Faculty Senate Minutes

August 28, 2019

ABB 138






Austin, Eric



Brody, Michael



Amende, Kevin

EN/Mech & Ind Engr


Anderson, Christina

AR/Film & Photography


Anderson, Ryan

EN/Chem Engr


Borys, Nick



Brookshire, Jack

AG/Land Resources


Creel, Scott



Dana, Susan



Dratz, Ed

LS/Chem and Biochemistry


Ellis, Colter

LS/Sociology & Anthropology


Fick, Damon

EN/Civil Engineering


Gedeon, Tomas

LS/Math Sciences


Haggerty, Julia

LS/Earth Sciences


Haynes, George



Herman, Matthew

LS/Native American Studies


Jelinski, Jack

Emeritus Faculty


Little, Jeannie



McPhee, Kevin

AG/Plant Sciences & Plant Pathology


Meyer, James

LS/History & Philosophy


Parker, David

LS/Political Science


Ruff, Julie

Nursing/On Campus


Schmidt, Edward

AG/Microbiology & Immunology


Sly, Teresa

Gallatin College


Stowers, Steven

LS/Cell Biology & Neuroscience


Watson, Bradford



Young, Scott







Dunbar, Ed

EHHD/Health & Human Development


Maher, Robert

EN/Elec & Comp Engineering


Perry, Dustin

AG/Agricultural Education






Provost Mokwa



Babcock, Michael

Earth Sciences



I.         Call to Order

a.       The meeting was called to order at 3:12pm

II.       Passing of the Gavel

a.       Abbie presents Eric Austin with a special bottle of wine (“Not for drinking.”) made by an MSU professor who has since passed-It’s a tradition. She also gave him some old Faculty Senate books.

b.       Eric Austin presents Abbie with a plaque recognizing her service to MSU.

III.     Provost Mokwa:

a.       Welcoming everyone back and thanking the Chair and Chair Elect for their service.

b.       Thanking the Senators for their hard work. Appreciate your work on different committees that help to move new programs, etc. forward. Exciting to see how higher education continually changes and becomes better. New Role and Scope documents on retention, promotion and tenure are in and that has been a huge undertaking. Thank you.

c.       New Dean of the Graduate School, Craig Ogilvie

d.       New VP for Economic Development, Jason Carter

e.       New Director for the Center for Faculty Excellence, Dean Adams

IV.    Approval of the May 1st meeting minutes

a.       Have made a few typo corrections.

b.       James Meyer moves to approve. Second by Tomas Gedeon. None opposed. Approved.

V.      Welcome of new and returning members

a.       Welcome back.

b.       Would like to over the “syllabus” for Faculty Senate to refresh everyone’s memory.

VI.    Senate Introduction, Charge and Operations

a.       Charge

1.       Faculty Senate is the chief governance body of the faculty of Montana State University. Within the authority and constraints of the Montana University System powers as described in the Constitution of the State of Montana, Faculty Senate has the authority to frame policies, procedures and standards of the Faculty Handbook. 

A.      Foster a climate of academic freedom;

B.      Promote consistency in tenure, promotion in academic rank, workload, and salary;

C.      Uphold academic standards, as well as standards and procedures of accountability concerning faculty ethics and responsibilities. 

I.  This language is taken out of our founding documentation 

2.       Agenda structure and general order of business

A.      Informational items/University Updates

B.      Old Business

I.   Proposals to Faculty Senate, on which approval is requested by the body

C.      New Business

I.   Proposals to Faculty Senate, on which approval is requested by the body

D.      Public Comment

b.       Proposal types, review processes and steps

1.       Academic Proposals

A.      New Programs and Program Changes

B.      Academic centers

C.      Academic Policies-e.g. Internship Policy

D.      New courses

E.       Honorary and posthumous degrees

F.       Conferral of degrees each semester

2.       Non-Curricular Items: Policies

A.      Procedures and standards of the Faculty Handbook, including RPT and workload policy

B.      Those pertaining to faculty development, quality of educational resources and optimal learning environments, e.g. upcoming consideration of the Relationship Policy.

c.       Relation to other University bodies

1.       JAGS (Joint Academic governance Steering Committee)

2.       CPC (Curriculum and Programs Committee)

3.       UGC (University Graduate Council)

4.       BOR (Board of Regents)-other items requiring BOR approval w/Senate Endorsement

5.       Registrar & honorary degree committee

6.       Governance Bodies and Faculty Representation http://www.montana.edu/opa/coms/

A.      Budget Council

B.      Planning Council

C.      Graduate Council

D.      University Council

E.       Research Council

F.       Academic Council (Formerly Deans Council)

d.       Parliamentary procedure, order of business

1.       Course/Program proposals will come as new business for a first read and Q&A. Senators take info back to colleagues to discuss. Then at the second meeting they will be old business and if there are no issues, the courses/programs will be adopted/endorsed/approved, etc. There is an opportunity for final debate before we vote.

A.      We use Robert’s Rules of Order

B.      Can vote to “suspend” the rules in order to make a decision.

C.      Exceptions: Academic course proposals which don’t go beyond Faculty Senate

I.            Presented in Senate as New Business

II.            Comments solicited to members of Faculty Senate Steering Committee

III.            Discussion and vote by Faculty Senate Steering Committee on the following Tuesday

e.       Other actions

1.       Procedures and standards of the Faculty Handbook, including RPT and workload policy

A.      Academic Policy Review Process

I.   Concept or draft policy > JAGS > Working Group > JAGS (can go back to working group and JAGS at any time) > Proposed New Policy > Faculty Senate/Dean’s Council > JAGS/Provost > President > Published Policies on MSU Web

B.      Academic Program, Center and Course Review Process

I.  Center, Course or Program Proposal > Primary Unit (Department) > College Curriculum Committee > CPC or UGC > Faculty Senate and Academic Council/Research Council > University Council > OCHE and/or Board of Regents > NWCCU Accreditors (Programs)

2.       Those pertaining to faculty development, quality of educational resources and optimal learning environments, e.g. upcoming consideration of the Relationship Policy.

3.       Faculty Executive Steering Committee

Eric Austin

Michael Brody

Susan Dana

Julie Ruff

Carl Yeoman

Ryan Anderson

Steve Swinford

f.        How long does it usually take to get a course approved? https://www.montana.edu/provost/curriculum-development/ 

1.       Courses, at least TWO full semesters (not counting summer) before the semester offered.

2.       Programs, at least THREE full semesters (not counting summer) before the semester offered.

g.       Is there a Salary Review committee still? The Provost says there isn’t.

VII.   Old Business

a.       Nomination and Election of University Athletics Committee faculty representative

1.       University Athletic Committee needs nominations

A.      Six faculty members on committee

B.      George Haynes is looking for nominations. Faculty Senate votes and the President does a formal appointment. Would like to have the nominees soon, hopefully before the next meeting so we can vote on them then.

C.      Committee meets four times a year for about a year and half, but you may be asked to help with appeals and exit interviews that could take more time.

D.      Send nominations to Eric Austin, eric.austin@montana.edu

2.       Nominations for Core Committee

A.      James Meyer is the current rep: New committee formed about a year ago. He cannot serve due to time conflict. Meet Thursdays at 2pm every two weeks. Shouldn’t be too much of a time commitment outside of that.

B.      New committee formed to reinvigorate the core curriculum.

C.      Tami Eitle is heading it up

D.      Send nominations to Eric Austin, eric.austin@montana.edu

E.       Tami is working on a presentation for Faculty Senate and may eventually ask the senate’s approval.

F.       It’s important that Faculty Senate have a representative on this committee.

VIII.  Pending Items

a.       Relationship Policy

IX.     Announcements-upcoming agenda items

a.       Campus safety and active shooter information

b.       Personal Mobility Device (PMD) Policy

c.       Program Proposals

d.       Informational items and introductions

e.       Graduate Program Proposals

f.        Relationship Policy Proposal

g.       Draft Center (review) Guidelines

h.       4x4 Assessment

i.         Faculty Perceptions and Issues Forums

X.       Public Comment

a.       James Meyer: Are we going to discuss the Relationship Policy? Chair Austin: There isn’t a policy to review yet. It will be coming to Senate at some point.

b.       Ryan Anderson: Year of Undergraduate Research. Open House in the Library, 54 applications from students. Guided tours into Engineering, Business, Arts, etc. October 26th. Please spread the word.

XI.     Adjournment

a.       We are meeting next week, and then will go every other week, mostly, after that.

b.       Anything further for the good of the order? Nothing further.

c.       Tomas Gedeon moves to adjourn. James Meyer seconds. Meeting is adjourned at 4:06pm


Reminder: Next Faculty Senate Meeting

                September 4, 2019

                3:10-4:30 PM

                SUB 233/235 (Rooms combined for more space.)


A downloadable PDF of this information can be found here.