Agent's Corner with Jenn  and Shelby

Jenn brings us up to date on the Livestock Committee’s newly voted in changes to Record Book and Fair interviews for livestock members, and Shelby provides information about the 4-H Ambassador search.  See further down in newsletter for more information. 

National 4-H Civic Engagment Opportunities

More information can be found further down in the newsletter.

The Next 31

December 4

  • Livestock Committee Meeting Monday from 6-7 p.m. at the New Life Church in Fairfield

January 16

  • 4-H Ambassador applications due at midnight

Agent's Corner (Jenn):  For the Record (on Record Books!)

4-H is big on helping young people learn to set goals, think about them, and reflect on why they were or were not accomplished.Sometimes a goal wasn't accomplished because the goal wasn't realistic in the first place (realizing this is the wisdom of experience.) Sometimes an even better goal was accomplished that hadn't been anticipated.Whatever the case, the 4-H Record Book is a place where members can develop the adult skills of goal-setting and self-assessment, over time.Furthermore, the project-specific sections of the Record Book ask about the project financials.This prepares members for living and making a living.The cost data can be very basic for the younger kids but may get up to the level of cost of feed per day or cost per cookie sold for the older kids, who can start to think like entrepreneurs.Because of this, the Livestock Committee has voted to try something new with Record Books this year.

This year, 4-H members doing Market Animal projects will bring their nearly-complete Record Books to the Fair Interview Judging in June.The interview will judge will look at the Record Book with the youth member, particularly at the pages that relate to the Market Animal project, and use this as a basis for the interview discussion.In this way, we'll be paying attention to the most important skills and offering kids a chance to talk very specifically about their project goals, what they learned, and the project costs.After the interview, the member will take the Record Book home and touch it up, if need be, by August 15 (the same due date we've always had.)If this works well for the members doing Market Animal project, bringing the Record Book to interview judging is something we may want to consider for everyone in the future.

Another change is that members taking a Market Animal project no longer need to bring evidence of completing 7 activities from the Project Manuals to the interview;instead, they need to attend at least 1 in-person livestock workshop in our county during the preceding year.Our Livestock superintendents and other parent volunteers have a lot of expertise to share, and we believe that kids learn best in person.(The Project Manuals are still handy as a learning guide, but not a substitute for hands-on experiences with 4-H friends and parents.)

Just thinking about the Fair gets me excited - I'm looking forward to June 2024 and the fun we'll have!

Agent's Corner (Shelby):  4-H Ambassador Search

It is that time of year to select the 2024 Teton County 4-H Ambassador Team.All Teton County youth who have served in leadership roles at the club level, are currently enrolled in 4-H, and who turned 14 before or on October 1, 2023 are eligible and encouraged to apply.This is a program that will provide opportunities to engage in leadership, service, and promotion of the 4-H program in Teton County.By joining this dynamic team, youth will have the chance to work with Jenn and me to organize and prepare for local 4-H events like Communications Day, Fair, Legislative Breakfast, 4-H Week, and a county wide Food Drive.The team will meet three times throughout the year with a focus on teaching and practicing professional presentation skills.We will also include coaching for practical skills like writing a resume, writing a cover letter, and job interviewing. Each Ambassador will be expected to serve in a leadership capacity for at least one community event. Becoming a Teton County Ambassador will not only look great on scholarship applications and resumes, but it will also build the speaking and presentation skills that are important in real life situations.

The streamlined application can be completed in less than one hour, and involves brief answers to 10 questions. Apply to be a 4-H ambassador. 

Please contact the Teton County Extension office if you would like to request a paper copy.

Applications are due by January 16, 2024 at midnight.

Applications for 4-H Ambassadors Due January 16, 2024

Have you ever thought of applying to be a Teton County 4-H Ambassador? 4-H Ambassadors work with the MSU Extension staff to promote 4-H in our county. Some of the main activities of the Ambassadors include masters of ceremonies for Communications Day and other events; emceeing at Fair, and mentoring new 4-H members. (It can be as much as you make it!) The position is a combination of public relations and leadership service.

Our current Ambassador is Myles Allen. He will remain on the ambassador team but would welcome more members, as his fellow ambassadors recently graduated. The 4-H Ambassador team can set their own goals and develop a plan. We will work with you and your schedules.

The deadline to apply for 2023-2024 is January 16, 2024.We will accept applications any time between now and Tuesday, January 16. 4-H members needed to be 14 by October 1 to apply.If you are interested contact the Extension office.

Greytak Calendars

Greytak Calendars are in the office! Calendars feature the artwork of Havre, Montana self-taught pencil artist Don Greytak. They are sold ($15 each) as a joint fund raiser for Teton County 4-H Council and the Montana 4-H Foundation.These calendars make nice holiday gifts! Available until sold out.

4-H Civic Engagement-Citizenship Washington Focus & National 4-H Conference


Hello Montana 4-Hers – Here are 2 exciting national 4-H civic engagement programs for you to engage with your peers from around the country and help equip you to lead for a lifetime!


If you are interested in participating in either one of these programs, please complete the brief interest form link(s) below at your earliest convenience or by Monday, January 8. Completing the form(s) does not commit you to participate in one of the programs however it helps our state office plan. Following this step, an email with the civic engagement application will be sent out to interested youth to submit if they want to commit to participating in one of the programs along with a deposit


1. CITIZENSHIP WASHINGTON FOCUS (CWF):A Leadership Summit Through the Lens of American Democracy

CWF is the civic engagement event for teens to learn leadership and communication skills through history, democracy, and our amendments in Washington D.C.​

Who: open to 4-Hers ages 14-19 at the time of the program

When: Week 1: June 15–22, 2024 or ​Week 2: June 20–27, 2024​Note: The MT 4-H delegation will participate in 1 of the 2 week options – whichever week works best for the majority and/or chaperone(s) availability.

Where: Hyatt Regency – Bethesda, Maryland​

Approximate Cost: $1,495/youth delegate for 7 nights double room occupancy includes program activities and most meals; cost of airfare/transportation is additional

Find out more about Citizenship Washington Focus 

*If interested in participating in the 2024 Citizenship Washington Focus (CWF), please indicate by completing this Citizenship Washington Focus Interest Form! Completing this form does not commit you to participate in the program - it helps our state office plan.


2. NATIONAL 4-H CONFERENCE: ​ Calling All Change Agents

National 4‑H Conference is the pinnacle experience in 4‑H Civic Engagement for teens. At the conference, delegates will have the opportunity to participate in round table discussions and present to federal partner agencies as well as engage in service-learning.​

Who: open to 4-Hers ages 15-19 at the time of the program, geared for juniors & seniors in high school

When: April 19-24, 2024​

Where: Hyatt Regency - Crystal City​, Arlington, Virginia​

Approximate Cost: ~$810/youth delegate (cost based on 2023 registration) for Apr 19-23 double room occupancy includes program activities and most meals; cost of airfare/transportation is additional

Find out more about National 4-H Conference.

*If interested in potentially participating in the 2024 National 4-H Conference, please indicate by completing this National 4-H Conference Interest Form! Completing this form does not commit you to participate in the program - it helps our state office plan.

Contact Christine at ​or 406.994.3504 with any questions

Note: Adults, if you are interested in chaperoning one of these programs, please contact Christine directly to learn more about the opportunity and commitment.

Contact/Resources (Clip and Keep)

MSU Extension Teton County

Fair Dates

The Teton County Fair is scheduled for the last full weekend in June that includes a Sunday.

2024    June 24-30
2025    June 24-29
2026    June 22-28

Camp Dates

2024   July 22-26

4-H Congress Dates, Bozeman

2024   July 9-12


MSU Extension Teton County
P.O. Box 130
Choteau, MT 59422


Shelby Jones-Dozier
Jenn Swanson


JoAnn McDowell & Jamie Smith

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Montana State University and the Montana State University Extension Service prohibit discrimination in all of their programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital and family status. Issued in furtherance of cooperative extension work in agriculture and home economics, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cody Stone, Director, Extension Service, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717