Faculty Senate Minutes

September 4, 2019

SUB 233/235






Austin, Eric



Brody, Michael



Amende, Kevin

EN/Mech & Ind Engr


Anderson, Christina

AR/Film & Photography


Anderson, Ryan

EN/Chem Engr


Borys, Nick



Carr, Patrick

AG/Research Centers


Creel, Scott



Dana, Susan



Dratz, Ed

LS/Chem and Biochemistry


Fick, Damon

EN/Civil Engineering


Gedeon, Tomas

LS/Math Sciences


Haggerty, Julia

LS/Earth Sciences


Haynes, George



Herman, Matthew

LS/Native American Studies


Hill, Andrew

AG/Agricultural Economics


Jelinski, Jack

Emeritus Faculty


Little, Jeannie



Mast, Sara



McPhee, Kevin

AG/Plant Sciences & Plant Pathology


Meyer, James

LS/History & Philosophy


Ruff, Julie

Nursing/On Campus


Sly, Teresa

Gallatin College


Stowers, Steven

LS/Cell Biology & Neuroscience


Watson, Bradford



Yeoman, Carl

AG/Animal & Range


Young, Scott







Dunbar, Ed

EHHD/Health & Human Development


Maher, Robert

EN/Elec & Comp Engineering


Tillack, Peter

LS/Modern Languages






Provost Mokwa



Babcock, Michael

Earth Sciences


Caires, Matt

Dean of Students


Frank Parish

MSU Police Chief



I.            Call to Order

a.       Meeting is called to order at 3:10.

II.            President Cruzado-Welcoming Remarks

a.       Thank you for coming. Welcome back.

b.       Thanks to you, the search for the VP of Research and Economic Development and Graduate Education was a success. Thank you for showing up during the summer for forums, interviews, etc. We had wonderful survey results. Jason Carter, VPREDGE, is very excited to be working with you all at MSU.

c.       March 26th and 27th MSU will be hosting a huge conference, NCUR.

d.       Questions:

1.       BOR meeting next week will be Michael Brody’s first. Could you share anything with the faculty about that meeting? Expectations/impressions? Next January will be 10 years that the President has been at MSU. Sends out an email ahead of each BOR meeting with information that is important. The most important part of the September meeting is that is when the BOR approves all of the budgets for the next go around. Meeting will be in Butte.

2.       What is your vision for MSU ten years from now? Plan is to follow the Strategic Plan. Thanks to many, including faculty, we have a second updated SP. Hope to work with VPREDGE to bring Graduate Education to new heights.

3.       Are there any early indications of what our student numbers will be for the year? It is still too early, but we think it will be around the same as last year.

III.            Approval of the August 28th meeting minutes

a.       Tomas Gedeon moves to approve. Julia Haggerty seconds. None opposed. Approved.

IV.            Informational Items

a.       Campus Safety Information Update-Matt Caires, Dean of Students, and Frank Parrish, MSU Police Chief

1.       Frank Parrish has over 38 years of experience.

a.       Have five new officers on the force.

b.       Only agency that does regular active shooter trainings.

c.       Hold officers to very high expectations.

d.       Organizational structure was reorganized.

e.       Used to have to take the call and then call 911 to let the County know. Now, everyone is alerted at the same time.

f.        Video demonstrating the 1-3 minutes that classrooms are on their own during an active shooter situation.

2.       Matt Caires, Dean of Students;

a.      MSU has moved to a new notification system.

b.      Partnering with the County on new system.

c.      Now opt out instead of opt in.

d.      This summer’s shelter in place: In a short period of time campus was locked down.

e.       Students knew what shelter in place meant, but some of the older people didn’t. Need to get more information out there on what is expected during a Shelter in Place situation.

f.       Download Safe Cats app. There is a lot of great, safety info.

i.            Care Program: There is a button to give feedback and info

G.      Concerning behavior in class: Revamped disruptive behavior policy. Faculty can require a student to leave, but as it sits now they have to take them back. If the behavior is that bad, the student may need to be removed for the semester.

H.      We are considering being one of the first to have an Active Shooter Policy.

I.         Questions:

i.            If we notice something, do we call 911 or MSU police? Call 911. Please download the app. Faculty, please tell your students about this app.

ii.            If we notice a student with excess stress, for example, what do we do? Fill out the Care App. It will make sure that the info gets to who needs it.

§  Faculty will have an officer whose purpose is to work strictly with faculty.

iii.            Can a faculty member have a weapon? Firearms are not allowed on campus unless you are an on duty police officer. There is no rule that says you can’t have pepper spray.

iv.            Training for faculty on other campuses? MSUPD will go to those other campuses. Give them a call to set something up.

v.            How do you secure a classroom? They are all different. Every teaching location on campus will have signage that explains how to secure that specific space.

vi.            Would classrooms have provisions in case the shelter in place goes very long? The daycares are required to have three days, worth of food and water. There is not policy on that for university classrooms/offices.

vii.            www.montana.edu/emergency

viii.            Concerned parents: Have been referring them to Dean of Students, but should we use the Care app? If you are very concerned, for instance if they haven’t been seen for a few days, etc. just call 911.  

V.            Old Business

a.       Faculty Representatives: University Athletics Committee and Core Committee and Campus Sustainability Committee

1.       Athletics, Ryan Anderson nominates Stephanie Wettstein.

A.      Ed Dratz moves to approve. James Meyer seconds. No concerns. None opposed. No abstentions. Approved.

2.       Core, Amy Thomas-Loves learning and is interested in how parts interconnect.

A.      James Meyer moves to approve. Tomas Gedeon seconds. None opposed. No abstentions. Approved.

3.       Campus Sustainability: If you are interested please feel free to nominate anyone between now and the next meeting. Faculty Senate rep to this committee. Take a look at the charge. Send nominations to Eric Austin, eric.austin@montana.edu

VI.            Announcements-upcoming agenda items

a.       Draft Personal Mobility Device (PMD) Policy-9/18

b.       University Council Policy Items

1.       Second Reading

A.      International Travel Policy Update

i.            Approved today

ii.            Updated: there are a lot of details to it. Take a look at it.

iii.            Please be in touch with International Programs on any changes.

iv.            You can see this policy on the University Council website. May not be updated since the morning.

B.      Credit Card Policy

i.            Only for those depts. or programs that accept credit cards

2.       First Reading-no action taken until second reading-Kellie Peterson, Legal Counsel, is best contact

A.      Breastfeeding Policy

i.            Please take a look at the policy

B.      Volunteer Policy

i.            Please take a look at the policy

C.      University Programs for Children and Youth

i.            Please take a look at the policy

VII.            New Courses/Program Changes-Chair-Elect Brody

a.       Procedural notes:  First read: Introduction of course/program. Look at it between then and next meeting. Look for overlap or anything that will affect your dept/college. Second read: Give feedback if you find anything of concern. Voted on in steering committee meetings.

b.       If you have issues with the CIM system, please call Keely Holmes, 994-7136, keely.holmes@montana.edu

c.       Undergraduate

1.       EQUS 238: Horse Sales Preparation and Marketing-New Course

A.      Can be reviewed in the CIM system. The links are listed on the Faculty Senate website. http://www.montana.edu/facultysenate/upcoming_meeting.html

B.      MSU students train 2-3 year old colts and then sold through auction.

d.       Graduate

2.       LRES 501: Writing and Professional Development for Environmental Sciences-New Course

A.      Intent is to help students develop as professional writers.

B.      Was taught as a special topics for a couple of times.

C.      Interdepartmental

D.      Seems like it would be worth more credits. The explanation of the credits is in the CIM system.

E.       Paul Stoy designed the original course. It looks like it going to be taught by Paul Stoy.

VIII.            Public Comment

a.       Tomas Gedeon: Update on the 4x4 program is coming. Is there an update on the CBN issue? Will bring the info to next meeting

b.       Rob Maher: Hove we received a formal report on the roof collapses? The campus community deserves to be informed. The report has been requested. Will follow up further and see if we can get them.

IX.            Adjourn

a.       James Meyer moves to adjourn. Tomas Gedeon seconds. Meeting is adjourned at 4:30pm.


Reminder: Next Senate Meeting

September 18, 2019

3:10-4:30 PM

ABB 138


A downloadable PDF of this information can be found here.