Faculty Senate Minutes (Webex)

April 7, 2021

3:10pm – 4:30pm





Brody, Michael



Watson, Bradford



Amende, Kevin

EN/Mechanical & Industrial Engineering


Anderson, Ryan

EN/Chemical Engineering


Blaker, Amanda

Gallatin College


Brookshire, Jack

AG/Land Resources


Carr, Patrick

AG/Research Centers


Carson, Robert



Coffey, Jerome



Dale, Catherine

AR/Film & Photography


Ellis, Colter

LS/Sociology & Anthropology


Gao, Hongwei

EN/Electrical & Computer Engineering


Gedeon, Tomas



Haggerty, Julia

LS/Earth Sciences


Haynes, George

Extension/On Campus


Herman, Matthew

LS/Native American Studies


Hill, Andrew

AG/AgEcon & Econ


Izurieta, Clemente

EN/Computer Science


Jeon, Minjee



Johnson, Jerry

LS/Political Science


McPhee, Kevin

AG/Plant Sciences & Plant Pathology


McMilin, Colleen

 EHHD/Health & Human Development


Neumeier, John



Roberts, Dave



Ruff, Julie

Nursing/On campus


Schmidt, Ed

   AG/Microbiology & Immunology


Stein, Otto

   EN/Civil Engineering


Thomas, Amy



Van Emon, Megan

AG/Animal & Range Sciences


Walter, Mat

Extension/Off campus


Young, Scott







Black, Laura



Maher, Rob

EN/Electrical & Computer Engineering


Reidy, Michael

LS/History & Philosophy


Tillack, Peter

LS/Modern Languages






Adams, Dean

Center for Faculty Excellence


Beck, Carina

Student Success


Bolte, Jason



Donohue, Ariel

Diversity & Inclusion


Fastnow, Christina

Planning & Analysis


Geyer, Lucas

LS/Math Sciences


Glad, Jennifer

Legal Counsel


Harney, Kristin



Maher, Rob

EN/Electrical & computer Engineering


Mokwa, Robert



Peters, Martha

Provost Office


Sobek, Durward

Provost Office


Swinford, Steve

Provost Office




I.            Approval of FS Minutes from April 24, 2021

a.       Tomas Gedeon moves to approve. Ed Schmidt seconds. None opposed. No abstentions. Approved. 

II.            Information Updates: 

a.       Commencement Ceremony https://www.montana.edu/commencement/

b.       MUSFAR-OCHE Meeting 4/7/21

i.      1-2pm today-Provost, Michael Brody and Bradford Watson attended

ii.      Send in your public comments to oche@montana.edu before May 17th, 2021. Will be reviewed by the Regents and those on the draft firearms campus policy group.

iii.      Tomas Gedeon-First priority: Challenge the law

iv.      Julia Haggerty-We’ll need some clarification when we are encouraged to write in with comments. You must do it from your person email, and not your MSU email addresses. We need some WRITTEN instruction. 

A.      With the Legislature, we do need to use our personal emails. With OCHE, they are our employer, and we can use our MSU emails. 

B.      We’ve been invited by OCHE to send in our comments. They are assembling different strategies. The emphasized how important it is to send in our comments. 

v.      Your feedback will help form how the meeting will go. 

vi.      Kevin McPhee-Putting staff and faculty into one group is good. If there is going to be training it needs to be for everyone, on all campuses. 

c.       COVID Vaccinations-Info from Rob Maher: There are a lot of vaccinations available, and we should all be able to get one. You don’t need to travel out of town any longer. Cases are increasing in Bozeman, and at MSU. 

d.       Nominations for Chair-Elect

III.            Undergraduate Courses and Programs Second Reading

a.       Undergraduate Courses (Second Reading)

i.       NRSG 316 : Pathophysiology and Pharmacotherapeutics for Nurses I (3/16/2021)

ii.      NRSG 317 : Pathophysiology and Pharmacotherapeutics for Nurses II (3/16/2021)

iii.      NRSG 318 : Accelerated Pathophysiology and Pharmacotherapeutics for Nurses (3/16/2021)

iv.      NRSG 323 : Professional Development I: Professional and Ethical Nursing (3/16/2021)

v.       NRSG 324R : Professional Development II: Evidence Based Practice (3/16/2021)

vi.      NRSG 327 : Foundations of Nursing Care (3/16/2021)

vii.       NRSG 328 : Foundations of Nursing Lab (3/16/2021)

viii.      NRSG 329 : Adult Health Assessment (3/16/2021)

ix.       NRSG 332 : Nursing Concepts for Health Promotion (3/16/2021)

x.       NRSG 333 : Concepts in Health Promotion and Psychosocial Nursing (3/16/2021)

xi.       NRSG 334 : Nursing Practice for Health Promotion (3/16/2021)

xii.      NRSG 354: Nursing Concepts in Reproductive Health (3/16/2021)

xiii.       NRSG 357 : Nursing Concepts in Pediatric Care (3/16/2021)

xiv.       NRSG 358 : Nursing Concepts in Reproductive Health and Pediatric Care (3/16/2021)

xv.      NRSG 359: Nursing Practice in Reproductive Health and Pediatric Care (3/16/2021)

xvi.       NRSG 400 : Nursing Simulation (3/16/2021)

xvii.       NRSG 403 : Professional Development III: Care Management (3/16/2021)

xviii.      NRSG 406 : Professional Development V: Care Management and Informatics in Healthcare Systems (3/16/2021)

xix.      NRSG 408 : Nursing Concepts in Chronic Care (3/16/2021)

xx.       NRSG 409 : Nursing Practice in Chronic Care, (3/16/2021)

xxi.      NRSG 412 : Professional Development IV: Nursing Leadership and Transition to Practice, (3/16/2021)

xxii.       NRSG 426 : Nursing Concepts in Population Health (3/16/2021)

xxiii.      NRSG 427 : Nursing Practice in Population Health (3/16/2021)

xxiv.       NRSG 431 : Nursing Concepts in Psychiatric/Mental Health (3/16/2021)

xxv.       NRSG 432 : Nursing Practice in Psychiatric/Mental Health (3/16/2021)

xxvi.       NRSG 452 : Health Policy & Economics (3/16/2021)

xxvii.      NRSG 460 : Nursing Concepts in Acute and Chronic Care (3/16/2021)

xxviii.       NRSG 461 : Nursing Practice for Acute and Chronic Care (3/16/2021)

xxix.       NRSG 470 : Nursing Concepts in Acute Care (3/16/2021)

xxx.      NRSG 471 : Nursing Practice in Acute Care (3/16/2021)

xxxi.       NRSG 480 : Management of Healthcare Systems (3/16/2021)

IV.            Graduate Courses and Programs (Second Reading)

a.       Courses

i.      ENGL 585 : Multimodal Literacy Workshops in PK-16 Classrooms (3/22/2021)

ii.      GPHY 507 : Topics in Political Ecology (3/22/2021)

b.       Course Changes 

i.      FILM 560 : Advanced Post Production: Info Design (3/9/2021) TITLE CHANGE

c.       Programs

i.      ENGR-MENG : Master of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering (3/22/2021)

ii.      ME-MS : Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (3/22/2021)

iii.      MMME-M: Master of Music with an Option in Music Education (3/16/2021)

V.            Undergraduate Courses and Programs First Reading

a.       Courses

i.      BIOH 104 : Basic Human Biology w/lab (3/30/2021)

ii.      EBME 301 : Engineering Analysis of Physiological Systems (3/30/3021)

iii.      EBME 480 : Biomedical Engineering Design (3/31/2021)

iv.      WRIT 300 : Rhetorical Theory in Writing Studies (3/31/2021)

v.      WRIT 310 : Researched Writing (3/31/2021)

vi.      HSTR 365 : The History of the Ancient Near East (3/31/2021)

b.       Programs

i.      Move the Child Development option out of the Early Childhood Education & Child Services degree (ECCD-BS) and into the Human Development & Family Science (HDFS-BS) degree.

ii.      Retitle the Early Childhood Education & Child Services B.S. degree to the Early Childhood Education: P-3 B.S degree

A.      Will be heard at Academic Council tomorrow

B.      Moving one option out of one degree and into another degree

C.      Because the move would leave only one option in the one degree, we are retitling that degree accordingly.

VI.            Graduate Courses and Programs First Reading

a.       MB 510 : Immunology (4/5/2021)

VII.            Policies from JAGS (Joint Academic Governance Steering Committee)

a.       Policies up for Revision

i.      Grievance Policy 3/23/21

A.      Comments/Questions:

a.       Durward Sobek: There is a small change, but important for Senators to know. We have included post-tenure review in the list of issues you can dispute. Section 3a2.

b.       Serious process, involved. 

c.       Dave Roberts-Section 6d is problematic. 

i.      Contradictory

ii.      Submit any and all items-must be done 5 days prior to the pre-hearing. No ability to rebut at the time of the hearing when you know what they are submitting. Seems unfair that you have to anticipate the response of the respondents. 

1.       At the pre-hearing, both sides will come in and let everyone know who they will call and what documents will need to be provided. 

a.       Everything needs to be approved at the pre-hearing conference or it cannot be admitted at the hearing itself. 

b.       We can add a statement that says they can introduce things at the pre-hearing conference and not at the actual hearing. 

i.      Sounds like they might take several days to pull that together and wouldn’t be able to submit.

ii.      You should be able to challenge things submitted at the pre-hearing, during the pre-hearing. 

iii.      The Chair can give additional time, at their discretion. They are in the best position to make sure there are no surprises. We want this to be a fair process and doesn’t disadvantage or surprise anyone else. 

iii.      The privacy clause can be dictated by the open meeting policy. Even if one witness disagrees, the hearing cannot happen. There is no appeal to that. 

iv.      For a pre-hearing, it’s pretty substantial decision making. 

d.       Ed Schmidt-Would like to know why our open hearing issues haven’t been addressed. 

e.       Jennifer Glad-Legal Counsel: It can be public as long as everyone else in the process agrees. There are privacy rights of everyone involved and you can’t waive someone else’s privacy rights. Personnel meetings are not normally made public because they are personnel matters. 

i.      Dave Roberts-That means that one person has veto power to make sure this meeting is not open. 

1.       Jennifer Glad. The greater risk is that someone’s privacy rights are taken away without their consent.

f.        Tomas Gedeon: Could these lists of evidence be provided to the other side prior to the hearing. Yes, that is the idea. We want them to have adequate time to repair. 

g.       Section 4: Doesn’t say how long in advance of the meeting the documents/info are to be submitted. 

i.      Let’s give them 3 days, 72 hours, in advance of the pre-hearing conference. The Chair will have the discretion to admit additional evidence. 

1.       That would be an enormous improvement

h.       Clemente Izurieta: Should either party also have the ability to object to an item introduced?

i.      Jennifer: Would advise against it.

ii.      Would still like to have the ability, with the decision going to the Chair. 

iii.      The objections we get are someone wanting to submit something that doesn’t have anything to do with the proceeding. Would recommend written objections. The pre-hearing isn’t a very long hearing. 

1.       There is discussion (which sometimes includes objection) at the hearing on those items submitted. Only have 21 days between the pre-hearing and the hearing itself. 

i.         Ed Schmidt: I would like to see the amended document before voting. 

j.         Michael Reidy: There is a timeline issue coming up. There is something we need to standardize about timelines. “5-7” days can be an issue because faculty are at conferences, with their families, etc. Needs to be a standardized time in which you can respond. Would like it on the record that I would like to see 5-7 days. 

ii.      Annual Review Revisions 12/30/2020

iii.      Post Tenure Review 12/30/2020

A.      Ed Schmidt: Regarding the other documents above. My faculty have a lot of issues with these. The more time we have to review them, the better. 

VIII.            Senators’ Discussion

a.       Michael Reidy: Will we be meeting in the Summer? 

i.      We do not have any plans to do so at this point. 

ii.      We can meet in the summer if we have 10 senators who can attend. 

b.       Ryan Anderson: Faculty have frustration with the common hour exam. Senate is supposed to control the curriculum and I see this as part of curriculum. Looks like we’re making the decision on going forward without assessment on how it has worked. 

i.      Julie Haggerty: Do you mean, not having an extra week?

A.      The schedule, and the duration of the exam. 

B.      Julia Haggerty: If this is going forward long term, I want to report it as clear as possible.

a.       Provost Mokwa: I have not heard that this schedule will  perpetuate to Spring, so I appreciate your feedback. 

i.      Common Hour Exam during the semester: Accommodates multi section courses

ii.      Extended Hour Final Exam Week: Would like feedback. We are doing something different in the next few weeks. The decisions have not been made. We have the opportunity to work with the Registrar’s office and make adjustments. 

iii.      We need to make sure students are in class for the required amount of time. 

ii.      Tomas Gedeon: Math Department is also concerned. We have so many sections and not a lot of time to test all of the students. Will affect assessment and workload. 

iii.      Send your concerns to Michael Brody and Bradford Watson in an email. 

IX.            Public Comment

a.       None

X.            Executive Session: Discuss Chair-Elect Position with Senators

a.       Senators enter Executive Session

XI.            Adjourn

a.       Clemente Izurieta moves to adjourn. Julie Ruff seconds. Meeting was adjourned at 4:45