
The Mary Edsall McLaughlin Award offers students and faculty an opportunity to follow their imagination through research and travel and experience something fresh and different, inspiring creativity. This grant's goal—and the challenge—is to give recipients great latitude in determining the processes, goals, and outcomes of the support. Past grants have prioritized travel and exploration; curiosity and innovation, as they apply to materials, works and performances; and activities that embrace calculated and productive risk-taking. The area of focus is up to you. There are no restrictions in what you can see, research or experience. The award may cover travel, admission to museums, and room and board, among other areas of research support.


  • This award is open to graduate students, undergraduate students of at least sophomore status, and all tenure-track faculty in the School of Art and the School of Architecture.  Non-tenure-track faculty are not eligible.
  • Applicants who have received this award within the past two years will be assigned a lower priority, as will continued funding for a project that has already received funding through this source.

Award Amounts

Up to $3,000.00 *

Application Information

All applications must be submitted using the online application portal and should include:

  • Project Summary
  • Concise project description and completion timeline.
  • Detailed and accurate budget *
  • Outline of the research deliverable that these funds will support.
  • Signed letter of support from a co-applicant, if applicable.


Applications will be reviewed on the following dates:

  • October 15, 2024
  • March 20, 2025


Applications' merit rankings are determined at the college level by a committee of prior recipients and the Associate Dean of the College. Based on the committee’s work, the Dean of the College of Arts and Architecture approves final decisions regarding recipients. 


  • Submission of a final report, due within 30 days of completion of activities associated with grant funding, including:
  • A narrative description of your experience and findings.
  • Visual documentation such as sketches and photos to be shared with the Dean’s Office and later forwarded by the Dean’s Office to the McLaughlin Family.  
  • A one-page thank you / donor acknowledgment letter addressed to the McLaughlin Family.
  • A student recipient must complete the approved project before completing the degree; any portion of the award unused by the date of graduation shall be forfeited.

  • A faculty recipient must complete the approved project by the date indicated in the award letter (no more than one year); any portion of the award unused by that date shall be forfeited.

  • Funding requests cannot include course buyouts, or materials for course use (teaching), assignment/course materials and supplies, thesis support, or service projects.


This program is sponsored and funded by The McLaughlin Family in Memory of Mary Edsall McLaughlin.