Two young women look over an assignment on a computer.

English – Writing 

The writing option for students who wish to specialize in the study and practice of a wide range of writing, including creative, professional and scholarly work, in preparation for professional writing careers or graduate study.

Writing – B.A. in English, Writing Emphasis

Students in the English Writing program at Montana State are expected to become skilled readers and writers through the study of language and literature. This option is also ideal for students who wish to double-major both in writing and another academic field. The study of literature and effective writing is useful in the areas of publishing, journalism, creative media and many other fields as various industries continue to seek people who are exceptionally literate and articulate.

The English major at Montana State offers two other Options Within a Major: Literature and English Teaching.



An illustration of a head in profile, a light bulb illuminating the head.

A Legacy of Excellence
Graduates from Montana State’s English program have gone on to become New York Times bestselling authors and editors of major magazines.

An illustration of a book, pages fluttering open.

The Writing Center
The MSU Writing Center offers students free support for assignments, exam preparation and even resume writing.

An illustration of a business graph, its trending line pointed upward.

Top Public University in Montana
According to the Forbes list of America's Top Colleges, Montana State is the No. 1 Public University in the state based on value, post-graduation salary and student experience.



Career Resources

Within their first year of graduation, more than 96% of Montana State graduates are employed, continuing their education or not seeking employment, and career guidance website Zippia consistently ranks MSU as the #1 school in the state where alumni are most likely to land jobs.

Career Coaching & Professional Skills Studio

Professional career coaches help students with their career exploration, employer networking opportunities and job or internship searches. They also critique resumes and help students practice job interviews. Additionally, the Allen Yarnell Center for Student Success offers free workshops for students to develop the professional communication and collaboration skills that are highly sought after by employers.


English – Writing students at Montana State University go into careers such as:

  • Journalism
  • Public Relations
  • Publishing
  • Film
  • New Media

To explore more career possibilities, the Allen Yarnell Center for Student Success has a variety of tools available [BROKEN LINK] , including self-assessment and working with career coaches.