recovery (CMHRR)
  • Center for Research on Rural Education (CRRE)
  • Center for Science, Technology, Ethics & Society (CSTES)
  • Core Facilities
  • Energy Research Institute (ERI)
  • Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP)
  • Montana Institute on Ecosystems (IoE)
  • Montana Water Center
  • Office of Research Compliance (ORC)
  • Office of Research Development (ORD)
  • Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP)
  • Optical Technology Center (OpTeC)
  • Sleep Research Lab
  • Spectrum Lab
  • TechLink
  • Technology Transfer Office (TTO)
  • Thermal Biology Institute
  • Undergraduate Scholars Program (USP)
  • Vice President for Research & Economic Development (VPRED)
  • Western Transportation Institute (WTI)
   PO Box 172500