2024 State Award Recipients

Bonnie Radke 

From Gallatin County in Leadership

Bonnie has helped plan 4-H events in their county for 3 years, such as Parent’s Night Out, and has continued to expand and reimagine their leadership project to challenge themselves. While their involvement in 4-H has extended far beyond the leadership project, the foundation this project has built for them is undeniable. 

Wade Bekkedhal

From Yellowstone County in Welding

Wade began welding in 2020, and has found it to be a life skill and preparation for the workforce. In their 4 years in this project, they built their welding skills and continued to challenge themselves yearly by finding more challenging and technical pieces.


Mattie Oostema

From Gallatin Count in Poultry

Mattie has been working with poultry since 2014. They have played a key part in educating and promoting 4-H to young minds in Gallatin County over the years, and are passionate about informing others about the part that chickens play in agriculture. 

Stella Duran

From Lewis & Clark County in Leadership

Stella has been in the Teen Leadership project for 4 years. They have served as a county ambassador, an advocate for the 4-H program, and has been an integral part of Lewis and Clark county 4-H. 

Lina Sturman

From Lake County in Dog

Lina has been part of the dog project since 2020. They understand that there is noreplacement for the dedication of showing up week after week, year after year, and giving your dog your undivided attention. Please help me welcome Lina Sturman (Ster-men) of Lake County to the stage.

Laney Jensen

From Missoula County in Beef

Laneyhas been a part of the Beef project for 3 years. They have progressed from just wanting to do well in showmanship to expanding their project to breeding heifers and beyond. They has also been an advocate for their local 4-H program, by promoting fair and other events.

Ariel Petersen

From Yellowsone County in Textiles

Arielstarted the sewing project when they were 9. They have served as a camp counselor, as a county ambassador, and they make baby blankets for the Northern Cheyenne Midwife Clinic.