Faculty Senate Minutes

October 31st, 2018

SUB 233

3:10- 4:30 pm




Richards, Abigail



Walker, Brett



Amende, Kevin

EN/Mechanical & Industrial Engr


Anderson, Christina

AR/Film & Photography


Anderson, Ryan

EN/Chem Engr


Austin, Eric

LS/Political Sci


Belasco, Eric

AG/Ag Econ


Brody, Michael



Carr, Patrick

AG/Research Centers


Dana, Susan



Dunbar, Edward

HHD/Health & Human Dev


Fick, Damon

EN/Civil Engineering


Gao, Hongwei

EN/Electrical & Comp. Engineering


Gedeon, Tomas

LS/Math Sciences


Haggerty, Julia

LS/Earth Sciences


Haynes, George

Extension/On Campus


Herman, Matthew

LS/Native American Studies


Izurieta, Clemente

EN/Computer Science


Jelinski, Jack

Emeritus Faculty


Kosto, Alison

Extension/Off Campus


Mast, Sarah



McMahon, Tom



Meyer, James

LS/History & Phil


Slye, Teresa

Gallatin College


Stowers, Steven

LS/Cell Biology & Neuroscience


Thomas, Amy



Yamaguchi, Tomomi

LS/Sociology & Anthro






Moyce, Sally

Nursing/On Campus


Olson, Bret

AG/Animal & Range


Stoneback, Sarah







Babcock, Michael

Psychology/Pres Faculty Fellow


Gleeson, Rebecca

Western Transportation Institute


Mumey, Brendan

Engineering/Chair, Faculty Affairs


Provost Mokwa

Office of the Provost


Reijo-Pera, Renee

VP for Research & Econ Devel


I. Call to Order

A. Meeting is called to order at 3:10pm

II. Approval of the October 17, 2018 meeting minutes

B.  Jim Meyer moves to approve. Teresa Slye seconds. None opposed. Approved.

III. Informational Items

A. Update on the Graduate Dean/Associate VPR

i. Provost Mokwa: Restructuring the position. Posted on Provost website. Search consultants are helping with this search. Candidate will bridge both Graduate studies and Research.

ii. Renee Reijo-Pera: Encourage you to look at the position yourself, send it to others who may be interested. Looking to bring candidates to campus the second week of December.

iii. Questions: How many faculty on committee?

Beth Burroughs-Dept Head/Math

Alan Dyer-Professor/PSPP

Alison Harmon-Dean/EHHD

Susan Kollin-Director/English

Abbie Richards-Chair, Faculty Senate

Emily Schmidt-Student

Blake Wiedenheft-Professor/Microbiology & Immunology

a. New resources coming in? Would like to start investing in faculty and students who are already here and are staying.

b. Is it common to use a search firm for a position of this sort? Yes, it is very common when hiring Deans.

c. Will this person have more budget to have a say and vision in this position? We need to provide this position with resources to have the ability to make change. Bringing research and graduate education together should help with the resource piece. Provost office will support this individual.

d. Please send names of potential position candidates to Provost Mokwa, and VP for Research Reijo-Pera.

B. Bozeman Commuter Project

i. Western Transportation Institute

a. Partner with the City and MSU to reduce travel congestion and parking issues.

b. Aimed at getting more people where they want to go without driving alone everywhere

c. MSU is larger than most Montana cities

d. Surveyed 1800 people last year

e. Mapped addresses for 3400 MSU employees

f. Those that have more flexibility in their schedules could help with parking during peak times

g. Purchased: bozemancommute.org to get people together to carpool, walk, etc.

h. Goal is to use our existing transportation to get more people to campus-not adding additional transportation

IV. Old Business

A. FYI-Courses approved in FS Steering

i. ARTH 342: Modern Art

ii. BCH 381: Biochemistry Lab

iii. CHMY 3401: Environmental Chemistry

iv. CULA 131: World Cuisine

v. CULA 220: Dairy Foods and Culturing

vi. CULA 265: Purchasing and Cost Control

vii. ECNS 316: Economics of Crime and Risky Behaviors

viii. EELE 418: The Art of Biochips-An Intro to BioMEMS

ix. EGEN 494-001: Engr Peer Academic Leader Foundations

x. EMEC 440: Biomechanics of Human Movement

xi. ENGR 694: Seminar

xii. GPHY 507: Topics in Political Ecology

xiii. M 520: Access and Equity in Mathematics Teaching

xiv. TE 530: 3D Modeling & Animation

B. ANRS-BS: Ranching Systems

i. Internship

ii. Proposal: Create preeminent Ranch Management Program in Intermountain West.

iii. Proposal: Systems-level approach that integrates course work with experiential/hands-on learning.

iv. Proposal: Topics include: livestock production, natural resource management, economics and business, leadership, communication, lifelong learning, critical thinking.

v. Mission: “is to sustain and preserve the agricultural heritage of the Northern Great Plains and Intermountain West, by graduating students who have the passion, breadth of knowledge, and diversity of skills needed to employ prudent ranching practices that create value and improve the natural resources vital to our land.”

vi. Concerns: The original concern was overlap between; A) Agribusiness Management Concentration (Ag Econ & Econ), B) Livestock Management & Industry Option (Animal & Range Sciences), C) Farm & Ranch Management Option, and D) Rangeland Ecology & Management Option.

vii. Concerns: Hands-on component and systems approach set the new program apart.

viii.  Tomas Gedeon moves to approve. George Haynes seconds. None opposed. Approved.

ix. Discussion-no discussion

V. New Business

A. New Courses- Steering committee appreciates any feedback you may have on any of these courses.

i. ACT 276: Wilderness First Responder

ii. EMEC 462: System Dynamics and Control

iii. GRMN 498: Internship Abroad

iv. LS 104: Introduction to Global Health

v. SIGN 220: Sign Language II

vi. Steering committee appreciates any feedback you may have on any of these courses.

B. Workload Guidelines

i. Would like to vote on the policy at the November 28th meeting and the guidelines at the December 12th meeting. JAGS will meet in between.

ii. Read documents carefully

iii. Discuss with colleagues

iv. Actionable suggestions

a. Provide specific language changes in writing

v. Can email suggested changes to:

a. arichards@montana.edu

b. Brett.Laurence.Walker@gmail.com

vi. Guidelines for a unit-wide workload policy

a.Teaching – overview of the main points in the teaching section of the guidelines. Baseline of a credit load for teaching. Concern about “course-based class language.” Concern about differences effort and comment regarding a desire for data to find out how much effort it generally takes for faculty le are really doing. OPA should have some data available.

b. Scholarship – presentation of key language of scholarship and then discussion metrics from peer-institutions

c. Service – highlights presented with examples of service from the document. Discussion about how service activities differ by discipline – would like language that this is not an “exhaustive” list. Discussion of role and scope driving workload vs workload driving Role and Scope.

d. Changing Percentages of Effort – presentation of pre-tenure and post tenure procedures for PoE changes.

e. Joint Appointments – meant to provide clarification faculty under joint appointments and memorandum of understanding. Question about if the faculty handbook has specific language for MOU.

C. Center Guidelines sub-committee: Email a nomination (or self-nomination) to arichards@montana.edu by Oct 31.  Not coming up with a new policy. Just looking for guidelines when a proposal for a center comes forward.

VI. Announcements

A. Relationships Policy Task Force – expect an email sent to faculty we another containing invitations for community conversations. RSVP to CFE workshops. Discussion about location of existing policy and other institutions policies as examples

B. Inspiring Excellence in Teaching and Learning

i. November 8, SUB Ballrooms, 8:00am-5:30pm-All-day event

ii.  Teaching innovation

iii. Service Learning

iv. Active Learning

v. Teaching Technology


C. Next Year’s Chair-Elect

i. Time table:

a. Recruitment & mulling over period: Now

b. Nominations: by Feb 13 to Feb 27, 2019

c. Candidate presentations: Feb 27, 2019

d. Vote; 3/13/19 

VII. Public Comment

A. Provost Mokwa: Put workload taskforce report on the website.

B. Provost Mokwa: Inspiring Excellence in Teaching and Learning-Innovative teaching approaches shared between our faculty on campus-instead of bringing in speakers to talk.

C. Jack Jelinski: Introduced himself as Emeritus faculty member of Faculty Senate. Impressed with the seriousness of the proceedings here.

VIII. Adjournment

A. Meeting adjourned at 4:37pm.


Next Faculty Senate Meeting will be 3:10 pm November 14th in the SUB Alumni Lounge