Wheatland County Community Foundation Logo      WHEATLAND COUNTY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION 

                                           2024 GRANT APPLICATION



Organization applying for grant:


Organization Tax ID#:


Organization Address:



Organization Contact Person:






Community to Benefit from grant:


Estimated Project Completion date:


Total Project Costs:




If your project isn’t funded in whole by the WCCF Grant, what are your additional funding opportunities:





Briefly explain proposed project and how it will benefit the people involved:





Estimated number of people benefited by the project:


If necessary, could a 5-minute presentation be made in person?


The information provided to the Wheatland County Community Foundation herein is true and accurate.

I certify that any funds received will NOT be used for any political purpose.


Name:                                                                                                                               Title:


Authorized Signature:                                                                                                    Date:

You must have authorization from your organization to submit this grant request and to sign on its behalf.


Required Supplemental Materials:

  • A copy of your organization’s determination letter as a 501(c)(3) non-profit from the IRS OR a completed W-9 form.
  • Financial statements including the organization’s operating budget showing income and expenses and current financial position, project budget (attach any estimates acquired for the project), and the sources of income for project.


Grant application must be received (not postmarked) by October 15. 2024.

Mail grant application to:                                                              or deliver grant application to:

Wheatland County Community Foundation                              MSU Wheatland County Extension

c/o MSU Wheatland County Extension                                       201 A Avenue NW

PO Box 733                                                                                      Harlowton, MT

Harlowton, MT  59036                                                                    basement of Wheatland County Courthouse



Who can apply for a Wheatland County Community Foundation Grant:

  • Your planned project must benefit residents of Wheatland County and be performed within the boundaries of Wheatland County.
  • Your organization must be or be eligible to be a 501(c)(3) organization. This means your organization must be organized and operated exclusively for exempt purposes and none of its earnings may inure to any private shareholder or individual.  None of the funds received by the applicant can be used for any political purposes.

What criteria does the Wheatland County Community Foundation look at when granting funds:

  • The WCCF board bases its decision on the completed applications received and funds available to grant.
  • The WCCF board reserves the right to award grants in whole, in part, or not at all.

Who do I contact if I have questions about my grant application:

 Please contact Mandie Reed at the Wheatland County Extension Office, (406) 632-4728 or email at reed@montana.edu

2024 WCCF Grant Application downloadable PDF