Leaders Council meetings will be held the second Tuesday of every odd numbered month at 6:00 p.m. at the Extension Office. Special meetings may be called between regularly scheduled meetings and email notifications will be sent out to voting members in advance.

If you would like an item of business added to the agenda, please contact Rose Malisani, interim 4-H & Youth Development Agent at rose.malisani@montana.edu.


Orders of the Day

Call to Order

Keri Leggett


Roll Call

Reading/Approval of Secretary’s Minutes

Jill Skinner

Reading of Correspondence

Jill Skinner

Reading of Treasurer’s Report

Janet Smith

Committee/Other Reports

Ambassador Report

Kyree Morrison

Agent Report

Jenn Volkmar



Foods & Nutrition

Fran Gossack

Sewing & Textiles

Fran Gossack

Record Book & Achievement

Fran Gossack/Erin Doyon

State Fair Planning


Green Tie Affair Raffle

Keri Leggett


Jenn Volkmar

Horse Leaders

Wendy Newman

Livestock Leaders

Jill Mackey

Shooting Sports Leaders

Samaria Kirby

Unfinished Business

  • Bank CD
  • Other

New Business

  • Achievement Night
    • October 27, 2024
    • Family Living Center
  • Other

For the Good of the Order

  • Share what fundraiser, event, etc., your club is doing
  • Share tips, tricks, strategies you are using to organize and lead your club that are working well that other club leaders could benefit from
    Club Leaders present at the table


Next meeting November 12, 2024, at 6:00 at the Extension Office.


Discussion/Decision on Meeting Adjournment

Agent Report:


Committee Reports

Ambassador Report:


Communications Report:


Foods and Nutrition Report:


Sewing and Textiles Report:


Record books and Achievement Report:

No report submitted.

State Fair Planning:

No report submitted.

Green Tie Affair Planning:

No report submitted.


No report submitted.

Horse Leaders:

No report submitted.

Livestock Leaders:

No report submitted.

Shooting Sports Leaders Committee Report:

No report submitted.



Call to Order: 

The meeting was called to order by President Keri Leggett at 6:07 pm. Leaders and members in attendance included:  

Council Members: President Keri Leggett (Great Divide), Secretary Jill Skinner (Great Divide), Treasurer Janet Smith (Running Free) 

Ulm Pishkun: Brook Gerard, Sandy Harshaw Irvin, Reece Hastings, Ginger Murphy 

Montana Sunsets: Fran Gossack

Running Free: Greta Graft 

Big Sky Explorers: N/A

Trouble Shooters: Samaria Kirby 

Great Divide: Drew Skinner

Creative Clovers: N/A 

Circle S: N/A

Eden Livestock: N/A 

Tiger Butte: Vicki Johnson

Highwood Hustlers: N/A 

Chestnut Valley: Misty Ayers

Non-assigned: N/A 


Extension Agents: Jenn Volkmar, Rose Malisani 


Samaria led the pledges. 

Secretary’s Report:

President Keri Leggett gave everyone a minute to read through the May meeting minutes. Keri asked for any corrections or additions. May meeting minutes approved as presented.  


Several coloring contest entries turned in. 

Treasurers Report:  

Checking balance as of June 28, 2024: $45,030.76 

Saving Balance: $25.00 

Combined Total: $45,055.76 


Agent Report:

Presented in person by Rose Malisani. Rose introduced the new 4-H agent Jennifer Volkmar. Jenn began July 1st and introductions were made to members present. Next week is the livestock show and sale along with congress in Bozeman – we have 10 kids going to congress. The horse show will be July 19-21 and then the state fair starts July 26 and runs through August 3.  

Ambassadors Report:

No report submitted. Their coloring contest is still going and can be turned into the office. They are making a sign-up sheet for shifts to work the 4-H area of the fair.  

Communications Report:

No report submitted. 

Foods and Nutrition Report:

Report by Fran Gossack. State fair contests are spread throughout the week.  

Sewing and Textiles Report:

Report by Fran Gossack. Baby blankets are still postponed.  

Record Book & Achievement:

No report submitted. Deadlines are coming up. Members should look into applying for record book awards. 

State Fair Planning Committee:

Report by Rose Malisani. Fair entry is due July 16th. State fair begins 7/26 and goes until 8/3 in the family living center. Club booth decorating will go from 7/23 – 7/25 in the evenings. The theme is ‘Back to Our Roots in Cowboy Boots’. 


Report by Keri Leggett. Tickets are available to be picked up at the extension. Some clubs have turned in their baskets already and they are on display in the entryway of the extension office. Basket themes were due to the office by June 30th and baskets, remaining tickets, and money are due to the office October 1st. We will decide on prizes for the top three ticket sellers. ***Ulm Pishkun was concerned about the cost on families to have to pay out of pocket for basket items. It was discussed that leader’s council could help with a financial contribution in the future.  


Ginger Murphy reported. Cascade County and Teton County Hose show is coming up July 19, 20, and 21st at the 406 Arena. Cascade County is also hosting the state horse show in September at the 406 Arena. They will be needing volunteers for a lot of things. They will help again at the MBSF Barrel racing at the end of September doing barrel setting and gates as a fundraiser. Lots of stuff for horse coming up.  


Brook Gerard reported. It is GO TIME!! Livestock show and sale is next week beginning Thursday with load in and weigh in from 12 – 7. Friday is market classes and the sale and then showmanship and round robin Saturday. Move out and clean-up will begin at 6 am Sunday. All animals will be leaving Sunday morning this year. Saturday will include a peewee and old goat contest as well followed by dinner and awards. Saturday evening will conclude with a dance.  


No report submitted. Shooting sports have wrapped up and record books are due to the office for judging by July 18th. 


No report submitted. $22,600.10 has been donated to the organization as a whole. We will need to redo the donor report. 

Unfinished Business 


New Business 


Managers will need to use the debit card during the fair. Udderly Fresh does not accept debit cards so we will need to have a check ready for them when they deliver the ice cream the 25th or 26th. We can pay 50% up front and settle up at the end of fair for the remaining balance.  

***Jill Skinner moved to approve a check for $4000 to Udderly Fresh for the ice cream. Sandy Harshaw-Irwin seconded the motion. All were in favor. MOTION CARRIED***  


Request to use the debit card to purchase lunch for the judges. Approved line item.  


Janet Smith proposed that we transfer some of the money on our checking to a CD so that it can generate some interest – possibly $20,000.  

Brook Gerard moved that Leaders Council invest up to $20,000 at a credit union with the best terms. Samaria Kirby seconded the motion. Discussion included looking into terms at other banks and checking rates and terms. All were in favor. ***MOTION CARRIED***  


Cascade County has 10 kids going to Congress. Six kids will need a ride on July 11th from Bozeman back to Great Falls Thursday morning for the livestock show. They have looked into renting a vehicle large enough to carry everyone. Hertz has a seven seater van for 3 days for $635.00.  

Fran moved to spend up to $700 to rent the van. Samaria seconded the motion. Discussion included Samaria offering to drive the kids in her vehicle. All were in favor. ***MOTION CARRIED*** 

For the Good of Order 

Running Free: They had Cinco de Mayo pot luck and went on a project tour. 

MT Sunsets: Their members are making blankets made from material left over from baby blankets. 


Meeting was adjourned at 7:11 pm. 


Next Meeting will be held on September 10, 2024 at 6:00 pm at MSU Extension Office and Web-ex.  


Submitted by Jill Skinner 


Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order by President Keri Leggett at 6:05 pm. Leaders and members in attendance included:

  • Council Members: President Keri Leggett (Great Divide), Vice President Brenda Canine (Great Divide), Secretary Jill Skinner (Great Divide), Treasurer Janet Smith (Running Free)
  • Ulm Pishkun: Leann Murphy
  • Montana Sunsets: Fran Gossack  
  • Running Free: N/A                        
  • Big Sky Explorers: Linsey Daly, Sally Daly                         
  • Trouble Shooters: N/A
  • Great Divide: Drew Skinner
  • Creative Clovers: Ashley Adkins, Tally Adkins
  • Circle S: N/A 
  • Eden Livestock: Jill Mackey, Leah Mackey
  • Tiger Butte: N/A                                                                            
  • Highwood Hustlers: N/A
  • Chestnut Valley: N/A
  • MSDB: N/A
  • Non-assigned: N/A
  • Extension Agents: Rose Malisani


Rose led the pledges.

Secretary’s Report:

President Keri Leggett gave everyone a minute to read through the March meeting minutes. Keri asked for any corrections or additions. March meeting minutes approved as presented.


Thank you card from the Great Falls Food Bank for the 140 lbs. of food that were donated.

Treasurers Report:

Checking balance as of May 12, 2024: $47,629.10

Saving Balance: $25.00               

Combined Total: $47,654.10


  • Agent Report: Presented in person by Rose Malisani. May 1 was the add/drop date for projects. There are currently 309 active members and 79 adult leaders. 62 campers are signed up for camp; sign up ends May 13th. There was a lot of damage to the road, bathrooms, and a boy’s cabin from the storm. Work is being done to fix all issues. July 9-12 is 4-H Congress in Bozeman. July 11-13 is the Cascade County Livestock Show and Sale – catalogs available mid-June. July 19 – working ranch horse/packing with Teton County. July 20 – Cascade County Horse Show. July 21 – Horse Fun day. July 26 – 8/3 – State Fair in the Family Living Center – there will be a sign up sent out to work shifts during fair hours. Agent interviews will be this May 15th. Doyon twins were featured on MT 4-H and podcast Voices of Montana.
  • Ambassadors Report:Report submitted by Kyree Morrison. They held the leader’s appreciation event on April 28th from 2-4 at the Paddock Club at the expo park. They had about 50 leaders attend and Matt Rains spoke to the group. They had a great turn out and served desserts at the event. Ambassadors are currently planning 4-H camp.
  • Communications Report: No report submitted.
  • Foods and Nutrition Report:Report submitted by Fran Gossack. Nothing on last project day.
  • Sewing and Textiles Report: Report submitted by Fran Gossack. Made potholders on last project day. Baby blankets were cancelled – the fabric has already been purchased. The Fashion Show and Quilt review was held in April and members got blue ribbons qualifying them for Congress.
  • Record Book & Achievement: No report submitted. Livestock project books are due June 25th and shooting sports due July 6th.
  • State Fair Planning Committee: Report submitted by Rose Malisani. Theme for the fair this year will be ‘Back to our roots in our cowboy boots’. Due date for fair entries is July 15th. 4-H will be in the pavilion this year due to poor conditions of the other building. Janet Smith and Samaria Kirby will be the ice cream booth managers.
  • GREEN CLOVER FUNDRAISER:  Report submitted by Keri Leggett. The Green Clover raffle flyers and informational posters are ready to be sent out. Clubs need to submit themes by June 30th. Printing cost for 5000 tickets at Advanced Litho will be about $530.
  • Jill Skinner moved to approve up to $600.00 for printing costs. Brenda Canine seconded the motion. Discussion included asking if we could print more tickets if needed – yes. Motion was approved, all in favor ***MOTION PASSED
  • HORSE LEADERS REPORT: Leanne Murphy reported. Horse camp was May 3-4 with a Kentucky Derby theme. They had 40 kids from Cascade, Liberty, and Teton County attended the event. Working Ranch Horse and the county horse show will be July 19 and 20 and a fun day on the 21st. Never sweat Ranch is hosting Ranch practice the 1st Monday in June. Kings arena is hosting horse show practice. State horse show will be in Vaughn in September.
  • LIVESTOCK LEADERS REPORT: Jill Mackey reported. County Livestock show will be July 11, 12, and 13. They are working on sponsorships and are pulling in $3800 right now. Foundation is helping with the building fee. Courtney Claremont has been helping with some workshops. Junior Livestock leaders have prizes this year. Taking cows to Tizer meats; small animals going to Glacier County Co-op. The small animal weigh in was last Saturday and had a good turnout.
  • SHOOTING SPORTS COMMITTEE: No report submitted. Met last week for monthly meeting; shotgun is currently going. Mitsuru went to the National shoot qualifier.
  • SPONSORSHIP:No report submitted. 1996 4-H member Holly Kessler donated $5000; to be divided as $2500 to Leaders Council split between camp and ice cream booth; $1250 to shooting sports; and $1250 to Foundation.

Unfinished Business


Previously, a request for assistance to purchase shotguns for shooting sports in the amount of $900. Leaders Council requested more information (cost, specifics) however Samaria was not present at this meeting to present. $1250 has been donated to shooting sports from Kessler’s. Brenda moved to table to the request until the July meeting. Leanne Murphy seconded the motion – all in favor – MOTION PASSED.

New Business


The 4-H camp nurse has requested a larger medication storage box that can be locked for camp. Prices on Amazon range from $60 - $100. Brenda Canine moved to approve $100 for a new medication box. Sally Daly seconded the motion. All were in favor – MOTION PASSED.

For the Good of Order

  • Ambassadors: They are holding a coloring contest that will be judged and prizes awarded per age group.
  • Ulm: They cleaned and planted flowers at the cemetery. They also cleaned and painted the U on the Ulm hill.
  • Running Free: They had Cinco de Mayo pot luck and went on a project tour, and they will be going fishing in June.
  • Creative Clovers: They went to Central Avenue Meats and Fish Wildlife and Parks; had a pizza party and they are having each member enter one project in the fair.
  • Big Sky Explorers: May Day baskets were rescheduled due to illness. They enjoyed their ice cream party and they have 10 members going to camp.
  • Great Divide: Had a lot of great demonstrations at the last meeting including animals, piano, basketball, and science.
  • Eden Livestock – They cleaned up the cemetery and have been taking care of Eden Hall inside and out. They have 5 new members so they are helping them with record books. Courtney Claremont has been helping kids with judging lessons.


Meeting was adjourned at 7:13 pm.


Next Meeting will be held on July 2, 2024 at 6:00 pm at MSU Extension Office and Web-ex.


Submitted by Jill Skinner


Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order by President Keri Leggett at 6:01 pm.


Leaders and members in attendance included:

Council Members: President Keri Leggett (Great Divide), Vice President Brenda Canine (Great Divide), Secretary Jill Skinner (Great Divide), Treasurer Janet Smith (Running Free)

Ulm Pishkun: Sandy Harshaw-Irvin, Kyree Morrison, Justine Marchion, Leann Murphy

Montana Sunsets: Fran Gossack                                            

Running Free: Greta Graft                         

Big Sky Explorers: Linsey Daly, Sally Daly

Trouble Shooters: Samaria Kirby

Great Divide: Drew Skinner

Highwood Hustlers: N/A

Circle S: N/A

Eden Livestock: N/A

Tiger Butte: Vicki Johnson, Wendy Newman, Reagan Jassen

Creative Clovers: N/A

Chestnut Valley: Misty Ayers, Juliet Pieper, Nichole Pieper, Harper Pieper, Maysa Standley     


Non-assigned: Ken Roberts

Extension Agents: Rose Malisani


Samaria Kirby led the pledges.

Secretary’s Report:

President Keri Leggett gave everyone a minute to read through the January meeting minutes. Keri asked for any corrections or additions. January meeting minutes approved as presented.


No correspondence.

Treasurers Report:

Checking balance as of March 12, 2024: $58,454.73

Saving Balance: $25.00               

Combined Total: $58,479.73


Agent Report:

Presented in person by Rose Malisani. Project day was full with 81 kids participating in baking hand pies, horse packing, and Cloverbuds. May 1st is the last day to add/drop a project. There have been 2 applications for the agent position so they are opening it back up to get more applications. Katrin will be helping with Foundation, cooking, and sewing and Rose will help with Leaders Council, Horse, and livestock. Registration for 4-H camp opens April 1st on Z Suites; teen leaders are busy planning camp. Rec Lab will take place in Boulder this year and registration is open on Z Suites.

Ambassadors Report:

Report submitted by Kyree Morrison. They made ice cream floats with Cloverbuds for project day. Their canned food drive is complete. There is a leader’s appreciation event coming up April 28th from 2-4 at the Paddock Club at the expo park.

Communications Report:

No report submitted.

Foods and Nutrition Report:

Report submitted by Fran Gossack. Katrin is helping with foods and nutrition and Sandy helped at the last project day making hand pies.  

Sewing and Textiles Report:

Report submitted by Fran Gossack. Every project day has had sewing kids. Last project day they made patterns. May project day they will be making baby blankets.

Record Book & Achievement:

No report submitted.

State Fair Planning Committee:

Report submitted by Rose Malisani. Spoke with Susan Shannon from the fair grounds and told her we will not go back to the Harvest building unless repairs are made so they will need to find a different location for 4-H during fair week. They are still looking for fair superintendents and will be looking over the book tomorrow. Future goal is to have the fair be a county show that includes the horse show along with the livestock show.   


Report submitted by Keri Leggett. Committee met this past weekend and decided to rebrand from the Green Tie Affair to the Green Clover raffle. Info will be sent out to club leaders at the end of March. We will do raffle baskets like in 2020 as the raffle made just as much as the gala with much lesson time and planning. Every club will be required to put together 1 basket per 15 club members with a minimum basket total of $100. Baskets will be themed and ideas for baskets need to be submitted by June. Tickets will be 1 for $5 or 5 for $20.  Members will be required to sell 1 book of tickets.


No report submitted. Leaders met last Tuesday and are planning for horse camp in May 3-4 with a Kentucky Derby theme. There will be food, hats, and a variety of classes for the kids including packing, starting horses and branding. They are also lining up judges for the county horse show July 19 and 20. They have moved working ranch horse to Friday and the county show to Saturday. They are also inviting neighboring counties with smaller groups to join the show.


No report submitted. County Livestock show will be July 11, 12, and 13. Members needing Livestock Quality Assurance will need to take it at the April project day.  Intent to enter dates is coming up for all animals. Courtney Claremont is helping with project days.


Report submitted by Samaria Kirby. 22 rifle and pistol finished up. State entries: 8 – archery, 1 air pistol, 2 22 pistol, 1 22 rifle. Shotgun begins in April and hunting and western heritage begin in March.



No report submitted. The Greg Gould Memorial scholarship is new and being sponsored by the family. Horse and Livestock just sent out their sponsorship letters.


Unfinished Business


The gun raffle ends this Wednesday with the drawing taking place on Friday. The raffle should bring in approximately $4600 to spend on shotguns; $1500 is reserved for Western Heritage purchases. 

NRA and Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation grants are due in the fall. John Gagnon has submitted a grant request to the Safari Club.

Currently they have 3 shotguns; they have the funds for one more totaling 4 shotguns for 19 kids signed up. 4 kids bring their own shotgun from home.  10 kids can shoot at one time.

After discussion, this item has been TABLED and Leader’s Council is requesting more information including tangible options so they can see exactly what shooting sports is looking at purchasing before approving this request.


New Business

No New Business.

For the Good of Order

  • Ulm: They are collected over 2000 diapers and donated them to Echo’s and the receiving home. Several members went skiing Friday. They finished stuffing the 4000 eggs for Easter
  • Running Free: They made cupcakes for Hospice care staff. They are also going ice fishing as a group activity.
  • Trouble Shooters: Helped make cards for Meals on Wheels.
  • Big Sky Explorers: They enjoyed the pizza party they won. They made Valentines for Meals on Wheels. They were will appreciated and they will be doing May Day baskets for them as well.
  • Great Divide: They helped make valentines for the Meals on Wheels program.
  • Chris Canine will be doing a 3-D printing project at project day and it may turn onto an independent study project if members are interested.


Meeting was adjourned at 6:55 pm.


Next Meeting will be held on May 14, 2024 at 6:00 pm at MSU Extension Office and Web-ex.


Submitted by Jill Skinner


Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order by President Keri Leggett at 6:02 pm.


Leaders and members in attendance included: 
Council Members: President Keri Leggett (Great Divide), Vice President Brenda Canine (Great Divide), Secretary Jill Skinner (Great Divide), Treasurer Janet Smith (Running Free)

Ulm Pishkun: Sandy Harshaw-Irvin, Kyree Morrison, Seth Juhl, Brook Gerard

Montana Sunsets: N/A          

Running Free: Greta Graft  

Big Sky Explorers: Erin, Emilia, and Elizabeth Doyon  

Trouble Shooters: Samaria Kirby

Great Divide: Drew Skinner    

Highwood Hustlers: N/A

Circle S: Shantel Herman    

Eden Livestock: N/A

Creative Clovers: Ashley Adkins    

Tiger Butte: N/A

Chestnut Valley: Misty Ayers, Will Ayers, Jacob Ayers, Juliet Pieper, Nichole Pieper, Harper Pieper 


Non-assigned: Ken Roberts  

Extension Agents: Allyssa Peak


Seth Juhl led the pledges.

Secretary’s Report

President Keri Leggett gave everyone a minute to read through the November meeting minutes. Keri asked for any corrections or additions. November meeting minutes approved as presented. 


No correspondence.

Treasurers Report: 

Checking balance as of January 9, 2024: $56,847.84
Saving Balance: $25.00  
Combined Total: $56,872.84


Agent Report:

Report submitted by Allyssa Peak. Enrollment a.o. 12/21: 297 active youth members 66 active volunteers 3 pending youth members 14 pending volunteers Horse Project Enrollment: 54 youth Livestock Project Enrollment: 146 youth Shooting Sports Project Enrollment: 79 youth

Office Closure: The Extension Office will be closed on Monday, January 15 and Monday, February 19.

Camp Junior Director Applications are open on ZSuite. Youth must be 13 years old as of October 1, 2023 to apply to be a JD. Please let me or Steve Perry know if you would like to serve as a camp chaperone (must be certified 4-H volunteer).

New 4-H Family Orientation registration is open on ZSuite for the February 15 event. Encourage new families to register. There are still workshop slots open for Project Days. Let me know if you would like to teach a workshop. Committee chairs, please get me your reports by the 20th of every even month.

Russell Country Federal Credit Union now offers special accounts for 4-H members including checking and savings. The debit card has a clover on it.

Ambassadors Report:

Report submitted by Kyree Morrison. Ambassadors have been up to a lot this December. On December 9th we had project- days. We colored some Santa ornaments; we also decorated cookies and played a bunch of super fun games. On Sunday December 10th Seth, Kyree and Blake went to Circle S clubs meeting and Christmas party. We helped with the games and cleaning up afterwards.

Communications Report:

Report submitted by Allyssa Peak.  Registration for the Communications Contest is open on ZSuite. The event will take place on Thursday, January 25. Registration closes on January 15. Let me know if you would like to serve as a judge for this event.

Foods and Nutrition Report:

Report submitted by Fran Gossack. December 11, 2023 Project featured a Cake Decorating workshop by Brenda Canine. Sandy Harshaw-Irvin will lead a baking workshop at the January 13, 2024 Project Day. Foods Festival & Stir Ups Contests will be on February 7, 2024 and registration is open on Z Suites. Thirteen & older members may compete for a chance to go to Congress. Brenda Canine is willing to do more cake decorating workshops. 

Sewing and Textiles Report:

Report submitted by Fran Gossack. Four members and their Moms attended December 11, 2023 Project Day to sew a dish towel boa. Most at least got a good portion done & can finish later. One boa was completed after adapting the pattern to the amount of fabric. If anyone has ideas for future workshops, we welcome ideas.

January 13, 2024 Project day is a Pillowcase from the project book. April 25, 2024 is the Fashion Revue & Quilt Show. Those over 13 years old could qualify for Congress.

Baby Blankets: Arrangements are being made to deliver the blankets made in 2023.May 11, 2024 Project Day will be our blanket sewing event. This serves as a community service project for all 4-H members, sewers & non-sewers. Adult mentors will be needed to help members sew, serge, use rotary cutters, etc. Qualified teen members may assist also. There may be additional sewing dates if there are enough requests. This event will help those award seeking members fulfill requirements.

Record Book & Achievement:

No report submitted. 

State Fair Planning Committee:

No report submitted. 


No report submitted. Committee will plan on meeting soon. 


No report submitted.

Planning for horse camp in May. It will take place Friday May 3rd and 4th.


No report submitted.

Beef weigh in was postponed to January 2th due to negative temperatures. They are busy lining up and planning the livestock show. There are 76 pigs, 20 lambs, 15 goats. Sponsorship letter will go out next month. 


Report submitted by Samaria Kirby. We have finished up with Air Rifle and Air pistol. We had 3 kids go to Lewis and Clark Invitational in Air Pistol with 2 of them placing in the top 5. We had 2 kids go in air rifle with one placing in the top 10. 

We currently have 57 ids shooting in archery, which started December 4th. We had 8 kids go to the Lewis and Clark Invitational and we brought home 9 awards. 
We are currently getting ready for our County Invitational on February 17th. We are looking for members and parents who would like to help work the tournament.

We started .22 rifle January 9 with 6 kids signed up for practice. We will go until February 27th. We started .22 pistol on Thursday January 11 and we have 9 kids enrolled in the project.


No report submitted. Received a sponsorship from Taylors Automax.

Unfinished Business


Janet Smith: Sandy Harshaw-Irwin moved to approve the budget as present. Samaria Kirby seconded the motion. All were in favor. *** MOTION CARRIED

New Business


Samaria Kirby: Shooting sports has requested that Leaders Council consider matching donated money raised to purchase shotguns for the shooting sports program. There are currently 19 kids this year; 4 members use their own shotguns. The shooting sports committee has purchased 3 shotguns and they need at least 3 more. They have the budget to purchase one shotgun currently. If they purchase a shotgun like the one they already have that can adjust between ages of the shooter, it will cost $1800. They have a donation of $1500 already dedicated to purchasing a shotgun. 
Discussion included applying for other grants including the NRA, Boone & Crockett, and the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation. Shooting sports will look into pricing options of shotguns; lower cost shotguns to buy more of them at once and will present at the March meeting. Shotgun begins in April.

For the Good of Order


They are collecting diapers and donating them to Echo’s and the receiving home. The member that guesses how many diapers they collect will win a prize. They have also begun stuffing the 4000 eggs for Easter 

Running Free:

They will be decorating cookies and Valentines for Hospice care. They have been using the BAND app to communicate and really like it. 

Chestnut Valley:

They have been working on their My 4-H year book – one page per meeting and keeping them in a folder
Big Sky Explorers: They enjoyed the pizza party they won. They will be making Valentines for Meals on Wheels and are looking for other clubs to help. They need 370 Valentines. Great Divide and Chestnut Valley will help make them.

Great Divide:

They will be decoration Valentines for the nursing home as well as helping make them for the Meals on Wheels program.


Meeting was adjourned at 6:46 pm.

Next Meeting will be held on March 12, 2024 at 6:00 pm at MSU Extension Office and Web-ex. 

Submitted by Jill Skinner


Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order by President Keri Leggett at 6:04 pm. Leaders and members in attendance included:

Council Members:

President Keri Leggett (Great Divide), Secretary Jill Skinner (Great Divide), Treasurer Janet Smith (Running Free)

Ulm Pishkun:

Sandy Harshaw-Irvin, Kyree Morrison, Blake Leardini

Montana Sunsets:

Fran Gossack                                                                             

Running Free:


Big Sky Explorers:

Ryan, Kaylyn, Aidan, & Hannah Trebas                        

Trouble Shooters:


Great Divide:

Drew Skinner, Brenda Canine                                                      

Highwood Hustlers:


Circle S:

Shantel Herman                                                             

Eden Livestock:


Creative Clovers:

Ashley Adkins, Talmadge Adkins                                       

Tiger Butte:


Chestnut Valley:

Misty Ayers, Will Ayers, Rial McGregor, Hal McGregor, Juliet Pieper, Nichole Pieper, Sterling Bernes, Clara McKamey, Lane McKamey, Natalie McKamey, Ian McKamey, Isaac Edmondson, Allie Edmondson, Cassidy Cummings        


Cheri Luongo, Lucia Little                           

Extension Agents:

Allyssa Peak


Kyree Morrison led the pledges.

Secretary’s Report:

President Keri Leggett gave everyone a minute to read through the September meeting minutes. Keri asked for any corrections or additions. September meeting minutes approved as presented.


No correspondence.

Treasurers Report:

Checking balance as of November 11, 2023: $60,730.77

Saving Balance: $25.00               

Combined Total: $60,755.77

Pending bills include paying ice cream booth managers and $500 for achievement night pins.

Year net profit - $16,275.97


Agent Report:

Report submitted by Allyssa Peak. Enrollment as of 11/12: 267 active youth members, 59 active volunteers, 18 pending youth members, & 17 pending volunteers. Office Closure: The Extension Office will be closed on Thursday, November 23 for Thanksgiving. Committee chairs, please get me your reports by the 20th of every even month. Additional comments: 250 projects books have been ordered and are waiting to be packaged and shipped.

Ambassadors Report:

Report submitted by Allyssa Peak. This year’s Ambassador Team is Seth Juhl – Ulm Pishkun, President; Kyree Morrison – Ulm Pishkun, Leaders Council Rep.; Leann Murphy – Ulm Pishkun, Foundation Rep.; Blake Leardini – Ulm Pishkun, Publicity Chair; Kailey Boberg – Eden Livestock; & Tristen Short – Ulm Pishkun.  Additional comments by Kyree Morrison: Met Sunday at 2:00 and chose rolls and decided on their service project – canned food drive. Cloverbud project day: They had 15 out of the 35 Cloverbuds attend and made hand turkeys and played games.

Communications Report:

No report submitted. They are still looking for a chair for the communication contest and fair. Contact Allyssa if interested.

Foods and Nutrition & Sewing and Textiles Report:

Report submitted by Alyssa Peak. There will be a cake decorating workshop at the December 9 Project Day presented by Brenda Canine. The Foods Festival and Stir up Cooking Competition are scheduled for February 7. Sewing and cooking needs help for project days. She wants to do more sewing project days. Sewing had 9 kids on project day.

Record Book & Achievement:

No report submitted. Fran Gossack and Erin Doyon judged 10 record books submitted for awards.  Requirements changed and there was no essay required. Project book requirements have been updated.

State Fair Planning Committee:

No report submitted.


Tabled until 2024.


Report submitted by Wendy Newman. Approved the rule book for the new year.  Worked on the topics for Project Days for the rest of the year.  Discussed show schedule and possible date changes.  More will be discussed in December.  December Project day will be the helmet education along with ornament decorating.


No report submitted. New rules were approved at the last meeting. There will be no quota list this year. There are 14 kids in beef breeding this year. Club meeting attendance requirements have been put into place requiring livestock kids to attend 60% of their club meetings in order to show at the county show. Beef intent must be declared by January 3rd.


Report submitted by Samaria Kirby. Air rifle and air pistol have started. Archery will start in December with registration going out this month. Registration for hunting and western heritage will also go out this month for those interested. We are still looking for more instructors in all disciplines.



No report submitted. 


Unfinished Business

ACHIEVEMENT NIGHT AND PROJECT FAIR: Had a great turnout of 90 – 100 people. Potluck style dinner before awards were handed out. The building was a great fit and we will use it again in the future.


Vice president and secretary terms are up for election. Samaria Kirby agreed to run again and Brenda Canine volunteered to run. A vote was held and Brenda Canine was elected as new Vice President of Leaders Council.

There were no other volunteers to run for secretary so Jill Skinner agreed to remain secretary for another term. Keri Leggett motioned for Jill Skinner to be retained as secretary; Fran Gossack seconded the motion; all were in favor; MOTION CARRIED***

Sandy Harshaw-Irwin motioned to remove Samaria Kirby from the banking accounts and add Brenda Canine to the banking accounts and signature cards. Drew Skinner seconded the motion; all were in favor; MOTION CARRIED***

New Business


Janet reviewed the proposed budget and will meet with Allyssa to check some sections over.


No changes were needed this year therefore we will not be updating the bylaws this year.


They had 10 new families attend including 25 kids. Please help new families feel welcome in the new clubs they choose

For the Good of Order


They elected new officers, discussed fundraisers for the upcoming year and planned the Christmas party at the bowling alley.

Running Free:

They will be helping out at Helping Hands and collecting polar fleece blankets.

Eden Livestock:

They will be making Piñata’s for the clubs to have at their Christmas parties.

Big Sky Explorers:

They elected new officers and are going to do shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child.

Creative Clover:

Each family will take turn planning and leading a meeting.

Tiger Butte:

Had a potluck after the meeting in November.  Kids brought their record books and started them for the New Year.  Members are putting together food plates for the Belt Food bank to distribute with the Thanksgiving baskets.  The kids will assemble them after school and get them to the food bank.


Their fundraiser is collecting toys to donate to the receiving home.

Great Divide:

They elected new club officers and current president Nolan is helping create a club at Holy Spirit. They will also be having a Christmas party and decorating Christmas cards for the nursing homes at the next meeting.


Meeting was adjourned at 7:10 pm.


Next Meeting will be held on January 9, 2024 at 6:00 pm at MSU Extension Office and Web-ex.


Submitted by Jill Skinner


Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order by President Keri Leggett at 6:02 pm. Leaders and members in attendance included:

Council Members:

President Keri Leggett (Great Divide), Vice President Samaria Kirby (Trouble Shooters), Secretary Jill Skinner (Great Divide)

Ulm Pishkun:

Sandy Harshaw-Irvin, Kyree Morrison,

Running Free:


Montana Sunsets:

Fran Gossack

Great Divide:

Drew Skinner                                      

Big Sky Explorers:

Josephine Daly, Linsey Daly

Trouble Shooters:


Highwood Hustlers:


Circle S:

Jenny Rohrer                                                  

Eden Livestock:


Tiger Butte:

Wendy Newman                                  

Chestnut Valley:

Misty Ayers, Will Ayers            

Creative Clovers:

Ashley Adkins                             

Extension Agents:

Allyssa Peak


Samaria Kirby led the pledges.

Secretary’s Report:

President Keri Leggett gave everyone a minute to read through the July meeting minutes. Keri asked for any corrections or additions. July meeting minutes approved as presented.


No correspondence.

Treasurers Report:

Checking balance: $61,401.68

Saving Balance: $25.00


Ambassadors Report:

Report submitted by Allyssa Peak. More interest has been generated since congress so applications will be opened up to hopefully get more applicants. Ambassador will be helping with Cloverbud project day and will be planning a service project soon.

Agent Report:

Report submitted by Allyssa Peak. Reminder Leaders orientation is due September 30th. Next in person training is September 14th. Enrollment opens on October 1. I will be sending out an email with enrollment instructions at the end of September. I have had many people reach out about enrolling their children, and we had a lot of people request information about joining during the state fair. The first New Family Orientation will be on October 30 at the Extension Office. The second orientation will be in February. The planning has started for Project Days. They will be on the second Saturday this year. Let me know if you would like to lead a Project Day workshop. A reminder that I have taken over 4-H horse and livestock responsibilities so all questions regarding any aspect of the 4-H program now come to me.

Communications Report:

Report submitted by Allyssa Peak. They are looking for a chair for the communication contest. Contact Allyssa if interested. There will be one night of the Communications Contest this year instead of the traditional 2. It is scheduled for January 22 with the makeup scheduled for February 7.

Foods and Nutrition & Sewing and Textiles Report:

Report submitted by Allyssa Peak. The Foods Festival and Stir Up Cooking Competition are scheduled for February 7. Sewing and cooking needs help for project days. She wants to do more sewing project days. She is looking into fabric for baby blankets – hoping to place one big order.

Record Book & Achievement:

Report submitted by Allyssa Peak. There were 15 record books submitted for awards. Achievement night will be held October 22nd. Fran Gossack and Erin Doyon have volunteered to serve as co-chairs of the committee. The committee will meet in September to choose special achievement and memorial award winners.

State Fair Planning Committee:

Report submitted by Allyssa Peak. I am looking for 1-2 people to serve as State Fair Superintendents. Superintendents help me to plan for the 4-H portion of the State Fair, work shifts in the 4-H building at the State Fair and help run and organize the 4-H judging at the State Fair. This is a paid position.


Tabled until 2024.


No report submitted. Met last week and went over all of the events and education held over the year; planning new ideas for 23/24 years. They are trying to do more during the 2nd Saturday project days. Working ranch horse was held last weekend at the 406 arena and it went very well. They had 85 kids and 102 horses entered. MBHA Barrel Race has asked horse leaders to pull barrels again as a fundraiser – they need people to sign up for shifts to help pull the barrels and open gates. Horsey Halloween will be planned at the October meeting.


No report submitted. Met and went over the county show. The profit and loss are showing weird because of how the fiscal year fell within the timeframe of money coming in and going out. They are going to redo the budget to just show this year so they know if there is a profit or loss. They are also planning project days for the upcoming year. They are hoping to do something for livestock buyers this fall that would help them plan and prepare their budgets to support 4-h; some type of informational and educational gathering.


Report submitted by Samaria Kirby.

Air Rifle: registration opens October 1. Runs Oct. 24 – Dec. 12 on Tuesday nights from 6-7 pm at MRSA

Air Pistol: Registration opens October 1. Runs Oct 26 – Dec. 24 on Thursday nights from 4::30 – 6:00 pm at MRSA

Hunting: Registration opens October 1. Runs November – June once a month.

Western Heritage: Registration opens October 1. Dates TBD.

Archery: Registration Opens November. Runs December 4 – Feb 26 on Monday nights from 5:30/6:30/7:30 at Nazarene Church

22 Rifles: Registration Opens December. Runs January 9 – February 27 from 6:00 – 7:00 pm at MRSA

22 Pistol: Registration opens December. Runs January 18 – February 29 from 4:30 – 6:00 pm at MRSA

Shotgun: Registration opens March and runs from April – May.


No report submitted. We need to push sponsorship and donations on Facebook especially during 4-H week and consider doing a donation letter or email in the near future.


Unfinished Business


There is one deposit not on the report yet – approximately $2200 which will put potential profits between $17,000 and $19,000. Other counties have begun accepting debit and credit card payments so we will look into that for next year. Health Department is again saying they do not want us in the livestock building next year but they have said this for several years.

New Business


Hoping to hold a project fair the 2nd weekend in October. All projects and committees will be represented there to show what their project is all about. This would be for prospective members and new members. We can look into sending information out in Wednesday envelopes and announce on Star Radio and other radio stations.

Sandy Harshaw-Irwin made a motion to spend up to $300 for the open house. Samaria Kirby seconded the motion. There was no discussion. All were in favor – MOTION CARRIED***


Achievement night will be held at the family living building at the fairgrounds – time is TBD but most likely will be an afternoon social on October 22nd.

Discussion led to the decision to combine the project fair and achievement night. We are looking at starting the project fair a 1:00 and achievement night at 3:00. The budget will include the line item achievement night budget plus the $300 approved for the project far. Clubs can provide cookies, etc. for the project fair and clubs will sign up to bring pot luck dished for the achievement night portion.


Vice President and Secretary Positions are open for nominations and will be voted on at the November meeting.


Looking for committee members; will present at November meeting.


These are reviewed every year. Looking for committee members (Fran has volunteered).


Gala to be held October 27th.  The gala helps fund 4-H related trips to congress and national congress. They also do a lot of scholarships. We have been asked to put together a silent auction basket for the gala. Has to be ready by October 23rd for Allyssa to take to annual conference. A blanket has been donated for the basket.

Sandy Harshaw-Irwin motioned to approve $200 to spend on items for the basket. Samaria Kirby seconded the motion. No discussion; all were in favor – MOTION CARRIED***

For the Good of Order


They will be helping with the annual pancake supper for the Ulm fire department as their community service project.

Chestnut Valley:

They will be having a Halloween dance and costume party/fundraiser. More info to come.


They are going to make livestock members go to meetings to be able to participate.

Big Sky Explorers:

Britney Assmussen is the new leader for the club.

Creative Clover:

Ashley Adkins is the new leader for Creative Clovers.


Meeting was adjourned at 7:10 pm.


Next Meeting will be held on November 14th at 6:00 pm at MSU Extension Office and Web-ex.


Submitted by Jill Skinner


Orders of the Day

Call to Order

Keri Leggett

Roll Call

Leaders and members in attendance included:

Council Members:

President Keri Leggett (Great Divide), Treasurer Janet Smith (Running Free), Secretary Jill Skinner (Great Divide)

Ulm Pishkun:


Running Free:


Montana Sunsets:

Fran Gossack

Great Divide:

Drew Skinner                                      

Big Sky Explorers:

Brittney & Bret Asmussen

Trouble Shooters:


Highwood Hustlers:


Circle S:


Eden Livestock:


Tiger Butte:


Chestnut Valley:

Misty Ayers   

Creative Clovers:



Rose Malisani


Drew Skinner led the pledges.

Secretary’s Report:

President Keri Leggett gave everyone a minute to read through the May meeting minutes. Keri asked for any corrections or additions. Minutes approved as presented.


Thank you from Big Sky Explorers for the pizza party, Thank you from Bailey Herman for the Cascade 4-H scholarship – she will be attending Carrol College for Pre-med, and an invitation to the CM Russell Art Week March 14-16m 2024.

Treasurers Report:

Checking balance: $39,468.12

Saving Balance: $25.00

Can Janet set up online banking if it is possible to make tracking the account easier? YES, she can call and set it up with Montana Credit Union.


Ambassadors Report:

No report submitted. They are currently at Congress.

Agent Report:

No report submitted. Rose reported that she is going to Congress tomorrow to join our members. 4-H camp was a lot of fun. This week the swine, goats, sheep carcasses will be judged and transferred; next week beef carcass judging and transfer will take place. Montana State fair is fast approaching.

Communications Report:

No report submitted. Cheryl Knowles and Russ and Lori Miner will be fair contest judges for the communications contest.

Foods and Nutrition & Sewing and Textiles Report:

There are a lot of individual exhibits for the fair including cake decorating, food festival, and sewing entries. Fran is getting the judges.

Record Book & Achievement:

Due August 21st to club leaders. Breeding project books due August 1st. Achievement night – Allyssa will set up when she gets back from leave. Livestock and horse buckles awarded at the shows so it won’t take as long to hand out awards.

State Fair Planning Committee:

Coming together nicely with lots of lists to make sure everything gets done. Club exhibits will be roped off instead of having the building manned. Katrin will be right next door and Rose will be there daily and during contests. There will be a sign up if you would like to work a shift manning the building.


Tabled until 2024.


There is a clinic with Jan Larsen June 2-4th at the associated vets. County Horse show is July 21st and the Working Ranch horse with Teton County is July 22nd.


Marc King was judge. 29 beef, 11 goats, 17 lambs, and 56 pigs were sold. Total at sale: $445,797.50. Beef average was $6.67/lb., goat average was $14.80/lb., sheep average was $13.32, and Swine average was $ 9.90.


No report submitted. Record book s were due last week.


A lot has come in - livestock received around $10,000 for the show and horse has brought some in as well.

Unfinished Business


WENT GREAT and was a success and everyone had fun.

New Business


A list of shifts was sent out to all clubs; all clubs have signed up for shifts. Not sure how to cover the last shift from 7:30 to close on august 5th. Managers this year are Mike Matury, Janet Smith, and Samaria Kirby. Katrin met with the City County Health Department who are worried about the booth being in the barn. Booth in the barn has been approved for this year.


The dairy booth managers are requesting to use the debit card if they need anything bought during the shift. It was discussed and decided that Janet would be the one buying things so she will be the one to keep the debit card on her for use that week.


Requesting to use the debit card to buy food for judges – Jimmy Johns, waters, and cookies.

For the Good of Order

Great Divide:

Ended the year with a potluck/yard game party.

Chestnut Valley:

They held a dance for the community on May 6th and it went so well they may do another one in October.


Meeting was adjourned at 6:38 pm.


Next Meeting will be held on September 12th at 6:00 pm at MSU Extension Office and Web-ex.


Submitted by Jill Skinner



Call to Order:

The meeting was called to order by President Keri Leggett at 6:01 pm. Leaders and members in attendance included:

Council Members:

President Keri Leggett (Great Divide), Vice President Samaria Kirby (Trouble Shooters), Treasurer Janet Smith (Running Free), Secretary Jill Skinner (Great Divide)

Ulm Pishkun:

Sandy Harshaw-Irwin, Asher Nelson

Running Free:


Montana Sunsets:

Fran Gossack

Great Divide:


Big Sky Explorers:

Brittney & Bonnie Rasmussen (??)

Trouble Shooters:

Victoria Kirby                           

Highwood Hustlers:


Circle S:


Eden Livestock:


Tiger Butte:


Chestnut Valley:

Misty & Will Ayers, Harper Peiper      

Creative Clovers:



Allyssa Peak & Rose Malisani


Harper Peiper led the pledges.

Secretary’s Report:

President Keri Leggett gave everyone a minute to read through the March meeting minutes. Keri asked for any corrections or additions. Minutes approved as presented.



Treasurers Report:

Tabled – no report submitted.


Ambassadors Report:

No report submitted. Their last meeting was cancelled. They have been putting on project days for the Cloverbuds, including one last month led by Victoria and Seth. Seth will be the only ambassador returning next year. Considering opening it up for new applicants.

Agent Report:

See report submitted by Allyssa Peak

Communications Report:

No report submitted. There will be a communications contest at the fair.

Foods and Nutrition Committee:

No report submitted. They cooked lamb at the April project day with Katrin. In May they milked a goat and made cheese and ice cream.

Sewing and Textiles Committees:

See report submitted. She had 1 sewer at the last project day.

Record Book & Achievement:

See report.

State Fair Planning Committee:

See report. There is no superintendent for 4-h this year. Shifts will have to be covered so the building is always supervised. Building is open from 12 – 10 weekdays and 11 – 11 weekends.


No report. Jill Skinner moved to push Green Tie Affair discussion until 2024. Misty Ayers seconded the motion. All were in favor. ***MOTION PASSED.


Horse camp has 35 kids in attendance. There is a clinic with Jan Larsen coming up June 2-4th in Belt. County Horse show is July 21st and the Working Ranch horse is July 22nd. There will be working ranch horse practice in June.


Livestock Show and Sale coming up July 6-8 with the sale occurring July 7th. Livestock entries are on Z Suites and due June 2nd. Catalog entries also due June 2nd. Weigh in this Saturday – sign up on Z Suites

**Message Brook Gerard if you would like to receive a link to virtually attend the horse or livestock meeting.


No report submitted. Shotgun opens April 6th. Archery, pistol, and rifle are done for the year. Western Heritage is finishing up. Hunting has 2 months left. They will be filling traps this weekend for the tournament as a fundraiser.


See report.

Unfinished Business

CAMP: Planning went well, there are 60 kids going and registration ends MAY 14th on Z Suites. 

New Business


Allyssa will be out on maternity leave once the baby comes. Rose will be stepping back into the Ag side of the office and Allyssa will be taking over horse, livestock, and animal projects.  

For the Good of Order

Ulm Pishkun:

Painting the U, Cleaning Joe’s trail, received $100 grant from Farmers Union, cleaning the cemetery and planting flowers at the post office.

Running Free

Applied for and received the Farmers Union $100 grant. They will be donating to the Royal Kids Foster program. Bought towels and tie dyed them.


Planting flowers at the Church of Nazarene. 

Chestnut Valley:

They held a dance for the community on May 6th. All clubs and community were invited. They had tacos, 50/50, and dancing. Great turnout and $720 was raised for the club. They also received the $100 Farmers Union Grant.


Allyssa presented her SPARK presentation at the end of the meeting.


Meeting was adjourned at 6:32 pm.


Next Meeting will be held on July 11th at 6:00 pm at MSU Extension Office and Web-ex.


Submitted by Jill Skinner

Submitted Committee Reports

Agent Report:

Enrollment: a.o. 4.26.23 320 Active Youth Members 73 Active Volunteer Leaders 8 Pending Youth Members 8 Pending Volunteer Leaders Committee Reports All committee reports are due to me by the 20th of each even month. Submitting reports makes the secretary’s job easier. They also allow you to report on your committee if you are unable to make it to the meeting. Maternity Leave Just a reminder that while I am on maternity leave, Rose will be the agent in charge of all of 4-H. Report Submitted By: Allyssa Peak

Ambassador Report:

No report submitted.

Communications Report:

No report submitted.

Foods and Nutrition Report:

No report submitted.

Sewing and Textiles Report:

4 youth participated in the Fashion/Sewing Revue and 3 participated in the Quilt Show on April 20. Report Submitted By: Allyssa Peak

Record books and Achievement Report:

Fran Gossack and Erin Doyon have volunteered to serve as co-chairs of the committee. The committee will meet in September to choose special achievement and memorial award winners. Record Book packets will be available to pick up from the Extension Office in August. Watch for an email from Jody about packets. Award nominated Record Books are due to the Extension Office by September 1. Report Submitted by: Allyssa Peak

State Fair Planning:

Copies of the State Fair Premium Book at the Extension Office. State Fair registration will open May 1 on FairEntry. Families received an email with instructions on how to register for the State Fair. We will need help in the Harvest Building this year watching projects. Any ideas on how to go about this? Report Submitted by: Allyssa Peak

Green Tie Affair Planning:

No report submitted.


$50 donated to State Fair Awards by Frank and Nichole Peiper. So far this year, $35,546.00has been donated to the Cascade County 4-H program. Report Submitted By: Allyssa Peak

Horse Leaders:

No Report Submitted.

Livestock Leaders:

No Report Submitted.

Shooting Sports Leaders Committee Report:

No Report Submitted.



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