Faculty Senate Minutes

March 13th, 2019

SUB Ballroom D

3:10- 4:30 pm





Richards, Abigail



Austin, Eric



Amende, Kevin

EN/Mech & Ind Engr


Anderson, Christina

AR/Film & Photography


Anderson, Ryan

EN/Chem Engr


Arnold, Shannon

AG/Agricultural Education


Belasco, Eric

AG/Agricultural Economics


Borys, Nick



Brody, Michael



Dana, Susan



Fick, Damon

EN/Civil Engineering


Hatch, Jeremy



Herman, Matthew

LS/Native American Studies


Kosto, Allison

Extension/Off Campus


Little, Jeannie



McPhee, Kevin

AG/Plant Sciences & Plant Pathology


Meyer, James

LS/History & Philosophy


Mukhopadhyay, Jaya



Parker, David

LS/Political Science


Roberts, Dave



Ruff, Julie

Nursing/On Campus


Schmidt, Edward

AG/Microbiology & Immunology


Slye, Teresa

Gallatin College


Stowers, Steven

LS/Cell Biology & Neuroscience


Thomas, Amy



Yamaguchi, Tomomi

LS/Sociology & Anthropology






Geyer, Lukas

LS/Math Science


Becker, James (alternate for alternate)

EHHD/Health & Human Development


Wittie, Mike

EN/Computer Science






Provost Mokwa

Office of the Provost


Babcock, Michael



Becker, Mike



Gray, Stephanie

Gallatin College


Haynes, Debby

Health & Human Development


Jutila, Cathy

Division of Health Sciences


Koltz, Rebecca

Health & Human Development


Leary, Myleen



Mahurin, Becky

Division of Health Sciences


Miles, Mary

Health & Human Development


Seifert, Tricia



Sterman, Leila



Tarabochia, Dawn

Health & Human Development


Tessman, Brock

Deputy Commissioner


Truman, Brenda



Wilmer, Franke

Political Science


I.            Call to Order

a.      Meeting called to order at 3:11pm

II.            Approval of the February 27th meeting minutes

David Parker moves to approve. Susan Dana seconds. Approved.

III.            Provost Mokwa update on University Buildings

a.      Trained team has been acting as an emergency response team, center in Huffman building

b.      Area is secured

c.       No one was hurt

d.      North Gym: imminent failure-now in the mode of recovery

e.      Addressing any other buildings on campus that meet the criteria

f.        Want to get fitness center up and running as soon as possible

g.      Great effort across campus; every ACT course offered in fitness center had to be relocated

h.      Everyone has gotten a chance to get their items that may have been left in the locker rooms.

i.        Looking to the future

i.   Working with insurance adjustors

ii.   Working with students

j.        Questions:

i.   Is there no one responsible for checking on buildings during times of “lots of snow”? What went wrong? This happened over a matter of weeks, did someone not do their job? Will the results of the insurance report be made public to faculty and staff? They do plan to share the results.

A.      The insurance company is looking into cause/fault, etc.

B.      This February saw a lot of snow, but we’ve had more than that in the past and this didn’t happen.

IV.            Academic discussion - Brock Tessman, Deputy Commissioner, Academic, Research & Student Affairs

i.   (Info from graphic on slides)

ii.   Step 2: Intent to Plan-a lot of time invested in that

A.      Document completed by the campus (faculty/Dept. Head/Dean, MSU faculty reach out to other MUS campuses)

B.      Submitted to Flagship Provost (discussed at Academic Council and President’s Executive Council)

C.      Submitted to the Deputy Commissioner by Flagship Provost with all appropriate signatures

D.     Shares with Flagship Provost (CAOs), then shared with Flagship Presidents and Commissioner

E.      Discussed at next CAO Call

F.       If major issues surface during CAO call, Dep. Com will become involved

G.     No issues: approval of campus development (CIM, curriculum committee reviews, Faculty Senate, Academic Council, Montana Board of Regents)

H.     Want the programing around the system to make sense for the system as a whole-has been a struggle and they need your help.

I.        Questions

1.      Political Science proposal for a PhD program: Did a self-assessment, indicated the need for a PhD program. They very carefully went through a two year process to put the proposal for the program together. Want to grow research capacity. Without this program, they cannot raise retention and help their mission on all levels. Very frustrating that the program was delayed after two years of work. How are we meeting the needs of the MSU community and Montana as a whole in delaying this?

·         Many programs across the MUS system.

·         Delay is frustrating, yes, but doesn’t mean that the program won’t be approved.

·         Would like to make some minor changes to the process that Chair Richards outlined.

·         There is some connection between the work done on this program here and what is happening at U of M.

·         Would like to get those folks together and have the conversation, then make decisions.

·         This is part of a larger process-conversation in the next 6-8 weeks.

·         In the future, there will not be these types of delays. More of a “pause” than a delay.

o   Is there a problem with U of M and MSU pursuing similar programs?

Ø  It may not make sense to have two similar programs at two MUS schools.

Ø  It could be that there is no problem at all.

o   Is it possible the “pause” could get us on the agenda in May and not have to wait a full year?

Ø  Conversation will not take place until May meeting, so the proposal will not be presented at that meeting.

o   The two MUS schools in question are very different. We have researchers that can sustain this type of program.

2.      Same issue as previous commenter. Much thought and work put into a proposal and vetted on campus, etc. then they get a message back that there was “too much overlap”. Do not see the overlap on our end. Very different programs. Where is the overlap? Department doesn’t know how to proceed from here.

·         Message should have been that the amount of overlap warrants a conversation.

·         Can we address the overlap? Can it be tailored?

·         Does not want to answer the question about where the overlap may be. Would like to look into it more and get an answer to you at a later time. It’s not about the proposal itself, but also about the direction that the campus is going.

·         Do not want “flag planting”, or rewarding the first one to put forth a proposal.

·         Overlap is not just about what is written in stone, but more about having detailed conversations.

·         The next action on this will be at the BOR meeting in May. It will be a conversation.

3.      School of Music has a program that has been held up. It is not a duplication of any other program. Our understanding is that U of M objected to it, but it is not the same. We are not the same. No one knows what the next step is and how to take those next steps. Answers are very vague. Everything regarding how they programs are different was detailed very well in the proposal.

·         What are the different methods? What are the different directions?

·         These folks will get together to have these conversations at the May BOR meeting.

·         Understand that they delay does not seem fair. This is our best attempt to create a more cohesive conversation structure going forward. Feel the payoff of this change will be great.

4.      We will not keep our “status” if we cannot grow our graduate programs. We are ready to go and want to do wonderful things.

·         Campuses can articulate well how a program fits into a strategic plan/mission. As long as campuses can do that, and the proposal are very intentional and well thought out, I think there will be support from the Board. Needs to come along with continued thought about programing and that which might not be relevant any longer. We need to balance the old with the new. More rigorous assessment process.

5.      We are all concerned about transparency. The discussion of the process, will that be transparent/shared?

·         Yes. We need to agree on the ground rules. There is no reason to NOT be transparent. The specifics on what they are looking for on program proposals is pretty clear. What we haven’t done is hold programs that underperform accountable.

6.      When will we hear about the conversations taking place in May?

·         We should know by mid-April what conversations will be taking place.

·         Do not expect another “pause” on those under consideration now.

·         A decision hasn’t been made yet, but please see my visit as my intention to get and keep everyone involved.

7.      If the BOR meeting is in May, wouldn’t it be better to get the two campuses together to have those conversations BEFORE that meeting?

·         We need to discuss it again first.

8.      Faculty Concern: What you call “flag planting”, along with that is the fact that they have followed all of the rules just to get the Intent to Plan. All of a sudden there are new rules. We WERE following the rules that were set. What is the guiding principle of these new rules? We do not want U of M to fail. Is that what this is about? How do we help U of M? Have always worked well with the folks from there, so this statement doesn’t really seem “transparent”. Those “conversations” could have happened, but BOR stopped the Intent to Plan all together. We didn’t even have a chance to put the proposal together.

·         This is a delay. The timeline has been altered. I’m sorry that you’ve gotten held up in this delay. I’m glad that you are having great conversations with those at U of M.

·         It is our job to make sure that

9.      Are we out a full year, or is this going to pick up again after the May BOR meeting? That full year wait has HUGE consequences that are more important.

V.            Informational Items

a.      University Council Updates – Web Accessibility

i.            If anyone has a forward facing website, you need to take the training module you will lose your access at the end of this month. You can get an extension.

b.      BOR Meeting Updates

c.       Reminder – Faculty Senate Chair Elect for AY 20, nominations open, but closing. Letter of Intent out after Spring Break.

d.      Draft Assessment Committee Charge – on website

i.            see faculty senate website

ii.            send comments or committee nominations to

arichards@montana.edu or eric.austin@montana.edu

e.      FYI

i.            Final round of Graduate Dean Interviews week after spring break:

A.      8:30-9:30 Faculty Forum

B.      3:45-4:45 Open Forum

C.      Tuesday, 3/26: All events in SUB Ballroom D

D.     Wednesday, 3/27: Faculty Forum SUB 235

                                    Open Forum SUB Legacy Lounge

E.      Thursday, 3/28: All events SUB Ballroom D

VI.            Old Business

a.      FYI: Courses & Program changes approved in Senate Steering Committee

i.            FYI –Courses Approved in Faculty Senate Steering on March 12

A.      ACT 161 : Wilderness Survival

B.      ANTY 375 : Anthropology of Humans and the Environment

C.      BIOE 435/BIOE 536 : A Study of Local Ecosystems for Teachers

D.     BIOO 418: Ecological Physiology of Aquatic Organisms

E.      ECNS 310 : Health Economics

F.       FILM 373 : Experimental Film Production

G.     GRMN 453 : German Literature Since Unification

H.     ITS 271 : Securing Desktop/Mobile Devices

I.        PSCI 451 : State and Local Government Policy Making

J.        ARCH 561 : Design Critique for Master’s Studio Project

K.      ARCH 576 :Reader Critique for Professional Paper

L.       BIOH 586 : A Big Ideas Approach for AP Biology Teachers

M.   CHTH 548 : Program Planning and Evaluation

N.     ECIV 504 : Construction Productivity

O.     ECIV 505 : Quality Assure/Risk Management

P.      ECIV 506 : Ad Construction Management

Q.     EDCI 521 : Content Literacy

R.      MEDS 591 : Farm to Clinician: A Culinary Medicine Approach to Healthcare

S.       NRSG 674 : DNP Scholarly Project Seminar (credit change)

T.      NUTR 520 : Advanced Diet and Disease Systems

U.     FYI Course Deactivation:

V.      ARNR 529 : Yellowstone Wildlife Habitat Ecology

ii.            FYI -Program Changes Approved in Faculty Senate Steering on March 12

A.      ANRS-MS : Master of Science in Animal and Range Sciences

B.      ANRS-PHD : Doctor of Philosophy in Animal and Range Sciences

C.      ECCD-BS : Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education and Child Services -Child Development option

D.     ECPT-BS : Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education and Child Services P-3 option

E.      EDSC-MS : Master of Science in Science Education

F.       ELED-BS : Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education K-8 Curriculum

G.     ENTO-MINOR : Minor in Entomology -Non-Teaching

H.     ENTO-MS : Master of Science in Entomology

I.        HDFS-BS : Bachelor of Science in Human Development and Family Science -Human Development and Family Science

J.        HDFT-BS : Bachelor of Science Human Development & Family Science -Family & Consumer Sciences Education Option

K.      HSPM-BS : BS in Hospitality Management

b.      Continued Discussion – Internship Policy

i.            Comments/Concerns?

ii.            Full discussion after spring break

VII.            New Business

a.      New Courses & Program Changes-Eric Austin

i.            Undergraduate

A.      CSCI 347: Data Mining

B.      EENV 342: Biological Treatment Processes

C.      EENV 387: Environmental Law and Regulation

D.     EIND 413: Ergonomics & Human Factor Engineering (change)

E.      GPHY 184: Our Digital Earth

F.       GRMN 304: German in Cultural Context

G.     HDFS 237: Managing Work and Family (change)

ii.            Graduate

A.      EDCI 519: Addressing Equity in Linguistic and Cultural Diversity

B.      EDCI 538: Summer Youth Inquiry Camp

C.      EDCI 569: Reflective Inquiry in Rural Education

D.     EDCI 595: Student Teaching

E.      EIND 500: Engineering Organizational Change and Innovation

iii.            FYI Deactivation

A.      EDCI 505: Foundations of Action Research in Teaching and Learning

B.      EDCI 509: Implementing Action Research in Teaching and Learning

C.      EDCI 518: Master Teaching Strategies for Science Educators

D.     EDCI 537: Contemporary Issues in Science Education

iv.            Program Changes

A.      BCHM-Minor: Minor in Biochemistry –non-Teaching

B.      LEADER-C: Undergraduate Certificate In MSU Leadership Fellows

C.      GSTS-MS: Master of Science in Statistics

D.     GSTS-PHD: Doctor of Philosophy in Statistics

b.      BOR Level II Proposal - Institute for Interprofessional Education-Eric Austin/Cathy Jutila/Rebecca Mahurin

i.            Institute for Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice in Health and Medicine (AKA “MUS-IPE Institute”)

ii.            Interprofessional Education

A.      What?

1.      IPE is learning about, from, and with another health profession

B.      Why?

1.      Team-based care critical, particularly in rural settings

2.      Errors from health care 3rdleading cause of death in the U.S.

3.      IPE is no longer optional. It is a mandatory requirement for many healthcare professions now including nursing, medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and PT

C.      How?

1.      70 health-related programs w/i MUS system

2.      125 health-related certificates/degrees w/i Tribal & community colleges

iii.            Proposed Structure

A.      Create a MSU & UM “Virtual” Institute

1.      MSU: CON, WWAMI, counseling, dietetics, etc.

2.      UM: College of Health Professions and Biomedical Sciences (Pharmacy, PT, etc.) and Missoula College

B.      Shared Leadership

1.      Advisory council comprised of flagship university Deans, regional AHEC managers, as well as educational, clinical and community partners

2.      MSU and UM co-Directors (.25 FTE each)

3.      MSU and UM co-Managers (.50 FTE each)

iv.            Proposed Activities

A.      Coordinate Current IPE Activities

1.      AHEC Scholars Program, HRSA mandated initiative

2.      Regional Initiatives for Dentistry (RIDE) program

3.      Current IPE offerings at MSU and UM

4.      Current health profession courses throughout MUS system for possible collaborative efforts

B.      Expand IPE Activity in Rural Areas

1.      Involve all Montana programs educating healthcare workforce e.g., MSU-Billings, MSU-Great Falls, …

2.      Outreach to clinical agencies

C.      Build IPE and Collaborative Practice in Montana

1.      Serve as a clearinghouse to receive and distribute funding to advance mission of Institute

2.      Coordinate grant-writing and scholarship activities

3.      Strengthen IPE relationships between educational programs

4.      Acting as a conduit between clinical sites and educational programs (both within and between universities)

5.      Coordinate training for preceptors across Montana

v.            MSU:UM IPE Training Already in Delivery

A.      2016-Present: UM Pharmacy, MSU CoN, Family practice residents –Simulation Course in Acute Care (More than 60 students)

B.      2014-Present: 491 Seminar: Interprofessional Collaborative Practice at UM including Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, MSU CoN, Social Work, Athletic Training, Speech/Language and Hearing, Premed and Family Practice Residents (More than 60 students)

C.      Student Feedback on these courses overwhelmingly positive

D.     Farm to Clinician-A Culinary Medicine Approach to Healthcare

1.      Shows that it does not need to be complicated

2.      Much of it is already in existence. Trying to coordinate those resources that already exist. Not looking for new resources.

vi.            MSU IPE Funding

A.      College of Nursing

B.      Provost

C.      AHEC

D.     WWAMI

E.      Grant opportunities:

1.      HRSA

2.      Montana Health Care Foundation (Regional Initiative in Dental Education)

3.      NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS)

4.      Montana Geriatric Education Center

5.      Macy Foundation

6.      Hearst Foundation

vii.            First reading –are there any questions at present?

A.      No questions at this time

viii.            Second reading and endorsement March 27

VIII.            Announcements

a.       Upcoming Agenda Items

i.   Title IX and Mandatory Reporter Training

ii.   MS Bioengineering

iii.   Next Chair Elect

A.      Nominations between 2/27 and 3/13, candidate presentations and election 3/27- We have had two interested people. Please have anyone who is interested to reach out to Abbie or Eric. Will consider a write in candidate the day of the vote. We will collect a background statements ahead of time from those who are interested/nominated. Be prepared to say something about yourself if you are written in.

B.      Will distribute statement of intent document from interested senators to the senate body week of March 25, vote March 27.

IX.            Public Comment-Please state your name and affiliation

a.      Kevin Amende-What did I miss with the Grad Dean Search? Thought it was on hold? It has been resumed, all candidates are still under consideration, plus a few new ones.

b.      Dave Roberts-Can we assume that the Grad School isn’t in as much trouble as we thought and we can move forward with the search?

X.            Adjournment

a.      Meeting was adjourned at 4:33pm.


Reminder: Next Faculty Senate Meeting

March 27, 2019

3:10-4:30 PM

SUB Room 233


A downloadable PDF of this information can be found here.