January 2022 Newsletter (Printable PDF)

Dear 4-H Families,
Happy New Year! We hope that the new year finds you all well and ready to start the year with 
a bang! As you will all see, January will be a busy month with committee and other meetings. 
Make sure to save those dates on your calendar if you are serving on any of the committees or 
would like to attend any of the meetings. Everyone is welcome to attend the Council and 
Livestock meetings and your input is appreciated! 
Kodie, Amanda, Jaden

We Want to Connect With You!

We would like to invite you to use “Remind” to help keep you informed. Remind is a free service that allows you to get messages directly to your phone. If you are already signed up please disregard!

What to Expect

-If you have a smart phone, get push notifications.

- On your IPhone or Android phone, open your web browser and go to the following link: rmd.at/32b3ae

- Follow the instructions to sign up for Remind. You’ll be promoted to download the mobile app.

-If you don’t have a smartphone, get text notifications.

-Text the message @32b3ae to the number 81010.

- If you’re having trouble with 81010 try texting @32b3ae to (501) 396-6852.

 News for all 4-H families

Hippology Team

Hippology is an activity that can make learning fun for 4-H members, by letting them exhibit their knowledge and understanding of horse science and husbandry in a friendly but competitive setting.

Youth will compete as a team, a team consists of 3 or 4 members. Teams are broken down into two categories: junior 8-13 and senior 14 and older.

The contest has three different phases: 1. Written Test, 2. Station Identification, 3. Team Oral problem.

The Contest
  1. Written test - Usually is a multiple choice, true/false, or fill in the blank type questions.
  2. Station Identification - Examples of stations which may be used include: parts of a saddle, tack, bits, grains and forages, age of a horse based on teeth, conformation faults, parts of a horse, or anatomy.
  3. Team Problem - All teams will be presented with one oral problem. Each team will have equal time to discuss among themselves a solution/answer to each problem. Teams will be given 5 minutes to prepare an oral solution/answer. Evaluation will be based on the understanding of the problem, completeness of the response, the probability of success of the solution, and participation by each team member. Examples of team problems: Balancing a horse’s ration, training and conditioning programs, correcting behavioral problems, or considerations for the establishment of a new horse facility.

Please contact the office by January 12 if you are interested in participating in this contest. If there is enough interest, a meeting will be held to set up practices and teams.

Shooting Sports News

Save the date

Your Invited to the 8th Annual Carter County

4-H Shooting Stars Invitational

Air Pistol, Air Rifle, Archery

February 4th & February 5th, 2022

Baker, Montana

Registrations: January 24th by 5:00 PM

Questions: (406) 778-7110 // falloncarter2@montana.edu

4-H/FFA Livestock and Animal Projects

Animal Quality Assurance

Through Animal Quality Assurance Programs participants learn about the quality of meat and food products that come from livestock. Quality assurance for livestock producers means making a promise to the consumers, or the people who consume the meat, eggs, milk, and dairy products from food production animals. The promise is that products from livestock will be the highest possible quality and producers will do everything possible to make these products safe to eat.

All youth selling an animal at the Livestock Sale during the Fair are required to take a recognized Quality Assurance Program their first year and then every other year following.  (This includes youth with beef, sheep, swine, goat, rabbit and poultry.) Youth must complete this by July 1st.  We encourage youth to attend hands-on trainings, however, if you were unable to attend one of our workshops this year, we do have a few other options available.

  1. Attend an LQA Workshop
  • Fallon/Carter Extension typically hosts programs at beef weigh-ins and May/June/July. Contact the Extension Office and watch the newsletters for upcoming programs.
  • You can attend programs in other counties. Contact the Extension Office prior to attending and must show proof of attendance after completing the program.
  1. BEEF ONLY: Kansas State University Online MQA Program.
  • Go to: http://www.animalcaretraining.org/Youth/PackageDetail.aspx
  • Register (be sure to write your username and password down)
  • Once you are logged in, click on the “training offerings” tab.
  • You must complete all 28 modules in the Youth Beef Quality Assurance package, but you do not have to complete it all at once. After each module you will take a quiz. Once you have completed the quiz for each module you will receive a certification. You will need to bring the certificate to the Extension Office Prior to July 1 for credit. You can only complete this option once during your 4-H career.
  1. Develop a Lesson Plan with a hands-on activity for LQA topic
  • Must be detailed and include the goals of the lesson plan, the concepts that will be covered, objects, list of materials needed, evaluation plan, talking points with teacher notes, references, etc. An example can be provided.
  1. Research a topic related to LQA.
  • Write a paper or create and present a presentation to the Extension Office with your research findings. Must be a specific topic related to LQA for your specie, include all references and be your original work.
  1. Create a project of your own
  • Come up with your own project, but please run your idea past the Extension Office for approval.

Please contact the Extension Office to let us know what option you will be doing.  We will provide you.

Carter County 4-H News

Carter County 4-H Council September Minutes

The meeting was called to order by President, Mikel Fruit.  Sharon Higgins presented the treasurer report. Terri Raye McInerney made a motion to accept the financial report. Thebea Thomas seconded the motion. The motion passes.

Extension Report-  All members and leaders must re-enroll on Z Suite by December 1, 2021. National 4-H Week is October 3-9, 2021. The theme is “4-H Is Out of This World”. Crystal Higgins and Kodie Olsen are working on the Golden Pitchfork Awards. There will be awards given for beef, sheep, swine, poultry, and rabbit. Secretary and club scrapbooks are due to the Extension Office by October 1, 2021.

Old Business-  We discussed the sale order, the sale program needs to have grand and reserve marked, and ribbon color added.  Terri Ray McInerney made a motion to have an announcer talk about each of the kids to help make the sale more personable. Sharon Higgins seconded the motion and the motion passed. Some suggestions for this were, Terri Raye McInerney made a motion to give Corlan Laughery the $150 Tail Ender Award.  Sharon Higgins seconded the motion and the motion passes.  

New Business-Rachel DeFord made a motion to have Achievement Day on November 7th at 1:30pm. Terri Raye McInerney seconded the motion. We reviewed Heidi LaBree’s Ambassador Application.  Thebea Thomas made a motion for Heidi to be an ambassador. Terri Raye McInerney seconded the motion and the motion passes. The Club financial information is due to the Extension office By November 1, 2021. The Innovative Programming Grant is due November 1, 2021. The People Partner Grant is Due February 1, 2022. Beef weigh-ins will be held at the Ekalaka Scales on December 28, 2021, at 1pm.

The next meeting will be held January 20, 2022. We reviewed record books following the meeting.

Special Meeting-

On October 11, 2021, the executive committee met to discuss changes to the record books. 

Several options were discussed for record books. Some changes were made to the existing forms to make them more user friendly and Kodie will have them available to print out or fillable forms on the Extension webpage. Two activities from the manuals will be required, to encourage the members to use their manuals to learn something new. Rachel DeFord made a motion to allow members the option to choose if they type or write their record books. Sharon Higgins seconded the motion and the motion passes. Sharon Higgins made a motion that we will use the fillable forms for record sheets, and we won’t use the Z Suite record sheets. Cam LaBree seconded the motion and the motion passes.

Complete minutes available at: www.msuextension.org/falloncarter/


Thursday, January 20th, 2022– TBD –CC Courthouse 3rd Floor Meeting Room

Agenda Items- Carter County Committee List, All Events Day Activity Sign-up, Election of Officers, Review of Constitution, 2021-22 Enrollment Numbers, Livestock Numbers, 4-H Events, Fair Book Revisions, Project Manual Report, AQA Report, , and Beef Weigh-in Report.

Fallon County News

Fallon County 4-H Fruit Sale

The Fallon County 4-H Fruit Sale financially supports the Fallon County 4-H program and 4-H youth activities


  • Members selling at least 5 boxes of fruit will be eligible for financial assistance from the 4-H Council for 4-H trips.
  • 4-H members will receive 10% of the amount of their sales if they turn their fruit order & money in on time and pick-up, sort, and deliver fruit on fruit delivery day. If you do not meet all the requirements and deadlines, your 10% will be donated to the Fallon County 4-H Council.
  • Youth choosing to use SOCIAL MEDIA (mass messages or posts) to sell fruit will donate their 10% of sales to the Fallon County 4-H Council and they will be ineligible for awards and bonuses.
  • CLOVERBUDS are not eligible to participate in 4-H fundraising.
  • No half box orders will be accepted. Any half box order will be treated as a full box.
  • FAMILIES may sell as a group and receive the 10% of total sales and be eligible for additional monetary rewards. To be eligible for financial support from the 4-H Council, families need to sell 5 boxes per family member.
  • Money needs to be collected and turned in with fruit order form by the date set by the Fruit Committee. If payment has not been collected from the customer, the seller is responsible for covering the cost. Fruit that has not been paid for, will not be ordered.

Fruit sales will begin February 1st


January 6th, 2022– 5:15 p.m.– Extension Office

Agenda Items- Schedule, supply order, potential workshops, and election of secretary and chairman.


January 17th, 2018-4:00 p.m.– Extension office

Agenda Items- Review last year’s fruit prices, Select fruit distributor, Set current fruit prices, Updates to sale policy.


Mark called the regular quarterly meeting of the Fallon County Joint Livestock Committee to order at 5:32 pm and pledges were recited.. Roddy made a motion to approve the minutes as presented and Tara seconded, motion passed.

Extension Report: Kodie let the committee know that there would be a golden pitchfork award given to all species except rabbit. The Extension office would like to offer workshops this year and is looking for member input on topics.

Fair Board Update: Shyla told the committee that her board was pleased with how fair went and appreciated the help with setting up and cleaning of the barn. She also said that they would be updating the open class classes and if anyone was interested in helping with that, she would be glad to have their input.

Old Business: Kodie asked the group for some clarification on the policy that was set last year on record book activities. Tara made a motion to recommend to the council that level 1 members will complete their seven activities from their project manuals and level 2 and above will complete five activities but are not required to be from the project manual. Activities that are not from their project manuals need to be approved by the Extension office. Stephanie seconded and the motion passed. Amanda W handed out a draft of a revised fair schedule. Tara made a motion to approve the draft schedule changes with the following corrections: Move dairy cattle to 8 am and dairy goat to 9 am. Stephanie seconded, and the motion passed. There were suggestions for the goat breeding classes and it was decided that the clubs should discuss this item and bring their suggestions to the January meeting. Katrinka made a motion that the minimum weight for miniature beef be 400 lbs for the small height and 500 for the taller height. Katrinka rescinded her motion. Tara made a motion to change the minimum weight for miniature market beef to 400 lbs, Amanda K seconded, and the motion passed. Cele made a motion to break the Bred and Owned Class into two classes; Bred and Owned Market and Bred and Owned Breeding. Tucker seconded and the motion passed. It was suggested that we contact the butcher shops and see if they would be willing to set the premium for the livestock sale.  Amanda K made a motion that any animal that is sick, lame, unsound or in-tact cannot be sold at the livestock sale. Marvel seconded, and the motion passed.

New Business: Beef weigh-ins will be December 30th from 9-11 am at Dean Wang’s scale.  Roddy made a motion to nominate Mark as chairman. Stephanie seconded and the motion passed. Tara made a motion to elect Kodie as secretary. Marvel seconded and the motion passed.  Mark asked if there was any further business, seeing none the meeting was adjourned. The next regular quarterly meeting will be held January 10, 2022.

Complete minutes available at: www.msuextension.org/falloncarter/


January 10th, 2021–  5:30 p.m.- Library Basement

Agenda Items:

  • Youth needing MQA
  • Fair book revision recommendations
  • Fair Breakfast Coupons

Club Input needed:

  • Changing the unloading and loading of animals during fair
  • Breeding Classes
  • Buyers gifts


  1. Call to order: 5:37 p.m.
  2. B. Pledges: Kennedy Lyson and Colton Turbiville
  3. Reading and approval of minutes: Roddy moved to approve the minutes from the last meeting as read and Amanda seconded.
  4. Treasurer’s Report: Wanda moved that they accepted the budget and Britney seconded. Motion carries

Stephanie moved to close the silent auction account and Wanda seconded. Motion carries

  1. County Extension Update: Stephanie made a motion to have level two and above complete 5 activities that do not have to be from the project manual but if activities are not from the project manual, they will need to be approved by the extension office. Kennedy seconded. Motion carries.

Kodie presented the new project pages that she printed and altered. Wanda moved to accept the pages as presented by Kodie and Stephanie seconded. Motion carries

  1. Reports: After alterations were made, Roddy moved to accept the tentative show schedule and Kennedy seconded. It was then voted down.

Britney moved to have breeding beef and accept the rest as presented. Kennedy seconded. Motion carries

Katrinka made a motion to move the mini beef mandatory weight to 400 pounds instead of 500 pounds. Amanda seconded this motion. Motion was revised.

Britney made a motion to approve the animal sale requirements and Kennedy seconded. Motion carries

Beef weigh ins will be December 30 at Wangs from 9-11

  1. Old Business: Fair review
  1. New Business: Roddy moved to approve the 4-H Constitution as is. Cole seconded.

Amanda moved to accept Kodie’s ribbon purchase as there were several categories of ribbons that we were out of. Cole seconded.

Each club signed up to host a county event.

Roddy made a motion to have Stephanie as Treasurer. Stephanie accepted this position. Britney seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous. Stephanie is now our new Treasurer.

Britney and Tara were the Vice President nominations. After the vote it was decided that Tara is our new Vice President.

Next Fallon County 4-H Council Meeting: scheduled for January 17th will be the following week on the 24th.

Complete minutes available at: www.msuextension.org/falloncarter/


January 24th, 2021– 5:30 p.m.- Library Basement

Agenda Items: Committee Reports and Recommendations, 2021-22 Enrollment,  Rec Lab, Record Book Review, Leader Screening Fee,  Project Manuals, Fruit Sales, Meeting Schedule Changes, and Club input on items from October meeting.