
Prescription Opioids & Aging Adults: What In-Home Caregivers Need to Know!

Day One Feb 4, 9:00 am – 12 pm Feb 5, 9:00 am – 12 pm

View Conference Agenda

Meet the Team: 

  • Principal Investigator: Alison Brennan, Ph.D.--Assistant Professor, Health & Human Development MSU Extension, FCS Mental Health Specialist


  • Principal Investigator: Michelle Grocke, Ph.D.--Assistant Professor, Health & Human Development, MSU Extension FCS Health & Wellness Specialist


  • Project Director: Barbara Allen, M.S.--MSU Extension Associate Specialist

Email:                                     Phone:  406-994-3531

  • Project Manager: Jennifer Munter--MSU Extension FCS

Email:                      Phone: 406-994-3088

  • Tribal Liasion: Kim Paul-- Piikani Lodge Health Institute, Blackfeet Nation, MT


Educational Packets

Those of you who registered before January 28th should have received a white extension folder containing educational materials, information, and resources.   Anyone registering after this date can expect to see their packet soon.  It’s worth mentioning that most of these resources are available for download on our project website by clicking on the Educational Resources Icon.  Otherwise please email or call the project manager.  

Todays Topics and Speakers

  • Why Aging Adults in Montana Should be a Public Health Priority

   Daniel J. Koltz, Ph.D, Gerontologist NTT Instructor Gerontology/Community Health

  • 10 min break (10:30)
  • Keeping Aging Adults Safe (Session 1): A look at the changing face of aging adults and the safety & wellness issues they face

  Michael Hagenlock, LCSW, LAC-Adult Protective Services Bureau Chief at DPHHS                                                 

View "The State of Aging In Montana," a presentation by Dr. Daniel Koltz