In addition to simply completing your required coursework, progressing through the Teacher Education Program and obtaining your teaching license entails several additional required steps. This table lists these requirements and when you'll need to complete them. Please contact the Education Advising Center or the Office of Field Placement and Licensure for more information.


What to do
When to do it
Submit a background check to the Office of Field Placement and Licensure
Concurrently with EDU 222/223, or prior to field work in EDU 331 or EDU 370

Apply to the Teacher Education Program:

  • Must have background check on file
  • Must agree to abide by the Department of Education’s Professional Competencies & Dispositions
  • Must have minimum 3.0 GPA in all teaching majors/minors/options
By February 15 or October 15 of the semester prior to starting practicum (EDP) and/or methods (EDM) courses
Attend a practicum information session
The semester prior to your first practicum
Complete your practicum and methods courses
Prior to student teaching; note that these courses may be fall- or spring-only, depending on your major or minor
Attend a student teaching information session

The last week of classes, two semesters prior to student teaching

Take the Praxis exam (one for your major and another for each additional endorsement)

For students in the 2023-24 and subsequent catalogs, the Praxis must be successfully completed prior to the start of their student teaching semester--see for more information. 

Apply to student teach:

Near (or just before) the start of term  prior to student teaching. 

Apply to graduate:

By March 1 or October 1 of the semester prior to student teaching
Attend a Final Student Teaching Meeting

The last week of classes of the semester prior to student teaching

Complete your student teaching placement
Final semester of college

Apply for a Montana teaching license

  • We strongly recommend that all graduates apply for a Montana teaching license, even if they intend to leave the state, as it is much easier to navigate other states' licensure processes if you already have a Montana license
After graduation