Greytak Calendars Available to Purchase

Greytak Calendars are in the office! Calendars feature the artwork of Havre, Montana self-taught pencil artist Don Greytak. They are sold ($15 each) as a joint fund raiser for Teton County 4-H Council and the Montana 4-H Foundation.Available until sold out. These calendars make nice holiday gifts! Available until sold out.

4-H Enrollment and Re-enrollment Continue

See a list of folks who have successfully enrolled or reenrolled in 4-H on page 6. If your name does not appear on the list and you would like to be involved with 4-H this year, please take a little time now to complete this task. At the Extension Office, using Zsuite enrollment, we are currently getting an order together for project manuals.

Agent's Corner from Jenn and Shelby

Read the latest from Shelby and Jenn later in the newsletter.

Teton County 4-H Year

Teton County 4-H calendar can be found later in the newsletter and referred to throughout the year.

National 4-H Congress November 24-28

Ayden Debruycker travels this month to Atlanta, Georgia, as a Montana delegate at National 4-H Congress. This is the realization of a goal Ayden set for herself, and her goal was achieved by placing first in the demonstration category at the Montana 4-H Congress. Congratulations, Ayden, your time and hard work have really paid off! Have a wonderful experience!

Financial Record Books Due at Extension Office

Thank you to everyone who turned in Treasurers’ books to the office in a timely manner; it helps us keep our work on track here at the office. We are currently reviewing the books and preparing IRS reports to file for clubs.

The Next 31

October 1-December 1

  • Enrollment and Re-enrollment on going, Zsuite and extension office

November 12

  • Horse Club Meeting, Sunday, 4-6:00pm, 406 Arena, Vaughn

December 1

  • 4-H Ambassador Applications Due, Friday, 5:00pm, Extension Office

December 4

  • Livestock Committee Meeting, Monday, 6-7:00pm, New Life Church, Fairfield

Agent's Corner (Jenn):  Opportunities Abound!

I'm happy to relay good news about ourTeton County Horse Project Club: Kate Banner has volunteered to serve as a new club leader, filling the vacancy left by former club leader Salina DeVos.Kate and Todd Banner and their kids have been an integral part of the Horse Club for years, and they are well-poised to guide our youth members on their horsemanship journey.4-H members may enroll in Horse Club alone or in conjunction with enrolling in a community club; either way, they should sign up for a horse project on (or call the office for an assist.)

Currently, the Horse Club practices at the 406 Arena in Vaughn, but Kate has mentioned that she is open to and supportive of allowing volunteers and horse project members from the more northern regions of the county to host an additional practice site closer to home.If you're a horse nut or an aspiring horse nut, you may want to check out the meeting on Sunday November 12 from 4 to 6pm at the 406 Arena.The whole family is welcome to ride; non-riders can check out the action from the bleachers.

Another great opportunity for 4-H veterans is the 4-H Ambassador Program.This is a merit-based program of distinction that involves representing Teton County 4-H at events (for example, Congress and the Legislative Breakfast) and otherwise serving as leaders at local 4-H events.Members who are 14 years of age or older and have held a club office or other leadership role (for example, camp counselor) may apply.Please contact the office if you are interested.

Agent's Corner (Shelby):  Community Food Drive

Teton County is served by two food banks, one in Choteau and another in Fairfield.These organizations support the food security of county residents of all ages.This year, individual Clubs that would like to organize a food drive to support their local food pantry are encouraged to do so throughout the winter months.Some ideas to collect food include setting up a collection box at local churches and businesses or setting up a table with club members at home basketball games.Food items to collect include canned goods, dry goods, and baking supplies like flour, baking soda, sugar, and spices.Dessert items like Jello and pudding are also great to collect.If your club would like assistance in organizing a club level food drive, please contact me at the Extension Office.In 2024, I will be organizing a county level food drive that will begin meeting in August of 2024.If any youth would like to gain leadership experience and work with a team to organize the 2024 4-H Teton County Food Drive, please contact me to join the team.

Applications for 4-H Ambassadors Due

Have you ever thought of applying to be a Teton County 4-H Ambassador? 4-H Ambassadors work with the MSU Extension staff to promote 4-H in our county. Some of the main activities of the Ambassadors include masters of ceremonies for Communications Day and other events; emceeing at Fair, and mentoring new 4-H members. (It can be as much as you make it!) The position is a combination of public relations and leadership service.

Our current Ambassador is Myles Allen. He will remain on the ambassador team but would welcome more members, as his fellow ambassadors recently graduated. The 4-H Ambassador team can set their own goals and develop a plan. We will work with you and your schedules.

The deadline to apply for 2023-2024 is December 1, 2023.We will accept applications any time between now and Friday, December 1. 4-H members needed to be 14 by October 1 to apply.If you are interested contact the Extension office.

Let's Get "SMART"!

Have you ever heard the phrase "keep your eye on the ball"? That's because you have to be watching the ball to successfully connect with it. It's the same with goals - the more focused they are, the more likely they are to be achieved.

Parents - you can help your kids achieve their goals by making them SMART - specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely. Here's an example:

A good goal: I want to win a blue ribbon in showmanship.  

A SMART goal:I will win a blue ribbon in beef showmanship at the 2024 county fair by practicing once a week and attending any showmanship workshops with project leaders.

Committee Service Looks Great on a Resume!

4-H is a member-led organization!Committees are a chance to serve as a leader, to influence outcomes, and to get to know people better.Don’t know what the committees do, or how much time is required?Check out the descriptions on the next page!You can sign up with the link provided, scan the QR code, or contact the office directly with the list of committees you’d like to join.  Sign up for a 4-H committee.

Teton County 4-H Committees
# of Members
(Suggested Minimum)
Standing Committees
Designates an annual awards plan for 4-H competitions; may be the same members and meet at the same time as the Fair Committee
Meets 1-2 times each year in the Spring, to plan Teton County’s 4-H Fair in June
1 agent, 1 or 2 adult members, 1 or 2 youth members
Budget & Audit
Develops and then recommends to the 4-H council an annual budget, which is voted on at 4-H Council
Meets 1-2 times each year in the late Summer and/or Fall
4-H Council Treasurer, 1 agent, 1 adult member, 1 youth member
Promotes development of members’ skills in giving demonstrations and presentations, via training sessions and participation in local, statewide, and/or national competitions/events
Meets 1-2 times each year in the Fall and/or Winter, to plan Teton County’s Communications Day in March
1 agent, 1 or 2 adult members, 1 or 2 youth members
Designates an annual Fair theme, creates the schedule of Fair activities, develops the Fair publicity plan
Meets 1-2 times each year in the Spring, to plan Teton County’s 4-H Fair in June

1 agent,1or 2 adult members,or 2 youth members

Attends to livestock project areas including animal husbandry education, livestock quality assurance education, safety and rules regarding the 4-H Livestock Sale and Carcass Competition
Meets on the first Monday of every other month (Oct, Dec, Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug)

Ag agent, Officers (Pres, VP, Treasurer, Secretary), livestock superintendents, 1 or more adult members, 1 or more youth members

Oversees equine education events, rules, regulation and safety of 4-H horse-related events and contests-in the case of an active horse project club, may be comprised of the horse project club members.
Meets 3 to 4 times per year, or as needed

Horse project club leader, 1 or more adult members, 1 or more youth members

Record Book
Establishes guidelines for record book completions and reviews record books as submitted.

Meets 1-2 times each year.

3 adult members/volunteers

Oversees textile educational events, offerings and competitions.
Meets 1 or 2 times per year, in the Fall and/or Spring

1 agent, 1 or 2 adult members, 1 or 2 youth members

Special Committees

Meat and Greet
Plans and coordinates the annual 4-H Fair "Meat and Greet" celebration for all 4-H Families and Fair attendees
Meets 2 or 3 times per year, in the Spring prior to Teton County's 4-H Fair in June

1 agent, 1 or 2 adult members, 1 or 2 youth members

We currently do not have an active interstate exchange program in Teton County, though the policy may need revision prior to reestablishing the program.
Meets only as needed to review Exchange policy. This is not the same as enrolling in the Exchange Project.

Ad hoc

Service Learning Hours

If your school has service learning requirements, please talk to local school administrators about how to record your service learning hours and let our office know. We are happy to complete paperwork, etc., but can only do so if we know your school’s requirements and you prompt us via email, text, call, to do so. Many 4-H events would qualify as service learning!

Animal Resource Manuals

The Extension Office has a variety of animal resource manuals available for check-out.These manuals typically cost over $20 but are available FREE for your use.We have them for many animal projects.Contact us for more information.

For the Good of the Order

Sign Up!

The new 4-H year began on Oct 1, 2023 and runs through Sep 30, 2024.New members may enroll at any time throughout the year.Re-enrollment is what returning 4-Hers do.Remember, all members - new and returning - need to select a club and at least one project to pursue throughout the year.All projects are accompanied by a record book to record goals, reflect on challenges and progress, and keep track of expenses.

Here is some important information about re-enrollment.

Members who re-enroll before Dec 1, 2023:

  • Avoid a late fee of $25
  • Can sign up for committees
  • Get project manuals for free, ordered by the office
  • Receive informational communications from the office

Returning members who re-enroll after Dec 1, 2023:

  • Are still very welcome!
  • Must pay for their own project manuals
  • Pay a late fee of $25
  • Cannot join a committee this year
  • Will miss important communications from the office

The 4-H member, or their club, must pay their dues before the member is considered “active.”

Enrolled members are listed on the following page. Members are listed only once under their primary club, even if they are also enrolled in project clubs as a way to save space. Please check to be sure your name appears at least once. If it does not then you are not yet enrolled or reenrolled for the 2023-2024 4-H year. Please do so as soon as possible so we can get your project books ordered among other things.

Enrolled Members

Challenging Champs

Antonia Diekhans

Benjamin Diekhans

Calvin Diekhans

Kelsy Diekhans

Luke Diekhans

Haizley Haman

Lane Houck

Kristen Martinez

Leona Somerfeld

Jordyn Stengrimson

Abigail Toeckes

Caleb Toeckes

Jessica Toeckes

Laura Toeckes

Doug Ulsh

Dylan Ulsh

Colin Woodhouse

Trevor Woodhouse

Old Agency

Bryden Bradley

Cathy Campbell

Addison Christensen

Rachel Christensen

Tate Crabb

Ainsley DeBruycker

Kinsley DeBruycker

Melissa DeBruycker

Natalie DeBruycker

Liam Drumm

Trent Greyn

Kale Gunderson

Hannah Hodgskiss

Leane Hodgskiss

Ledger Martin

Carli Neal

Casen Yeager

Chelsee Yeager

Justyce Yeager

Rusch Yeager

Eager Eagles/Prairie Stars

Lynda Allen

Myles Allen

Saber Allen

Ariana Banner

Billy Banner

McCoy Banner

Kyndal Becker

Logan Becker

Bryce Bedord

Lisa Bedord

Caleb Bender


Kaylie Bender

Keira Bender

Kinsey Bender

Maci Brooks

Ayden DeBruycker

Kelly DeBruycker

Nolan DeBruycker

Ryan DeBruycker

Tucker Gagne

Chase Harlow


Harper Hirst

Marla Holmquist

Elias Jacobsen

Tessa Jacobsen

Colton Jordre

Kailey Jordre

Evelynn Kirkpatrick

Lilly Kirkpatrick

Annika Konen

Heidi Konen

Waverly Konen

Emilee Lear

Waylon Little

Collin Moore

Heidi Pearson

Knox Pearson

Gunnar Peters

Oakley Peters

Lyndsy Phillips

Wyatt Phillips

Brent Roeder

Everett Skinner

Livia Skinner

Isaiah Talton

Rebekah Wall

Spring Creek

Ezekiel Bowers

Iris Carlson

Lily Carlson

Ava Laisnez

Isla Laisnez


Carolyn Major

Hannah Meyer

Loraine Meyer

Jo Lynn Miller

Nick Miller

Rowynne Pittman

Susan Snyder

James Watkins

Summer Watkins

Rocky Mountain Top Shots

Brian Bedord

Roman Clayton

Avery Larson

Walker Lattin

Wyatt Lattin

Alan Peace

Payten Rapp

Blaise Skierka

Jackson Tacke

Loren Tacke


Sun River Rough Riders

Brian Bedord


Teton County 4-H Horse Club

Kate Banner

Todd Banner

Elisabeth Brown

Emma Brown

Trinity Knable


*Number of additional members listed under primary club.

Teton County 4-H Year
Montana 4-H Events to Remember
October 1, 2023-September 30, 2024
Teton County
State and National
  • Livestock Committee Meeting-1st Monday
  • National 4-H Week Celebration-1st Week
  • 4-H Fall Leadership Training for Teens and Ambassadors-Great Falls
  • 4-H Council Meeting-1st Monday
  • National 4-H Congress
    • Invite only from State 4-H Congress
  • Livestock Committee meeting-1st Monday
  • 4-H Council Meeting-1st Monday
  • NEW:  Family Ski Day TBA
    • Snow dependent
  • 4-H Citizenship Seminar and Legislative Breakfast in Helena
    • Every other year when Legislature meets
  • Livestock Committee Meeting-1st Monday
  • Camp Counselor/Junior Counselor applications due-Feb 1st
  • Clubs host a club-level Communications Day
  • 4-H Volunteer Institute in Billings
  • 4-H Council Meeting-1st Monday
  • Livestock Quality Assurance (LQA) Workshops
  • 4-H Communications Day (speech, demonstrations and more contests) plus Stir Ups Competition (cooking)
  • 4-H Camp Counselor Planning Meeting #1
  • Scholarship Applications Due on March 31st
    • Anne Wiprud ($400)
    • Boe Brothers ($2000, $5000, $10,000)
  • 4-H Recreation "Rec" Lab
    • March or April, TBD
  • Livestock Committee Meeting-1st Monday
  • 4-H Camp Counselor Planning Meeting-1st Monday
  • 4-H Council Meeting-1st Monday
  • LQA and Showmanship Workshops/Weigh-ins
  • 4-H Camp Counselor Planning Meeting #3
  • Fair Registration Deadline-May 22
    • Always Wed before Labor Day
  • Livestock Committee Meeting-1st Monday
  • 4-H Camp Counselor Meeting
  • Teton County 4-H Horse Show
  • Teton County 4-H Fair-June 24-30
    • Wed: Static Exhibit and Interview Judging
    • Thurs: Fashion Revue
    • Fri-Sat: Livestock Show and Sale
  • 4-H Congress registration-June 15
  • Summer 2024 Outbound Exchange
    • Costa Rica, Japan
  • No 4-H Council Meeting in July
  • 4-H Camp at Camp Rotary, Neihart, MT
    • Last week of July 
    • Register by July 10
  • 4-H Congress-Bozeman
  • Summer 2024 Outbound Exchange
    • Japan, South Korea
  • Livestock Committee Meeting-1st Monday
  • State Western Heritage State Shoot
  • 4-H Council Meeting-Monday after Labor Day
  • MT 4-H Working Ranch Horse Show
  • MT 4-H State Horse Show
Up-to-date Calendars
Updates and Due Dates


Contact/Resources (Clip and Keep)

MSU Extension Teton County

Fair Dates

The Teton County Fair is scheduled for the last full weekend in June that includes a Sunday.

2024    June 24-30
2025    June 24-29
2026    June 22-28

Camp Dates

2024   July 22-26

4-H Congress Dates, Bozeman

2024   July 9-12


MSU Extension Teton County
P.O. Box 130
Choteau, MT 59422


Shelby Jones-Dozier
Jenn Swanson


JoAnn McDowell & Jamie Smith

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Montana State University and the Montana State University Extension Service prohibit discrimination in all of their programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital and family status. Issued in furtherance of cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cody Stone, Director, Extension Service, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717