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Faculty Senate Minutes

September 16, 2020







Brody, Michael



Watson, Bradford



Amende, Kevin

EN/Mechanical & Industrial Engineering


Anderson, Ryan

EN/Chemical Engineering


Blaker, Amanda

Gallatin College


Brookshire, Jack

AG/Land Resources


Carson, Robert



Dale, Catherine

ART/Film and Photo


Dana, Susan



Ellis, Colter

LS/Sociology & Anthropology


Fick, Damon

EN/Civil Engineering


Gao, Hongwei

EN/Electrical & Computer Engineering


Gedeon, Tomas



Haggerty, Julia

LS/Earth Sciences


Hansen, Andrew



Haynes, George

Extension/On Campus


Herman, Matthew

LS/Native American Studies


Hill, Andrew

AG/Agricultural Economics


Izurieta, Clemente

EN/Computer Science


Jeon, Minjee



Johnson, Jerry

LS/Political Science


Little, Jeannie



McMilin, Colleen

   EHHD/Health & Human Development


Neumeier, John



Schmidt, Ed

   AG/Microbiology & Immunology


Thomas, Amy



Thompson, John

LS/Modern Languages


Van Emon, Megan

AG/Animal and Range






McKelvey, Hanna



Moyce, Sally

Nursing/On Campus


Reidy, Michael

LS/History & Philosophy






Adams, Dean

Center for Faculty Excellence


Donohue, Ariel

Diversity & Inclusion


Eitle, Tamela

Provost Office


Godwin, Ian

Planning & Analysis


Mokwa, Robert



Singel, David

Provost Office


Swinford, Steve

Faculty Affairs




I.            Meeting was called to order at 3:10pm

II.            Approval of FS Minutes from September 2, 2020

a.       Julia Haggerty moves to approve. Tomas Gedeon seconds. None opposed. No abstentions. Minutes are approved.

III.            Information Updates:

a.       MUS Teaching Scholars Program | Equity-Minded Pedagogies Theme (Dean Adams)

i.            Additional information can be found online at https://www.mus.edu/che/arsa/mus-teaching-scholars/ 

ii.            Applications must be submitted by C.O.B on Thursday – September 24th page: https://montana.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_78JxQLPQivrrHf L

iii.            Commitment to teaching and learning

iv.            This call is for MUS teaching scholars. Last year MSU had three faculty.

v.            This is Equity Minded Pedagogies-deeply imbedded injustice.

vi.            Many faculty are engaged and many who would like to be.

vii.            Recognition and $1500 award.

viii.            Due September 24th.

ix.            Completed application form: https://montana.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_78JxQLPQivrrHfL 

x.            One-page letters addressing:

A.      addressing the particular equity concerns on your campus or in your courses;

B.      describing how you have effectively used or commit to using pedagogical or curriculum strategies to address social or racial justice in your classroom; and

C.      describing how you will build a community of practice around equity-minded pedagogy through your faculty learning community and identify related learning outcomes for the FLC.

xi.            A one-page nomination letter from your Dept Head, Dean or CAO

b.       Preferred Name Option (Registrar)

i.            Names have historically been kept in Banner in their “legal” form, not their preferred form.

ii.            Pilot program for students to try the name change in the system.

iii.            Registrar says that with the new Banner 9, all will have a chance to put in their preferred name.

c.       Rename of Department

i.            Microbiology and Immunology is putting BOR forms together to rename their department

ii.            The proposed new name will be Department of Microbiology and Cell Biology

iii.            Not up for vote, this is just for your information

d.       Undergraduate Scholars Program (USP) is currently searching for volunteers to join our review panel

i.            https://www.montana.edu/usp/apply/research-grants.html 

ii.            rose.dormanen@montana.edu 

e.       Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives 2020-21 (Ariel Donahue)

i.            http://www.montana.edu/diversity/ 

ii.            Excellence at MSU is best achieved through a culture of intellectual and personal growth that is divers and inclusive.

iii.            Equity-oriented Action-Engaging in equity-oriented change is cyclical, dynamic and iterative. Individuals and groups spiral in and out in different ways and at different rates.

A.      Recognizing Identity & Self-location

B.      Developing an Equity-Oriented Consciousness

C.      Desiring to Create Change

D.      Committing to Equity-Oriented Action

iv.            Still accepting volunteers for those who want to be part of this process

v.            Will be coming out with guides on how to incorporate needed content into your classes

vi.            On-line course you can take at any time. montana.edu/iefa

vii.            We want to have resources to support faculty

viii.            Working with BIPOC student leaders at the BSU

A.      Education inside and outside the classroom

B.      Programming and support

C.      Spaces for belonging. Reporting structures and mechanisms.

D.      Student recruitment and retention.

ix.            Organizing diversity efforts

A.      Academic Diversity Partners (ADPs)

B.      IChange Team-effort to work on diversifying faculty hiring and creating greater inclusivity

x.            Questions:

A.      Susan Dana; Thank you, Ariel, for all your work on this. We appreciate your leadership.

B.      Signed pledge? Yes, it was a windy road, but after much discussion about how to create accountability. Working on getting an action plan out to university leaders November.

C.      In October will have feedback sessions.

D.      BIOPOC students have shared the information with Faculty Senate.

IV.            Councils and Committee Update (Brody):

a.       Academic Council https://www.montana.edu/deanscouncil/  

i.            Academic Items:

A.      Request to plan: Master of Science in Anatomical Sciences

1.       Cross-over with other departments, teaching emphasis

B.      Level II: Center for Science, Technology, Ethics, and Society

ii.            Topics for Discussion:

A.      Accreditation Mid- Cycle review- 10/15-16, 2020

B.      Private Scholarship evaluation

C.      Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) Fastnow, Kearns, Trotter

D.      https://www.gartner.com/en/newsroom/press-releases/2019-03-26-gartner-identifies-the-top-10-strategic-technologies-  

1.       Next-Generation Security and Risk Management

2.       Artificial Intelligence (AI) Conversational Interface

3.       Smart Campus

4.       Predictive Analytics

5.       Nudge Tech

6.       Digital Credentialing Technologies

7.       Hybrid Integration Platforms

8.       Career Software

9.       Student Cross-Life Cycle CRM

10.   Wireless Presentation Technologies

11.   About Gartner IT Symposium/Xpos

V.            MSU Task Force to Advance Excellence in Pedagogy (Brody and Watson)

a.       Planning Instruction for Spring 2021 and Beyond

b.       Core members

i.            David Single (co-chair), Michael Brody (co-chair), Bradford Watson, Dean Adams, Colin Smith

c.       Focus Groups:

i.            Large Lecture, Laboratory, Blended and Freshman Seminar

d.       Process:

i.            Survey Questions:

A.      What should we leave behind?

B.      What should we bring forward?

C.      What should we plan, pilot and assess?

ii.            Focus Group discussion:

A.      1-2 hours in Webex

iii.            Large Lecture Preliminary Results

iv.            Julia Haggerty: This is early days. These courses have only been underway for a few weeks. A lot of the measures we’ve put in place haven’t been fully put to the test yet. Feel good about the recommendations.

A.      For very large lecture survey classes. Some have labs with them, some don’t.

B.      One idea is to offer more sections, or to do blended.

C.      One concern is that too much online work facilitates students not doing what they should be done.

v.            Discussion/Questions:

A.      Would like faculty to take this info back to their discuss how some of these plans might fit.

B.      Tomas Gedeon: None-attendance of blended classes, how does that help students be successful. Experience says that those who don’t attend class may not be successful.

C.      How realistic are some of these plans?

D.      Ed Schmidt: Are we talking about regulations or suggestions? How much authority will the instructor actually have? I might be resistant to being mandated for how I do this in spring.

·         Don’t have any idea right now that would be mandating any instructional practices. Do you want you to know what you are signing up for?

·         David Singel: We are trying to share information at this point. Want to bring it together so that faculty can learn from one another. What is effective. What works, what doesn’t? Using ATO and CFE to help make things better. Do not see a mandate of any kind coming. More about communication.  A lot of feedback from students and parents. Blended courses are almost a “flipped classroom”. Instruction is done online, and on-campus work is for questions, hands on work, etc. Want to be as effective as we can within our constraints.

·         Faculty are learning a lot. So are students.

E.       Would like to share this with Senators for discussion in D2L. Not ready for publication yet.

F.       Julia Haggerty: Didn’t want to move forward without some kind of reflection. Intention is not to set “rules”, but to share what is being asked of you as faculty to be successful in this environment. Where does the support need to be? Where do the resources need to be? Some of these changes could be permanent.

G.      Blended courses have a lot of empty seats. Maybe we are putting up unnecessary hurdles for students by doing blended courses.

VI.            Old and New  Business:

a.       Course and Program Approvals

b.       See faculty web page https://www.montana.edu/facultysenate/upcoming_meeting.html  

i.            Undergrad Courses-Spring 2021 (Second Reading)

A.      BIOB 305: Science Communication in Ecology (9/2/2020)

B.      PSCI 470 : Rural Politics (8/26/2020)

ii.            Undergraduate Courses-Spring 2021 (First Reading)

A.      ACT 208: Racquet Sports (9/9/2020)

B.      ACT 222: Backcountry Ski Fundamentals (9/9/2020)

C.      ACT 234: Yoga Nidra Meditation (9/9/2020)

D.      ACT 238: Swiftwater Rescue (9/9/2020)

E.       HSTR 488: The Nuclear World (9/9/2020)

F.       LSCI 437: Social Media Practices (9/9/2020)

G.      PSYX 401: Advanced Research Design & Analysis (9/9/2020)

iii.            Course Changes

A.      SPNS 352IH: Afro-Latinx Narratives: Text& Cinema-Title change only. Learning Outcomes were existing (9/9/2020)

iv.            Undergraduate Course and Programs-2020/2021 (First Reading)

A.      ASTR-BS: Physics BS - Astronomy and Astrophysics Option (9/9/2020)

VII.            Delphi Survey-Spring 2020 (Brody)

a.       What is the intent?

b.       How it works?

c.       Usefulness?

d.       Faculty Senate D2L: announcement, content and discussion executive summary of survey results. Please do not distribute until Senate discusses results.

i.            Knowledge: Faculty Senate Ranking of Importance

              Question: What are the essential concepts, principles, theories and philosophy that influence your                      experience as a faculty member at MSU?

              Ranking Very Important (4.1 to 5.0)

A.      The ability to do research on topics that are of interest and have value to society is important in my work.=5.0

B.      Sharing knowledge is important in my work.=4.8

C.      Assisting students to gain knowledge is important in my work.=4.7

D.      Education is a special human activity. It is essential to the progress of civilization - we are here only because generations before us learned how to share knowledge from generation to generation.=4.5

E.       Grant support and assistance guides my work at MSU.=4.3

F.       Most/many of society’s problems are so complex and "wicked" so that any one intellectual silo typically cannot effectively engage and need trans-disciplinary approaches, as much as can be mounted.=4.3

ii.            Skills: Faculty Senate Ranking of Importance

               Question: What are the important activities or things that you do that influence your experience as a                   faculty member at MSU?

               Ranking Very Important (4.1 to 5.0)

A.      I do research. The ability to explore new ideas, new avenues and concepts is a great privilege of working at the University.=4.8

B.      I can honestly say that my experience as a faculty member is, more than any other item, positively influenced by my research autonomy and ability to move forward research and discovery to better understand and ultimately provide solutions to significant real-world issues.=4.6

C.      Transdisciplinary research involving faculty from different departments and colleges at MSU.=4.4

D.      Lead and participate in grant funding activities.=4.4

iii.            Dispositions: Faculty Senate Ranking of Importance

                Question: What are the critical feelings, attitudes and values that influence your experience as a                          faculty member at MSU?

                                 Ranking Very Important (4.1 to 5.0)

A.      I value transparency and insight. This means that when important decisions are made, I want to see the data that supports the stated rationale. Data needs to be transparent and available and anyone who wants to weigh in on how the university should be run should be literate in how the campuses finances operate.=5.0

B.      I value comradery, teamwork, sharing, honesty, transparency and trust.=4.8

C.      I value achievement, professionalism and excellence, which motivate me to publish research and secure grants from leading journals/institutions and to hold myself accountable to high standards of teaching in the classroom.=4.8

D.      I thrive in collegial, collaborative, and mutually supportive environments, and I strive to contribute to and maintain values that support such an environment.=4.6

a.       Delphi Discussion

i.            What are the themes that stand out to you?

ii.            What ideas resonate with you?

iii.            What ideas are of no interest to you?

iv.            What ideas do you not agree with?

VIII.            How can we communicate and support each other in this time of crisis?

a.       Senators’ Hours in Webex:

i.            Tuesdays 1-2 PM and Thursdays 11 AM to 12PM

b.       Faculty Senate D2L Brightspace: discussion area for topics of concern

c.       Faculty Senate Email Group: msufacultysenate@montanaedu.onmicrosoft.com

IX.            Public Comment

a.       Kevin Amende: Sabbaticals. All were rescinded and this year there are a limited amount that will be granted. What kind of input did faculty have on this decision. There should be some consideration for those who were rescinded this spring. Doesn’t look like that is the case.

Michael Brody: We were not consulted on those that were rescinded. We were told about the recent decision as well. Have given opinions and different points of view but we were not in the room when the actual decisions were made.

Julie Haggerty: Reached out about repurposing existing applications. Informal advice was that new letters were not needed, but I have asked for more clarity on that statement.

People are discouraged about having to RE-apply.

b.       Ryan Anderson: Nice to know that student feedback has been prioritized. Faculty stress levels are important to keep an eye on. Morale is low among those who are newer and those who have been here a long time. It is a major issue. Don’t know what the fix is but want it to be noted.

c.       In BOR meeting today-heard that a board member wants OCHE to support the resources to make all of this less stressful for faculty.

d.       Annual review and Promotion and Tenure-was there discussion on that at the meeting? No, did not hear that today. It is on the list of things we submitted for the agenda today. We found later that our agenda items were not distributed to the Board.

e.       John Thompson: Are faculty really being evicted from graduate family housing? About 30% are being evicted. Adjunct professors, post-docs, many will have to leave if they get evicted. Would like more information on this, please. The reasoning is that students need it, but we just don’t know HOW or WHEN it’s going to happen. We need them to make a decision.

f.        Colter Ellis: I have hard similar things as John. Some clear communication may resolve some future problems. Folks aren’t sure if they are going to be evicted, or not.

X.            Adjourn              

a.       You are all doing great out there. I know it’s just words, but we really are working hard for you.

b.       Meeting was adjourned at 4:34pm


REMINDER: Next meeting is September 30, 2020
