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Slide 1 (Title slide)

Evidence-Based Prevention Barbara BessetteTribal Technical Assistance Leader

Slide 2

What can we expect from today?

  • Define Evidence-Based Prevention (EBP)
  • Familiarize yourself with EBP in Montana
  • How to submit a program to the Evidence Based Workgroup
  • Review Evidence-Based Prevention Strategies 

​Slide 3


  • D.A.R.E. to resist drugs and violence
  • Just Say No to Drugs
  • This Is Your Brain On Drugs

Slide 4

What is Evidence-Based Prevention?

Implementing effectiveinterventionsandstrategiesthat haveevidenceof beingeffective, based on research under aparticular set of circumstances.  

Slide 5

"Primum non nocere" First, do no harm! --Hippocrates

Historically- There have been prevention strategies that have increased use and harm.  For Example, Hawkins and Catalano found that putting delinquent youth together in a group actually increased substance use and delinquency. 

  • Original D.A.R.E Program
  • Youth Access to “Drunk Goggles”
  • Mock Crashes

Slide 6

Finding EB Programs and Practices:

Federal Registries

  • Program Directory Search at
  • Model Programs Guide at OJJDP
  • What Works Clearinghouse at US Department of Education

Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • American Journal of Public Health
  • Annual Review of Public Health
  • Journal of Adolescent Health
  • Journal of School Health at Wiley Online Library
  • Journal of the American Medical Association
  • Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
  • Preventive Medicine at Elsevier

​Slide 7

What does this look like in Montana?

  • Montana Evidence Based Workgroup (EBWG)

Six actions for evidence based policymaking

1. Define level of evidence

2. Inventory existing programs

3. Compare program costs and benefits

4. Report outcomes in the budget

5. Target funds to evidence based programs

6. Require action through state laws

Slide 8

Montana’s State Health Improvement Plan

Mission:   To protect and improve the health of every Montanan through evidence-based action and community engagement.

Guiding Principles:

  • Use evidence-based strategies to address health priorities.
  • Use strategies and actions that encourage connections across our   communities.
  • Promote health equity and value differences in cultures, attitudes, and beliefs.
  • Strengthen our public health system to deliver results.

*Source: 2019-2023 State Health Improvement Plan

Slide 9

Evidence-Based Programs

  • Media Campaign (DOI)
  • Cultural Programs (PE) American Indian Life Skills
  • Education Programs for Youth (PE) PAX Good Behavior Game
  • Communities That Care Plus (CBP) 

Slide 10

Evidence-Based Practices

  • ATOD-Compliance Checks (EA)
  • Party Patrols (EA)
  • Social Norms Campaign (DOI)
  • Texting Tip Line (EA)
  • Safe Ride Programs (EA)
  • Alcohol Server Training (EA)
  • Media Advocacy (DOI)
  • Student Assistance Programs (PIR)

Example of High School messaging:  4 out of 5 Panters DO NOT drink alcohol. Join the Crowd!

Slide 11

Evidence-Based Policies

  • Alcohol License Density Limit Policies (EA)
  • School Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug-Free Policies (EA)
  • Minimum age of server/seller requirement (EA)
  • Social Host policies/ordinances (EA)
  • Special Event Policies- Enforcement of Policies (EA)
  • Minimum age of purchase for alcohol, tobacco (EA)
  • Regulations on home delivery of alcohol (EA)

​Example of social host ordinance policy messaging:  Red solo cup picture with the words this cup could cost you up to a 1,000.00 fine.  Know the law. 

Slide 12

Selecting AnEvidence-BasedIntervention

Effectivenes: Conceptual FitPractical Fit

  • Is the Intervention Effective?
  • Will the intervention(s) impact the selected risk or protective factor?
  • Is the intervention feasible for the community? 

Slide 13

Reviewing a Program

Is the program on a pre-approved list, such as Montana Evidence-Based Workgroup or SAMHSA Cultural Program List?

If yes:  What list is it on? Does this program demonstrate effectiveness in affecting your selected risk and protective facotrs? 

  • If yes Follow EBP flow chart
  • If no:  Consider another program. Do not change your data to fit a program into your Action plan. 

If no:  What list is it on? How did you find out about the program? Is there research behind this program? Would it fall under EB Reasearch Based or EB Evidence in a Peer-Reviewed Journal?

  • If yes: Fill out an application for consideration on the MT EBWG list
  • If no: Find another program

Slide 14


Is the program on your action plan?

  • If yes, are you leading the project?
    • If yes, do you have support?
      • If yes, do you have MOU?
        • If yes, provide it
          • What is the sustainability plan for the program?
            • If this program/project requires a facilitator, what is the plan for the long term facilitator? Requirement:  If the prevention specialist is going to be the faciliator it is a requirement that they have a sustainability plan to transition to a supporting role for the program. There must be a plan for someone else from the coalition, supporting agency, or other supporting community group to become facilitators of the program.  Who is going to take over planning and implementation of the program in the future? How will this program be used with other activities on the Action Plan to help enhance it's impact?
      • If no, need support.
    • If no, do you have suppport?
      • If yes, who is responsible----Do you have a MOU?
        • If yes, provide it
          • What is the sustainability plan for the program?
            • If this program/project requires a facilitator, what is the plan for the long term facilitator? Requirement:  If the prevention specialist is going to be the faciliator it is a requirement that they have a sustainability plan to transition to a supporting role for the program. There must be a plan for someone else from the coalition, supporting agency, or other supporting community group to become facilitators of the program.  Who is going to take over planning and implementation of the program in the future? How will this program be used with other activities on the Action Plan to help enhance it's impact?
        • If no, need support.
      • If no, need support
  • If no, Do you want to add it?
    • If yes, does it fit?
      • If yes, please look over "reviewing program" flow chart then put on logic model and come back to flow chart
      • If no, find another program.
    • If no, what is your role? Does it tie into your Action Plan in another way? State why.

Slide 15

EBWG Approval for a Program 

  • EBWG approval for a program

Slide 16


  • How will you evaluate the Evidence- Based Program, Practice, or Policy? Are there evaluation guidelines for the program or that come with the program?
  • Process Evaluation: Was the program implemented correctly and to fidelity?  
  • Outcome Evaluation: Were the outcomes successful? 

Slide 17


  • Build ownership
  • Share results
  • Track and publicize outcomes
  • Identify program champions
  • Invest in capacity
  • Identify diverse resources
  • Questions to consider

Slide 19

Additional Resources 

Slide 20

