Research based information and programs to assist in the management of chronic disease.  

Montana: Living Life Well

  • A program created to teach self-management skills for those living with chronic disease conditions.
  • Covers general life coping skills and uses action plans to help participants set goals.
  • Family and caregivers of people with chronic disease are encouraged to attend. 
  • Meetings last for 2.5 hours once per week for six weeks.
  •  View a map of program locations (you will need to click the tab "chronic disease conditions" above the map image when the page opens. 

For Employers- Worksite based Living Life Well programming may also be available.  Visit the DPHHS Chronic Disease Management website page for more information.

Click the disease title to view available programs and information specific to that disease

MSU Extension has a variety of publications pertaining to alzheimer's and dementia:

A Lives & Landscapes article by MSU Extension agent by Roubie Younkin titled: Dementia Information and Caregiver Support

Montana specific information on legal and financial concerns may be found on this MSU Extension website- Concerned About Memory Loss: Montana Legal & Financial Resources

National Alzheimer's Association

800.272.3900 I

You have a resource in the Alzheimer's Association. Let us help you support and serve individuals and families living with Alzheimer's and related dementias.

24/7 Helpline - 800.272.3900 - You can't be available around the clock - but we are. Calls are answered at all hours of the day and night by resource specialists and MSW Care Consultants. No question is too great or too small. There is never a cost.

The Alzheimer's Association is the world's leading voluntary health organization in Alzheimer's research, care and support. Our mission is to eliminate Alzheimer's disease through the advancement of research; to provide and enhance care and support for all affected; and to reduce the risk of dementia through the promotion of brain health. Our vision is a world without Alzheimer's. 

Montana Alzheimer's Association |  406.252.3053  |

Our website offers a robust array of resources, tools and rich content for providers, patients and their families. Includes a Caregiver Resource Center with area opportunities for support groups, services and assistance. 

The Montana Arthritis Program 

Providing exercise and self-care programs and information for people with arthritis. 

Montana Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program

This is a health and exercise class for people with arthritis or just interested in exercising.  The class meets 2-3 times per week for an hour. Find class locations on this community program map. 

Montana DPHHS Walk with Ease Program

This is a self-directed six-week walking program.  Participants fill out pre and post program questionnaires, walk at least three times/week and report the minutes walked.

Montana Asthma Control Program

Free education for individuals and families living with asthma. 

Montana Asthma home visiting Program (MAP) 

A program offered through health departments in many counties, which involves home visits to identify triggers for asthma in the home. A current list of Montana counties providing the MAP program are found on the MAP website. 

CDC Asthma Information

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has in-depth information on asthma, living with asthma, and treatment options.  CDC Asthma Information

 Montana Cancer Screening Program

A program that provides low-cost screening for breast and cervical cancer to elgible women. (click on tab #4 when the page opens)

Locations of available screening programs in Montana  (click on tab #4 when the page opens)

Dining with Diabetes

A National Extension program that Montana State University Extension Agents are piloting during the Spring 2019 to manage their own or that of a family member’s diabetes through nutrition education. Participants also learn to prepare healthy, well-balanced meals without compromising taste.

Montana Diabetes Prevention Program

A program to assist Montanans at risk with developing diabetes learn to make healthy lifestyle choices.  View a map of locations for MDPP programs (click the tab "Diabetes Prevention" above the map).  Also available on this same website are diabetes education programs for those recently diagnosed with diabetes.  

Why Control Your High Blood Pressure

  • 1 in 3 adults has high blood pressure.
  • 1 in 2 adults who have high blood pressure doesn’t have it controlled.
  • Are you one of them?
  • Every 39 seconds an adult dies of heart attack, stroke, or other cardiovascular disease.

Uncontrolled high blood pressure can injure or kill you. It's called "the silent killer" because high blood pressure has no symptoms. You may not be aware that it’s damaging your arteries, heart and other organs.

What can happen over time if high blood pressure is untreated or not controlled well?

  • Heart and coronary artery damage that can lead to atherosclerosis (fatty build-up in the arteries that cause them to harden), angina, heart disease, heart attack, and heart failure
  • Stroke
  • Kidney damage
  • Vision loss
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Memory loss
  • Even a small reduction in blood pressure could:
    • Decrease cardiovascular deaths by 36%*
    • Lower the incidence of stroke by 35%*

What can you do?

  • Stop smoking
  • Stay physically active
  • Choose a low-sodium diet
  • Take your medications as prescribed
  • Regularly monitor your blood pressure at home
  • Lose weight, if needed

*Based on a reduction of 15 mmHg systolic BP and 6 mmHg diastolic BP if over 60 years old Sources: Adapted from the American Heart Association, Canadian Hypertension Education Program and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Vital Signs

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute

Find extensive information on ischemic heart disease, including causes, symptoms, prevention, and treatments.  

Finding a Mental Health Provider in Montana Guide

Positively Managing Stress

Mental Health Resources for Farmers and Ranchers: Farm Stress Resource Clearinghouse

What is Mental Health?  A resource for agriculture workers and their loved ones

MSU Extension- Mental Health First Aid Courses and Trained Instructors

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is an evidence-based, 8-hour mental health literacy course developed in Australia. MHFA prepares participants interested community members to respond with greater knowledge, confidence and compassion when an adult is experiencing a mental health problem or is having a mental health crisis. Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) is similar, but the focus is on training adults to respond to youth, with attention to issues that are specific to youth (developmental considerations, risk factors, etc.). Both versions train participants to use a five-part action plan to provide aid. For more detailed info about these programs, go to:   

MSU Extension-Youth Aware Mental Health Program

Youth Aware of Mental Health (YAM) is a mental health promotion program that aims to raise mental health awareness about risk and protective factors associated with suicide, including knowledge about depression and anxiety, and to enhance the skills and emotional resiliency needed to deal with stress and crisis. The format of the YAM intervention empowers youth to think, verbalize, and discuss important mental health issues, such as suicide, in a context that is meaningful to them.  Find more information on YAM through MSU here.


Montana Oral Health Program

Providing information and resources to promote proper oral health care from birth on.