Faculty/staff mailboxes and Office Supplies:

Most faculty and staff have mailboxes in the buildings that house their offices.  Be prepared for some shifting to occur in where you'll find your box due to re-alphabetizing every year.  For example:

  • Reid Hall Education faculty and staff have mailboxes in Room 222 (workroom).
  • Reid Hall HHD faculty and staff have mailboxes in Room 327 (workroom)
  • Herrick Hall HHD faculty and staff have mailboxes in Room 215 (workroom)
  • Hoseaus Fitness Center HHD faculty and staff have mailboxes in the HHD Advising Office suite, Room 121.
  • Faculty housed in other buildings should consult their department head regarding their mailbox.

Office supplies and sundries (paperclips, batteries) are available in each of these workrooms.  Check with the EHHD Business Operations ManagerBecky Stanton for help with these.


Faculty and most staff have access to the use of the print/copy/scan machines in their workrooms.  Contact your Business Operations Manager (BOM) for a code to use the relevant printer, and contact UIT (ehhdithelp@montana.edu) for help loading a connection to that printer onto your computer.  To avoid confusion among multiple printing jobs, generally you will set your computer to delay physical printing until you are at the printer and entering your code and requesting the machine to print the items you've sent.

Seminar and Work Rooms

When you sign up for an office key, ask your BOM if you can have access to certain seminar rooms in your building. Usually this access will be combined with a key to your relevant workroom.

Seminar Rooms Scheduling

For scheduling seminar rooms in Reid, please contact the EHHD staff at 406-994-4133. 

Scheduling seminar rooms in Herrick or other HHD buildings, please contact Milana Lazetich at 994-3241.

If you're wondering whether a space is available at a certain time, you can check this using the Ad-Astra Calendar (it might take a little training).

Options for Covering Expenses

If you do not yet have a Purchasing Card (P-card, normally issued when you have on-going grants), you can ask your BOM to order something for you.  Alternatively you can pay for something up front and then use and sign forms with your BOM to be reimbursed.